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Новости за 09.11.2017

Hogan proposes tax exemption for military veterans

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Gov. Larry Hogan, R-Md., said Thursday, a day before Veteran's Day, that he plans to propose legislation during the 2018 legislative session to eliminate state taxes on all retirement income for military veterans.

‘Call of Duty’ returns to past glory

Stars and Stripes 

In promoting “Call of Duty: WWII,” Activision has touted a return to tradition. However, the latest first-person shooter makes so many bold changes to the franchise’s format that it’s quickly apparent that it’s anything but traditional — and that’s for the best.

Vietnam at 50: 1967

Stars and Stripes 

Vietnam at 50: 1967 is a series of features intended to add context and understanding to the history of that war and changes it wrought. The project examines the fighting abroad and the protests, politics and turmoil at home. All from the men who were there.

San Juan VA hospital eases burden of veterans in storm aftermath

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Since the one-two punch of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the emergency room at the VA hospital in San Juan has been operating at maximum capacity. In many instances the VA has kept people after they were stabilized, simply because they had nowhere else to go.

A final bid to save the world's rarest porpoise ends in heartbreak

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Starting last month, the team - including trained U.S. Navy dolphins - headed out into the gulf to search for vaquitas. Live capture had never been done before, and no one knew how the animals would cope with the stress. It didn't go well.

Judge: Transgender military ban is stigmatizing, likely harmful already

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A proposed transgender military ban stigmatizes an entire group of people and is likely already having a negative effect on active-duty service members trying to plan for future military assignments, a federal judge said during a court hearing in Baltimore.

Thornberry: Defense bill conferees kept people a priority

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Rep. Mac Thornberry said all the conferees had “the welfare of servicemembers foremost in our minds. Some of that is pay and benefits but also, [considering] recent naval accidents and air accidents, it’s making sure they have equipment that works.”

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Russia’s role in securing Asia’s prosperity

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As a major Eurasian power with vast Far Eastern territories that boast significant potential, Russia has a stake in the successful future of the Asia-Pacific region, and in promoting sustainable and comprehensive growth throughout its territory.

Jury takes Marine drill instructor abuse case

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The eight-man jury at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, began discussions Thursday into whether Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Felix abused young Marine hopefuls and zeroed in on Muslim-Americans because of their heritage and religion.

Final Islamic State defeat brings Syria's war to key crossroads

Stars and Stripes 

The defeat of the Islamic State in its last major foothold in Syria also marks a crucial juncture in the country's larger war, as rival U.S.— and Russia-backed forces that have pushed the jihadist group to the brink now turn to consider each other.

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Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)


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