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Новости за 03.04.2018

Buckingham Palace has announced that Prince Philip has been admitted to hospital


‘Further updates will be issued when appropriate’

The Duke of Edinburgh was admitted to hospital today, with the royal family releasing a statement to break the news, …Continue reading »

The post Buckingham Palace has announced that Prince Philip has been admitted to hospital appeared first on Marie Claire.

Drew Barrymore explains the ‘dark and fearful place’ she was in after her divorce


’It was a very difficult time’

This year has seen an unprecedented number of shock celebrity separations from Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux and Jenny Slate …Continue reading »

The post Drew Barrymore explains the ‘dark and fearful place’ she was in after her divorce appeared first on Marie Claire.

Kate Middleton’s best earrings, from £30 bargains to £15k stunners


If it's not baroque, don't fix it.


It’s no secret that there’s nothing quite like a Kate Middleton hat, however we’d argue that the Duchess of Cambridge’s …Continue reading »

The post Kate Middleton’s best earrings, from £30 bargains to £15k stunners appeared first on Marie Claire.

Certain baby names are no longer popular for this surprising reason


Popular culture is causing mass-extinction of certain names...

You know how there was that one person at school you hated, and because of it you’d never, EVER name …Continue reading »

The post Certain baby names are no longer popular for this surprising reason appeared first on Marie Claire.

Jessica Biel just opened up about her emergency caesarean


‘We arrived home exhausted, disillusioned, and totally in shock’

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to their relationship and son Silas Randall, but as …Continue reading »

The post Jessica Biel just opened up about her emergency caesarean appeared first on Marie Claire.

It looks like Gwen Stefani is planning to launch her own cosmetics line


It's what we're waiting for (sorry)

She’s the OG red lipstick queen of the nineties, so it makes perfect sense that Gwen Stefani is taking steps …Continue reading »

The post It looks like Gwen Stefani is planning to launch her own cosmetics line appeared first on Marie Claire.

This is why Meghan Markle can’t wear Kate Middleton’s wedding tiara


Guess she'll have to choose from a hundred others then.

Eddie Mulholland/REX/Shutterstock

While everybody’s speculating about who’s going to be Meghan Markle’s wedding dress designer, we now know one thing for sure …Continue reading »

The post This is why Meghan Markle can’t wear Kate Middleton’s wedding tiara appeared first on Marie Claire.

Blake Lively is taking style pointers from Meghan Markle


Cue the mile-long wait list

Startraks Photo/REX/Shutterstock

Blake Lively has always been streets ahead of the fashion pack and blazed her own trail as one of Hollywood’s …Continue reading »

The post Blake Lively is taking style pointers from Meghan Markle appeared first on Marie Claire.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan just broke our hearts with this statement


Not another one! 

This year will undoubtedly go down for its unprecedented amount of shock celebrity splits, from Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux …Continue reading »

The post Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan just broke our hearts with this statement appeared first on Marie Claire.

What’s so mega about the Met Ball?


It’s the fashion event that makes global headlines, and this year’s theme – Catholicism – is set to stir up more controversy than ever. Victoria Moss takes a look at how the gala has gone from haute couture to political hot potato

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This is the easiest way to do a facial massage at home


You don't have to be an expert...


Facial massage is one of the best ways to prevent wrinkles, boost lymphatic drainage and plump the skin. And that’s …Continue reading »

The post This is the easiest way to do a facial massage at home appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ


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