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Новости за 11.02.2016

Archie Manning: “I’m not going to blast” Cam Newton for walk-off


Archie Manning knows something about Super Bowl-losing quarterbacks bailing early. So maybe that’s why he’s not joining the chorus criticizing Panthers quarterback Cam Newton for leaving his press conference abruptly Sunday night. Via Joe Person of the Charlotte Observer, the elder Manning compared it to when his son left the field after Super Bowl XLIV…

Report: Rockets working with Dwight Howard’s agent on trade


The Rockets have a lot of problems. One of them is Dwight Howard. Howard plans to opt out this summer, and he could command a max contract. Does Houston want to pay the 30-year-old center that much? That question has become increasingly essential as Houston – losers of three straight and six of eight – […]

Keenan Reynolds, Jake Coker don’t get combine invites


The NFL will hold its annual Scouting Combine in Indianapolis later this month and the league released the list of 332 players that have been invited. Ohio State leads the way with 14 invites and Notre Dame was second with 10 players asked to go through drills for NFL scouts. Alabama had nine players invited from…

Burfict’s three-game suspension upheld


Bengals linebacker Vontaze Burfict’s appeal of a three-game suspension to start the 2016 season has been denied, ESPN’s Dan Graziano reported Thursday. Graziano reported that Burfict, Bengals coach Marvin Lewis, NFL executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent and Goodell met, and the appeal was denied after that meeting. The NFL considers Burfict a…

Rick Spielman “very excited” about Teddy Bridgewater heading into third year


Vikings General Manager Rick Spielman was a guest on PFT Live Thursday morning and one of the main topics of conversation was quarterback Teddy Bridgewater. Spielman said he’s “very excited” about what the team will see from Bridgewater in 2016. That will be his third year with the Vikings and Spielman said that he’s seen “significant jumps”…

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Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

C.J. Anderson knows he can be a bell cow back


At no point during the 2015 regular season did Broncos running back C.J. Anderson carry the ball more than 15 times. In the Super Bowl, he had 23 carries and four receptions for a total of 100 yards from scrimmage. Did that make him think he can do that job more frequently? “Oh, I know…

Who’s to blame for Michael Oher on ice?


As we continue to be amazed by the Madden-glitch Vine that has Panthers tackle Michael Oher skating backward in Super Bowl 50, it’s still not clear who bears the blame for the failure of Oher’s shoes to grab the grass. The potential universe of culprits is small. Either the NFL, which is responsible for the…

Report: Vontaze Burfict to meet with Goodell in next week


At his press conference in San Francisco last Friday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said that he would like to see the NFL adopt a rule that would see players flagged for two personal fouls in the same game ejected. Bengals linebacker Vontaze Burfict would not have been ejected from the team’s playoff loss to the…

Steelers kicker Shaun Suisham is now officially an American citizen


Shaun Suisham has another title today, beyond “injured Steelers kicker.” Now, he can call himself “American.” The 34-year-old Suisham was sworn in as an American citizen yesterday as part of a naturalization ceremony at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, in Wilkins, Pa. “I have grown to love the United States of America; specifically, Pittsburgh,”…

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