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Новости за 18.11.2017

Navy is still searching for a plan to reach a 355-ship fleet

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Internal Pentagon doubts about the larger Navy spilled into the public eye last month, when acting Navy Undersecretary Thomas Dee told a conference in Washington that a 355-ship Navy would take at least another 30 years to build.

Zimbabweans say Mugabe must quit now, but more talks are planned

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Giddy with joy and finally free to speak out, vast throngs of demonstrators turned Zimbabwe's capital into a carnival ground on Saturday in a peaceful outpouring of disdain for President Robert Mugabe and calls for him to quit immediately.

Special ops deputy commander Kraft praises troops, MOAA

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Maj. Gen. James E. Kraft Jr. praised the Military Officers Association of America for its efforts and its advocacy in Washington to protect the benefits, pay and perks of active duty troops and veterans.

How a shirt covered in tiny swastikas ended up in a department store

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The shirt looked, at first glance, quite simple, even humdrum-a short-sleeved, black button-down, from the streetwear label Airwalk, priced at $12.99, and patterned with tiny, white polka dots. Except they weren't dots. They were swastikas, roughly 14,000 of them in all.

Captive, judge agree neither can force lawyer to go to Guantanamo

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A war court judge ended three weeks of hearings trying to resolve a stalemate over a resigned civilian defense team by asking the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombing whether he wanted his long-serving capital defense counsel to return to court.

Lebanon's prime minister says he will be in Beirut within days

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Lebanon's Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, said Saturday he will return home in the coming days from where he will declare a political stance for the first time since making a strange resignation announcement from Saudi Arabia that unleashed fears of a political crisis in Lebanon.

A guide to what's happened so far in the Mugabe drama

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A lot has happened in the past few days in Zimbabwe, where the world's oldest head of state tries to remain in power even under military house arrest. Here's a quick guide to the key events and players.

What were now-grounded Whidbey Island air crew members thinking?

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We may never know the motives. But Navy brass are not amused, and the crew of the EA18-G Growler — based at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station — appears to be in big trouble after an obscene image was sketched in the sky.

Surgeons remove worms, other parasites from North Korean soldier

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While treating wounds, surgeons found the large parasites, which may be reflective of poor nutrition and health in North Korea's military. Doctors measured the soldier as being 5.6 feet tall, but weighing just 132 pounds.

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Джиган запретит дочери Ариеле встречаться с определенной категорией парней

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Николай Патрушев

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Couple quit Guantanamo after dumpster-dive arrest

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Retired Army Sgt. 1st Class Ismael Gonzalez, 48, said he resigned his post as the wartime prison’s contract Operational Security Manager because his workplace had become a "hostile environment."

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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