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Новости за 09.02.2016

Grand jury indicts eight in Pilot Flying J investigation


Dormant for months, the Pilot Flying J investigation has revved up again, in a significant way. Via WBIR.com, a federal grand jury indicted eight former and current employees of the truck-stop conglomerate on Tuesday, including former president Mark Hazelwood. Hazelwood, who faces three counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of witness…

Colts waive Ryan Lindley


The Colts needed to bring in a couple of veteran quarterbacks for the end of the regular season due to injuries to Andrew Luck and Matt Hasselbeck, but there’s no need for so many of them on the offseason roster. Indianapolis parted ways with one of them on Tuesday. The Colts announced that they have…

Silver regrets saying Browns lied, stands by report Manziel was drunk


After reporting on the air that the Browns lied about Johnny Manziel having a concussion to cover up Manziel’s drinking, NFL Network reporter Mike Silver has backed off. But only backed off half of the report. Silver wrote on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon that he regrets saying that the Browns lied about Manziel having a…

Panthers G.M. “not afraid” to franchise Josh Norman if need be


The Panthers don’t have too many free agent decisions to make, but they have one big one. And it’s worth remembering that General Manager Dave Gettleman said Tuesday he’s “not afraid” of using the franchise tag. He wasn’t specifically talking about cornerback Josh Norman but he didn’t have to be, as the cornerback who became…

Arthur Blank announces he has prostate cancer


Falcons owner Arthur Blank made an announcement about his health on Tuesday. Blank released a statement through the team to let the public know that he is receiving medical treatment for prostate cancer. Blank, who is 73, says the prognosis for recovery is a good one. “In December I was diagnosed with a treatable form of…

Former A&M player says Manziel contributed to a chaotic culture


As the Browns try to clean up the mess left from their decision to spend a first-round draft pick on Johnny Manziel two years ago, a former Texas A&M player is saying Manziel left a mess behind at Texas A&M as well. Former A&M quarterback Kyle Allen says he transferred to Houston last month largely…

Browns: We did not lie about Johnny Manziel concussion


The circumstances surrounding the concussion that kept quarterback Johnny Manziel from playing in the season finale surfaced again when Mike Silver reported on NFL Network that Manziel was drunk at practice on Wednesday during the final week of the season. Silver, who is close to new Browns coach Hue Jackson, said on air the Browns…

Chiefs owner thinks team can contend for Super Bowl


Chiefs owner Clark Hunt believes he has a good team on his hands, and doesn’t think they need a major overhaul in order to compete for a title. During a radio interview with WHB in Kansas City, Hunt said last week that he thought the Chiefs were capable of contending for a Super Bowl, and…

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Adam Vinatieri wants to kick at least a couple more years


Adam Vinatieri recently finished his 20th season in the NFL and he’s not planning on stopping any time soon. Vinatieri said during a visit with Mike Florio on PFT Live from Radio Row in San Francisco last week that he didn’t want to put a timetable on how much longer he’ll remain in the NFL,…

Super Bowl 50 audience gets embellished


The 2015 football season included an apples-to-paperclips comparison of normal TV ratings to Internet numbers generated by the Bills-Jaguars stream on Yahoo. The 2015 football season ended with a little (or a lot) of embellishment of the Super Bowl audience. CBS announced, and NFL.com trumpeted, that 167 million viewers tuned in for the game, “making…

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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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«112»: у Дениса Майданова случился отек Квинке по пути на конкурс «Я горжусь»

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