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Новости за 27.11.2017

General: Spending is needed if you want to hire, fly B-52s until 2040

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If federal lawmakers fail to reach a deal to ease defense spending reductions, the Air Force could be forced to curb aircraft spending, cut aging fleet modernization plans, and freeze civilian hiring, a top Wright-Patterson general says.

Bombing in southeast Baghdad has killed 11, officials say

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Iraqi police and hospital officials say a bombing in southeast Baghdad has killed 11 people. The officials say the attack late Monday night targeted a popular shopping district and left also 26 civilians wounded.

Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient Wesley Fox dies at 86

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Marine Corps Col. Wesley Fox, who received the Medal of Honor for successfully leading his company through an enemy attack during the Vietnam War and retired decades later at the mandatory age of 62, died the evening of Nov. 24 in Blacksburg, Va. He was 86.

Mulvaney or English? Battle for control of US consumer watchdog bureau continues

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Leandra English, who was elevated to interim director of the bureau last week by its outgoing director, sent staff an email offering Thanksgiving wishes. President Donald Trump's choice for the role — White House budget director Mick Mulvaney — then emailed staff to tell them to "disregard" any instructions from English.

Russia investigations in Congress are likely to spill into 2018

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Three congressional committees are investigating Russian interference and whether President Donald Trump's campaign was in any way involved. The panels have obtained thousands of pages of documents from Trump's campaign and other officials, and have done dozens of interviews.

A flat-Earther's plan to launch himself in a homemade rocket has been postponed again

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By now, Mike Hughes should have already proved that the Earth was flat. That was according to his original plan, which had been to launch himself 1,800 feet high last Saturday in his homemade scrap-metal rocket over Amboy, California, an unincorporated community in the Mojave Desert along historic Route 66.

Many victims still silent on sexual misconduct despite recent furor

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A spate of recent public revelations, including the spontaneous #metoo discussions on social media, is emboldening many victims of sexual harassment to speak up, but many still remain silent. The Associated Press spoke to several experts about why this sexual misconduct in the workplace is still underreported.

On base activities

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A calendar of events on U.S. facilities in the Pacific.

Supreme Court declines to take up Yemen drone strike lawsuit

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The case arose out of a 2012 drone strike in eastern Yemen. The relatives of two people killed in the strike sued the United States, saying it was a U.S. drone strike that had killed their relatives who were innocent civilians.

Off base events

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A calendar of nearby events of interest to people living on U.S. facilities in the Pacific.

Time to pass the torch, baby boomers

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Rapidly changing modes of living and working call for leaders at the peak of their creative and conceptual powers.

Harassment crisis is right moment to rethink sex

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The backlash to the #MeToo movement has begun. As the parade of post-Weinstein exposés marches on, so do the unhappy reactions to a sexual landscape suddenly turned on its head.

Movies on base through Nov. 29

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey and The Netherlands.

Officer delivers armistice violation message to N. Korea via bullhorn

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A United Nations Command officer used a bullhorn to broadcast a message about armistice violations across the Demilitarized Zone to North Korea but as of Monday the communist state has not responded to a request for a meeting to discuss the allegations.

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Airman who died in Lakenheath crash identified

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Airman 1st Class Hayley Reynolds of the 48th Fighter Wing has been identified as the person killed in a car crash last week in Brandon, England.

Some women leave ISIS but vow to fight on

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The woman's secret flight from the caliphate took place more than six months ago, aided by a smuggler who helped her sneak across the Syrian-Turkish border one spring night. But in spirit, this red-haired exile from the Islamic State never truly left.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Виктория Азаренко

Азаренко не смогла пробиться в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде, уступив Соррибес-Тормо


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

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Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Певец Григорий Лепс откроет караоке-бар Leps Bar в Петербурге


Судебные приставы Подмосковья приняли участие в субботнике

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