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Новости за 16.02.2016

Possibility of franchise tag drives Cousins’ value higher


Washington hasn’t ruled out the possibility of applying the franchise tag to quarterback Kirk Cousins. Unless and until they do, the basic math of the franchise tag will loom over the negotiations. (Or, at least for now, the non-negotiations.) It’s a simple proposition. If Cousins can make roughly $20 million guaranteed for 2016 under the…

Colbert says Steelers anticipate having Harrison back


James Harrison apparently isn’t done playing football. On the same day Harrison’s agent said he expects his client to return for at least one more season, Steelers general manager Kevin Colbert told reporters he anticipates having the outside linebacker back for a 14th season. “He teaches guys how to be pros,” Colbert said. Harrison said…

Ex-wide receiver Rucker accused of theft, wire fraud


Federal authorities allege that former NFL wide receiver and broadcaster Reggie Rucker used charitable donations intended for Hall of Famer Jim Brown’s Amer-I-Can foundation to pay gambling debts and personal expenses. Rucker was charged Tuesday with one count of wire fraud and one count of making false statements to law enforcement. The criminal information filing…

Cowboys won’t play tag this year


In Monday’s team-by-team look at which players each team could tag, we said that none of the Cowboys’ impending free agents merit the restriction that applies to impending free agents. Cowboys executive V.P. Stephen Jones now says that, indeed, the team will not be using the tag. “We are not using the franchise or transition…

Packers and Colts to open preseason in Hall of Fame Game


Since three of the key pieces are already going to be there, it only makes sense that the Packers and the Colts will open the season in the Hall of Fame Game. The expected news was made official Tuesday, with the Packers and Colts to kick off the exhibition season with an Aug. 7 game…

Kirk Cousins contract talks hit a snag, which could mean a tag


Today’s the first day for teams to use the franchise tag if they want to, and Washington might have to. According to Adam Schefter of ESPN, the team and quarterback Kirk Cousins have broken off contract talks, and no more talks are scheduled. Of course, it’s still fantastically early for this kind of negotiating scare tactic,…

Lions cornerback Rashean Mathis retires


Veteran cornerback Rashean Mathis has announced that he is calling it a career. “It’s been a long 13 years, a great 13 years,” Mathis told the Lions’ website. “I think it’s time for me to hang up the cleats.” Mathis said as soon as the 2015 season ended that he was thinking about retiring, although…

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Cards bring back Chris Clemons, and a guy from Australia


The Cardinals will go to great lengths to add depth to their secondary, reaching both sides of the world with Tuesday’s signings. Via Darren Urban of the team’s official website, the Cardinals signed veteran safety Chris Clemons and Australian import Joel Wilkinson. The 6-foot, 190-pound Wilkinson is an Australian Rules Football player who is going…

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