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Новости за 10.11.2017

Marine drill instructor gets 10-year sentence for abusing recruits

Stars and Stripes 

A Marine Corps drill instructor was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison for choking, punching or otherwise tormenting recruits, especially three Muslims — one of whom ultimately killed himself by leaping down a stairwell.

At 103, Kermit Dyke is the oldest living graduate of West Point

Stars and Stripes 

Kermit Dyke's family history of service spans more than 100 years, from his grandfather, a Union soldier in the Civil War, to his son, also a West Point graduate, who is a retired major, and extends to his father-in-law and brothers-in-law, who also served.

They were rescued from war; now South Sudan's child soldiers are going back

Stars and Stripes 

In Pibor, the former boy fighters have joined a constellation of groups — the military, rebel groups, ethnic militias and others — in a conflict that has devolved into one of the world's gravest humanitarian crises. On a spreadsheet, aid workers in Pibor write next to their names: "re-recruited."

Talking tough on trade, Trump pushes 'America first' in Asia

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President Donald Trump stood before a summit of Asian leaders keen on regional trade pacts and delivered a roaring "America first" message Friday, denouncing China for unfair trade practices just a day after he had heaped praise on President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

After Islamic State collapse, Syrian government faces US-backed Kurds

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With the fall of the Islamic State group's last significant stronghold in Syria, Iranian and Russian-backed Syrian troops now turn to face off with their main rival, the U.S.-backed forces holding large oil fields and strategic territory in the country's north and east.

Trump, Putin shake hands at summit in Vietnam

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President Donald Trump and Russia's Vladimir Putin have shaken hands at a summit in Vietnam. Trump and Putin were expected to hold a formal meeting on the sidelines of the summit. But as Trump was about to land on Friday, the White House announced no meeting would take place.

Microfishing targets smallest fish around with pocket-sized rods and minuscule hooks

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Gerry Hansell has too many worms. Otherwise, he's well equipped for a lucky weekday afternoon spent fishing -- microfishing, to be specific: the art of chasing not trophy bass or trout, but tiny species most fishermen regard as bait, if they regard them at all. Hansell's rod is so small it collapses to fit in a pocket. His hook? So minuscule as to be nearly invisible. But those worms ....

Why a growing number of religious women want to serve in the Israeli military

Stars and Stripes 

Since 2010, the Israel Defense Forces has recorded a surge in the number of religious women who want to serve. These figures have almost tripled from 935 in 2010 to 2,499 last year — a welcome development for a military whose recent efforts to draft ultra-Orthodox men have been largely unsuccessful.

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Александр Розенбаум

Певец Розенбаум похвастался возрождением сети советских пивных в Петербурге

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Николай Патрушев

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Report: ISIS leader may be in eastern Syrian city of Boukamal

Stars and Stripes 

A media outlet linked to the Syrian military said Friday that the Islamic State group's leader may be holed up in an IS pocket in the eastern town of Boukamal, which government forces and their allies recaptured this week before losing parts of it later.

Army a heavyweight in 'lightweight football'

Stars and Stripes 

Army is one of nine teams that plays "lightweight football" in the Collegiate Sprint Football League. The team is undefeated heading into the inaugural CSFL championship game against Penn on Friday night.

Rep. Gabbard supports bill seeking equal health care for female vets

Stars and Stripes 

In addition to offering women veterans more counseling services, the Deborah Sampson Act, introduced by Rep. Elizabeth Esty, would also expand maternity care at VA facilities and improve the collection of data regarding women and minority veterans.

Спорт в России и мире

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


Все новости спорта сегодня

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Виктория Азаренко

Азаренко не смогла пробиться в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде, уступив Соррибес-Тормо


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Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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Блогера Ивлееву оштрафовали на 50 тыс рублей за дискредитацию российской армии


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