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Новости за 02.02.2016

Cowboys interviewing Mike Nolan for assistant job


The Cowboys are still looking to replace departed defensive backs coach Jerome Henderson, and are looking at a pair of veterans. According to Clarence Hill of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the Cowboys are talking to former 49ers head coach Mike Nolan and former Steelers and Giants defensive coordinator Tim Lewis. Henderson left the Cowboys for…

Arian Foster cleared for jogging


There was a report last month that the Texans are expected to part ways with running back Arian Foster this offseason thanks to the combination of his nearly $9 million cap hit and frequent injuries in recent seasons, including the torn Achilles that brought his 2015 season to an early end. The Texans haven’t offered…

Browns can’t cut Johnny Manziel before March 9


The Browns released a statement Tuesday about quarterback Johnny Manziel that signaled their intent to move on from Manziel because of his “continual involvement in incidents that run counter” to the team’s expectations of their players. In the statement, Browns executive director of football operations Sashi Brown said Manziel’s status will “be addressed when permitted…

Watch Live, Stream Links: Leicester-Liverpool, Arsenal-Saints, all 8 Tuesday games


Eight Premier League games are coming your way on Tuesday, with plenty of tasty matches on the slate. [ LIVE: Stream every PL game via Live Extra ] Click on the link above, or the individual links below, to stream every single game live online via Live Extra. Plus, if it’s lineups, stats and a box score you […]

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Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»

Персональные новости

В Пулково прокомментировали запрет на упаковку багажа в пищевую пленку

Peyton Manning wanted to tell Bill Belichick about rodeo in person


Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning knew there were plenty of microphones and cameras around last week, when he told Patriots coach Bill Belichick that “this might be my last rodeo.’’ But to Manning, the ability to offer a word of respect was more important that the possibility that the worst kept secret in the world might…

Wade Phillips feels lucky to be where he is


Wade Phillips has been a fixture on NFL sidelines for most of the last four decades as a defensive coordinator or head coach, but 2014 was the rare season that unfolded without Phillips being a part of any team. He got his chance to return with the Broncos after Gary Kubiak was hired as head…

Browns say they’re tired of Manziel’s antics


The Browns, finally, are tired of Johnny Manziel. In a statement released early Tuesday afternoon, new Browns executive director of football operations Sashi Brown addressed the latest early morning incident that included an altercation between Manziel and his girlfriend and a police helicopter searching for Manziel in the Dallas area. “We’ve been clear about expectations…

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Столичный транспорт стал удобнее и экологичнее

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Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

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«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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Николай Басков

«Гостевой брак»: Басков раскрыл странные подробности личной жизни


Анастасия Ивлеева удалила из Instagram все фотографии и видеоролики

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