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Новости за 24.04.2018

Sarah Jessica Parker just revisited the Sex and the City feud


‘I’ve never fought with someone publicly in my life, nor would I’

Dave Allocca/StarPix/REX/Shutterstock

While Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall’s tumultuous relationship has always been rumoured, things truly came to a head earlier …Continue reading »

The post Sarah Jessica Parker just revisited the Sex and the City feud appeared first on Marie Claire.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just confirmed their wedding music


But will there be a Spice Girls reunion?

Geoff Pugh/REX/Shutterstock

With Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding taking place in less than a month, we’re all counting down the days …Continue reading »

The post Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just confirmed their wedding music appeared first on Marie Claire.

Priyanka Chopra just opened up about her friendship with Meghan Markle


‘Love always, my friend. Live happily ever after’

Priyanka Chopra and Meghan Markle’s friendship has been highly followed in recent months, with the 35-year-old Indian actress reportedly invited …Continue reading »

The post Priyanka Chopra just opened up about her friendship with Meghan Markle appeared first on Marie Claire.

This handy tweezer sharpening hack is a game-changer


Rejoice, because your blunt tweezers are now a thing of the past...

There’s nothing more satisfying than a sharp, packet-fresh pair of tweezers, your one-way ticket to the perfect eyebrow shapes. A …Continue reading »

The post This handy tweezer sharpening hack is a game-changer appeared first on Marie Claire.

Rihanna’s lingerie line Savage x Fenty is coming and there goes our rent


Just wire up a direct debit to Rihanna at this point, tbh.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by NicolaaNicola Marfisi/AGF/REX/Shutterstock Marfisi/AGF/REX/Shutterstock (9565278l)
'Fenty' by Rihanna makeup launch, Milan, Italy - 05 Apr 2018

Rihanna needs to slow her roll, our bank accounts just can’t keep up. Between keeping up with her music and …Continue reading »

The post Rihanna’s lingerie line Savage x Fenty is coming and there goes our rent appeared first on Marie Claire. Читать дальше...

Here’s why Parliament Square is in desperate need of a woman


What’s a girl got to do to be cast in bronze?


Parliament Square is a historic London landmark, with the Westminster attraction featuring famous statues of historical figures, providing shade for …Continue reading »

The post Here’s why Parliament Square is in desperate need of a woman appeared first on Marie Claire.

Camilla believes there was a ghost in one of the Royal Family’s homes


If there's something strange in your neighbourhood...


Somebody call Bill Murray and Kristin Wiig, the Royal Family’s in need of some Ghostbusters. Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, …Continue reading »

The post Camilla believes there was a ghost in one of the Royal Family’s homes appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Григорий Лепс

«Я не джентльмен»: Лепс вновь объяснился за инцидент с телефоном фанатки


"День Европы": В Молдавии стирают память о Великой Отечественной войне, как и в Казахстане

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