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Новости за 08.02.2016

Falcons drop Justin Durant, William Moore


On Monday, teams can begin cutting players. The Falcons have dumped a pair of them. Gone are linebacker Justin Durant (pictured) and safety William Moore. The team announced the moves on Monday. “We want to thank both of these guys for their commitment and work ethic,” coach Dan Quinn said. “They battled through injuries to give…

PBT Power Rankings: If you’re firing a coach mid-season, you’re not highly ranked


Stability at the top of the rankings this week, as the top eight teams remained in exactly the same spots as last week. Further down you see the Jazz climbing the rankings, the Knicks falling (although probably not as much as they should have considering Derek Fisher getting canned), and the Suns taking over the […]

Making sense of Cam Newton’s abrupt departure


Much can be said about the demeanor of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton at his post-Super Bowl press conference, and reasonable minds may differ as to whether it was a sign of immaturity or evidence of his passionate desire to win. Here’s an area where the answer is more clear. As noted last night on Twitter…

Falcons hire Collier as personnel director


The Falcons have hired Joel Collier as their director of player personnel. Collier’s addition comes as part of a restructuring of the personnel department, though general manager Thomas Dimitroff was retained. Former director of player personnel Lionel Vital left the team last month, and former general managers Ruston Webster and Phil Emery were hired. Collier…

Peyton Manning likely didn’t want to take attention from teammates


After the Super Bowl, Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning supplied the same message about his future every time he spoke. He’s waiting on the recommendation of Tony Dungy, who advised against an emotional decision. It’s clear, then, that the emotional decision would have been to retire. There’s another benefit that comes from waiting. By not announcing his…

Bengals sign veteran CB Chykie Brown


The Bengals have signed veteran cornerback Chykie Brown. Brown was out of the NFL last season but has 54 games of experience with the Ravens and Giants from 2011-14. He played in every game when the Ravens won the Super Bowl in the 2012 season. He went to the Giants via waivers in 2014 and…

Eagles release Riley Cooper


The Eagles announced the release of wide receiver Riley Cooper on Monday. Cooper was due to make $4.5 million in 2016. He’d signed a five-year deal worth a guaranteed $8 million prior to the 2014 season. He’ll still count for $2.4 million against the cap in 2016. Cooper caught 21 passses and two for touchdowns…

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Browns announce eight staff additions


The Browns officially announced eight additions to Hue Jackson’s first coaching staff Monday. Former NFL players Johnny Holland and Rock Cartwright are among the previously reported additions. Louie Cioffi returns as defensive backs coach after serving the last two years under new Browns defensive coordinator Ray Horton in Tennessee and previously under Horton with the…

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Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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