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Новости за 25.04.2018

Beyonce can’t stop wearing this Australian brand and we want in


And so do Margot Robbie and Dua Lipa

If a fashion brand has Queen Bey’s seal of approval, you know it’s worth investing in. Which is why we’re …Continue reading »

The post Beyonce can’t stop wearing this Australian brand and we want in appeared first on Marie Claire.

Cult London brand RIXO has some very exciting news for you


You heard it here first

Henrietta Rix and Orlagh McClosky need no introduction. Their brand RIXO has only been going just over two years, yet …Continue reading »

The post Cult London brand RIXO has some very exciting news for you appeared first on Marie Claire.

Was Melania’s giant hat actually a not-so-subtle message?


Now we don’t know what to think…


First Lady Melania Trump frequently makes viral news. In fact her trademark straight (and seemingly sad) face has turned her …Continue reading »

The post Was Melania’s giant hat actually a not-so-subtle message? appeared first on Marie Claire.

So you can basically buy Carrie Bradshaw’s wedding dress*


*only a slight exaggeration

Playing Carrie Bradshaw for the best part of a decade comes with its responsibilities. As a fashion icon, Sarah Jessica …Continue reading »

The post So you can basically buy Carrie Bradshaw’s wedding dress* appeared first on Marie Claire.

These are the things Meghan and Harry aren’t allowed to wear on their wedding day


And wait 'til you see the wedding guest rules

Meghan Markle visits Titanic Belfast.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit to Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK - 23 Mar 2018

Royal fashion etiquette is a law unto itself, from dictating which kind of bag Kate Middleton should wear to whether …Continue reading »

The post These are the things Meghan and Harry aren’t allowed to wear on their wedding day appeared first on Marie Claire.

Barack and Michelle Obama just sent the royal baby the most hilarious message


Kensington Palace pyjama party, anyone?

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed their third child this week, with Kate Middleton giving birth to a baby …Continue reading »

The post Barack and Michelle Obama just sent the royal baby the most hilarious message appeared first on Marie Claire.

The new royal baby’s nursery decorations sound adorable


And the theme will probably remind you of your own childhood


Barely 48 hours old, the new royal baby is already one of the most talked about children in the world. …Continue reading »

The post The new royal baby’s nursery decorations sound adorable appeared first on Marie Claire.

The skincare treats that will give you a gorgeous Insta-glow


Promotional feature with Neutrogena®

It’s time to banish that winter-dry skin, but you may need more than a few glasses of water to revive your complexion.

The post The skincare treats that will give you a gorgeous Insta-glow appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Андреева обыграла Паолини и вышла в 1/4 финала турнира WTA в Мадриде


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Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

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