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Новости за 20.04.2018

Lactic acid for skin: The complete guide for beginners


When it comes to skincare, not all acid exfoliators are equal...

Like many other chemical exfoliants, lactic acid is an increasingly popular skincare ingredient in many a beauty lover’s regime. Like …Continue reading »

The post Lactic acid for skin: The complete guide for beginners appeared first on Marie Claire.

This is why you will always see Prince William holding George’s hand


We couldn’t have called this!

Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are set to welcome their third child this month, with the future royal to …Continue reading »

The post This is why you will always see Prince William holding George’s hand appeared first on Marie Claire.

These are the clothes brands Prince George and Princess Charlotte love


Your complete guide to Royal baby fashion

With the new Royal baby set to be born any day now, we can imagine the Duchess of Cambridge has …Continue reading »

The post These are the clothes brands Prince George and Princess Charlotte love appeared first on Marie Claire.

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz are welcoming their first child together


Congratulations are definitely in order...

2018 is undoubtedly the year for celebrity babies, with Jessica Alba kicking off the year by announcing the birth of …Continue reading »

The post Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz are welcoming their first child together appeared first on Marie Claire.

The Queen is celebrating her 92nd birthday in surprising style this weekend


We definitely couldn't have called this...

This weekend will see the Queen’s birthday, with the monarch turning 92 on Saturday, the first of of her two birthdays …Continue reading »

The post The Queen is celebrating her 92nd birthday in surprising style this weekend appeared first on Marie Claire.

This Instagram update is bad news for Brooklyn Beckham and Chloe Moretz fans


Say it isn’t so.

As far as celebrity couples go, Brooklyn Beckham and Chloe Grace Moretz were one of the most popular, with fans …Continue reading »

The post This Instagram update is bad news for Brooklyn Beckham and Chloe Moretz fans appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ????


Sun's out!

Boundary Rooftop - Best rooftop bars

The first thing we do once the clocks go forward and the evenings start getting lighter? Search Google for the best rooftop bars, of course.

The post The best rooftop bars to cool off with a drink this weekend ???? appeared first on Marie Claire.

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This is how much money Meghan Markle is actually worth


Is it more or less than you thought?

With less than a month to go until the royal wedding, Prince Harry and Meghan fever is in full force …Continue reading »

The post This is how much money Meghan Markle is actually worth appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов


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Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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В Москве состоялся грандиозный «Весенний Бал» премиального женского бизнес-клуба WLC

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