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Новости за 16.04.2018

M&S Curve launches for summer


Dying for some spring/summer wardrobe newness - and not just the ones that look good on a size 8? Hurrah for the brand-new M&S Curve collection! Shop our favourite pieces and get some hot styling tips from Marie Claire's resident curvaceous columnist Hayley Hasslehoff.

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Here’s why everyone’s talking about Bella Hadid and The Weeknd again


Here's everything you need to know...

There’s nothing worse than bumping into your ex after finding out that they’re dating someone new – as Bella Hadid …Continue reading »

The post Here’s why everyone’s talking about Bella Hadid and The Weeknd again appeared first on Marie Claire.

This is why Zara’s shop windows are empty right now


It's going to change the way you shop

Have you walked past your favourite Zara and noticed the window displays are completely empty? No mannequins, no clothes, nothing? …Continue reading »

The post This is why Zara’s shop windows are empty right now appeared first on Marie Claire.

Curly hair types – the definitive guide to textured hair


It's time to get a good understanding of your curls, once and for all

If you were blessed with curls atop your head, styling your hair can feel like a constant game of trial …Continue reading »

The post Curly hair types – the definitive guide to textured hair appeared first on Marie Claire.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s secret wedding had the best guest list ever


Name a classic rom-com actress who wasn’t there…

Credit: REX

After announcing their engagement last year, it looks like Gwyneth Paltrow and her fiancé Brad Falchuck have tied the knot, …Continue reading »

The post Gwyneth Paltrow’s secret wedding had the best guest list ever appeared first on Marie Claire.

This £56 Urban Outfitters dress is having a bit of a moment


Snap it up before the heatwave

Blame Spring’s late arrival (it’s actually meant to be 21C and sunny this week), but an Urban Outfitters dress is …Continue reading »

The post This £56 Urban Outfitters dress is having a bit of a moment appeared first on Marie Claire.

H&M x Moschino is the designer collab you’re going to want to queue for


Everything we know so far

Not wanting to rest on its Erdem collection laurels, H&M has announced its latest designer collaboration, and it’s very different to …Continue reading »

The post H&M x Moschino is the designer collab you’re going to want to queue for appeared first on Marie Claire.

Zayn Malik just confirmed that his latest song lyrics are about Gigi Hadid


‘I was aspiring to be in love with someone for the rest of my life’

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik broke the hearts of Zigi fans across the world last month, confirming their breakup after …Continue reading »

The post Zayn Malik just confirmed that his latest song lyrics are about Gigi Hadid appeared first on Marie Claire.

This is why you should never skip SPF before a flight


It's pretty frightening, actually...

While sheet masks and drinking lots of water may not be the biggest travel beauty secrets ever, we bet you’d …Continue reading »

The post This is why you should never skip SPF before a flight appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве


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Азаренко проиграла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Эксперты Президентской академии в СЗФО об инициативах по изменению налоговой системы России

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

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Филипп Киркоров

Киркоров потратил 200 млн рублей на ремонт и золотые унитазы


Поджигатели вертолёта Ка-32 в Остафьево сознались в диверсии на железной дороге

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