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Новости за 04.11.2017

Former DNC head says she considered replacing Clinton with Biden as nominee

Stars and Stripes 

Former Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile writes in a new book that she seriously contemplated replacing Hillary Clinton as the party's 2016 presidential nominee with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the aftermath of Clinton's fainting spell, in part because Clinton's campaign was "anemic" and had taken on "the odor of failure."

Bergdahl judge weighed complex leniency factors

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Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's brutal five years of captivity by Taliban allies carried significant weight in an Army judge's decision to spare him prison time for leaving his post in Afghanistan in 2009, legal experts said

Parents of American beaten to death in Greece wonder if the killers will see justice

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Nearly four months after Bakari Henderson had been beaten to death by a gang of young men in a popular entertainment district of the Greek island of Zakynthos, his parents struggle to comprehend how their son fell victim to a crime that shocked the world and raised questions about why an American tourist would be attacked.

Optimism abounds as Trump heads to Japan as N. Korea concerns lie under surface

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At their summit on Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are expected to reaffirm the usual message that the Japan-U.S. military alliance is stronger than ever, and ready to cope with any threat from North Korea's missile and nuclear weapons programs. Japanese officials called their relationship one of the best in decades.

Whirlwind Hawaii visit a prelude to 2-week Asia tour

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President Donald Trump tossed flowers into the water at the USS Arizona Memorial on Friday, part of a whirlwind afternoon that included a briefing from the top U.S. military commander in the Pacific.

Which Chris is the best superhero? A definitive ranking, from Pratt to Hemsworth

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“Thor: Ragnarok,” Marvel’s most well-reviewed film ever, hits theaters Friday, and its star, Chris Hemsworth, is fantastic as the main character. But that got us thinking: In a world filled with so many men named Chris playing superheroes - there was even a “Saturday Night Live” sketch about it! - who is actually the best?

Clashes between Iraqi forces and ISIS along Syria border

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Clashes have erupted on the Syrian-Iraqi border between Islamic State group militants and Iraqi paramilitary fighters as the extremist group defends its last stronghold in the region, a Syria monitoring group and an Iraqi official said Saturday.

Lengthy Asia trip, a crucial international test for Trump

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With U.S. President Donald Trump set to arrive Sunday in Japan, the trip presents a crucial international test for a president looking to reassure Asian allies worried that his inward-looking "America First" agenda could cede power in the region to China.

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WWII submarine veterans honored

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The Cavalla dove to a dangerously deep depth, exceeding recommendations, as Japanese destroyers dropped 104 depth charges in retaliation. Luckily, the boat survived and completed another four war patrols before the war ended. On Friday, the surviving WWII submarine veterans were honored at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Ga.

Former Catalan leader angling to stay out of Spanish justice

Stars and Stripes 

Ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont was a wanted man after Spain issued a European warrant for his arrest — and the main question Saturday was how long he could delay the extradition process in Belgium and stay out of the hands of Spanish justice.

Karasawa wraps up tourney that was all Mustangs

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Senior rallied from behind in the third set of the final, breaking junior teammate Eriya Hara’s serve in the eighth and the 10th and last game and beating Hara 3-6, 6-1, 6-4.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000


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