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Новости за 05.04.2018

Leopard print is back this season (don’t tell the Cheetah Girls)


Sorry, Raven.


Lions may be kings of the jungle, but leopards dominate the fashion sphere. It’s no surprise that this remains the …Continue reading »

The post Leopard print is back this season (don’t tell the Cheetah Girls) appeared first on Marie Claire.

The new affordable bridal line for unconventional brides


Here comes the bride…

By Dani Kleinman With a certain royal couple only a month away from walking down the aisle, we definitely have …Continue reading »

The post The new affordable bridal line for unconventional brides appeared first on Marie Claire.

The new high street bridal line for unconventional brides


Here comes the bride…

By Dani Kleinman With a certain royal couple only a month away from walking down the aisle, we definitely have …Continue reading »

The post The new high street bridal line for unconventional brides appeared first on Marie Claire.

Cindy Crawford just opened up about her nude shoot regrets


And how she doesn't want the same for her children...

Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford is the definition of iconic, with the 52-year-old supermodel boasting three decades at the top of the modelling …Continue reading »

The post Cindy Crawford just opened up about her nude shoot regrets appeared first on Marie Claire.

Instagram GIFs are back and the whole world is rejoicing


About time!!!!

Forced changes to our daily Instagram activity never go down well, with most of the app’s updates being met by …Continue reading »

The post Instagram GIFs are back and the whole world is rejoicing appeared first on Marie Claire.

Primark just collaborated with a very famous fashion designer


And we are so excited.

Terry Harris/REX/Shutterstock

Primark is known for its viral collaborations, from its huge Harry Potter range (we’re still dreaming about those Quidditch long …Continue reading »

The post Primark just collaborated with a very famous fashion designer appeared first on Marie Claire.

It’s official: J-Lo is launching her very own beauty line


And we are READY

Following the news that Gwen Stefani may be planning her own cosmetics line, we have news of an exciting celebrity …Continue reading »

The post It’s official: J-Lo is launching her very own beauty line appeared first on Marie Claire.

Victoria Beckham says this is the SPF Formula she swears by


And you KNOW she's got great skin...

Summer is slowly approaching and, as any dermatologist will tell you, good sun protection is essential if you want to …Continue reading »

The post Victoria Beckham says this is the SPF Formula she swears by appeared first on Marie Claire.

This is apparently what Meghan Markle had to rehearse before meeting the Queen


And it seems to have worked…

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their engagement last year, with the couple set to wed next month at Windsor …Continue reading »

The post This is apparently what Meghan Markle had to rehearse before meeting the Queen appeared first on Marie Claire.

Kate Middleton snuck out for a royal grocery shop with her bodyguard


Will that be cash or card?

Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

If you’re a regular Waitrose shopper up in Norfolk, keep your eyes peeled – you may just run into royalty. …Continue reading »

The post Kate Middleton snuck out for a royal grocery shop with her bodyguard appeared first on Marie Claire.

How to get £10 off at elemis.com


Don't miss your chance to claim £10 off online at Elemis...

Here at Marie Claire we love sourcing you the best deals and with May issue we’ve teamed up with one of …Continue reading »

The post How to get £10 off at elemis.com appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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После резкого поста о Надежде Стрелец мама Тимати вступила в дискуссию с подписчиками и неожиданно упомянула Ксению Собчак


В ОАЭ появились горящие туры для россиян по низким ценам: можно дёшево отдохнуть с вылетом в ближайшие дни

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