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Новости за 17.02.2016

Prince Amukamara doesn’t expect to talk to Giants before free agency


The Giants have a lot of space under the cap with free agency approaching and they’re expected to spend a good bit of it on the defensive side of the ball after another dismal showing for the unit in 2015. It doesn’t look like they’ll be using any of it to keep cornerback Prince Amukamara…

Police report says Ball threw girlfriend through table


The police report from the incident involving former Broncos and Patriots running back Montee Ball and his girlfriend in Madison, Wisconsin says Ball hurled the woman through a hotel table during an argument. Ball was arrested on Super Bowl weekend on a “tentative charge” of substantial battery. According to the report, the woman said Ball…

Panthers sign long snapper J.J. Jansen to five-year deal


J.J. Jansen has been the long snapper for the Panthers for the last seven seasons and the team has no designs on making a change at the position any time soon. The team announced Wednesday that they have signed Jansen to a five-year contract. Jansen, who was originally acquired in a trade with the Packers…

Colts linebacker Jonathan Newsome arrested for marijuana possession


We’re once again in the time of the year when the days without an arrest meter gets tripped more often. According to FOX 59 in Indianapolis, Colts linebacker Jonathan Newsome was arrested for possession of marijuana. Zionsville police were responding to a noise complaint early this morning, and while there, they found marijuana on the…

49ers, Garrett Celek close to new deal


For the last three years, Chip Kelly coached tight end Brent Celek in Philadelphia. Now Kelly is set to coach Celek’s younger brother in San Francisco. Garrett Celek, a tight end who has been in San Francisco since signing with the 49ers as an undrafted free agent in 2012, is expected to sign an extension…

Cowboys hiring Greg Jackson as safeties coach


The Cowboys lost defensive backs coach Jerome Henderson to the Falcons last month and it appears their search for his replacement has come to an end. Actually, search for his replacements looks like it is more accurate. According to multiple reports, University of Michigan defensive backs coach Greg Jackson will head to Dallas as the…

Vikings hire Brent Salazar as strength and conditioning coach


Among several changes to the Vikings coaching staff since the end of their season was the departure of strength and conditioning coach Evan Marcus after two seasons with the team. The Vikings named his replacement on Wednesday with a release announcing that they have hired Brent Salazar to head things up on that front. Salazar…

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Browns to build a Jim Brown statue


On the 80th birthday of the greatest Cleveland Brown who ever lived, the Browns have announced that he’ll be immortalized. “Everyone admires the incredible impact that Jim Brown has made for Cleveland, the Browns and the NFL throughout his lifetime, and we have had the special opportunity to know and learn from his contributions to…

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Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

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Пётр Чайковский

В Клину состоится праздничная программа в честь дня рождения Чайковского


Mash: Hofmannita бросила телефон в лицо поклоннице на концерте в Москве

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