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Новости за 06.04.2018

Parents Disneyland trip surprise goes wrong as son throws tantrum


A was expecting to capture the magical moment her children found out they were going on a trip to Disneyland but things backfired when her son threw a massive tantrum. Seana Meehan had planned the trip to Disney eight months in advance and waited until the morning of the trip first day to share the big news with her children. Her son's reaction was not the one the family had hoped for crying 'he didn't want to go!' Seana Meehan later wrote online: ''We woke up big sister to Disney music and... Читать дальше...

Медведев встретился с депутатами "Единой России"

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Дмитрий Медведев призвал депутатов Госдумы приступить к новым, более масштабным задачам, поставленным президентом, отметил "ТВ Центр". В частности, начать работу по обеспечению темпов экономического роста выше среднемировых, привлечению инвестиций, обновлению инфраструктуры и решению социальных проблем. Медведев отметил, что правительство и нижняя палата парламента за последнее время вышли на принципиально новый уровень взаимодействия. По словам премьера, несмотря на несовпадение мнений по некоторым вопросам... Читать дальше...




Sex abuse allegations hit Argentinian soccer


Argentinian soccer is being rocked by sex abuse allegations involving two of the biggest clubs in Buenos Aires. The scandal began at Independiente when two youth players told a club psychologist that they had been forced into prostitution by a 19-year-old player at the club. Now it has emerged that two boys at River Plate also say they were abused. A doctor at the club says she was fired when she reported the allegations. In a further twist, there are that local journalists are implicated... Читать дальше...

Virgin Galactic tests rocket ship, three years after fatal accident. The aircraft landed safely after reaching speeds of over 2000km per hour


Richard Branson's company Virgin Galactic conducted a supersonic test flight over the Sierra Nevada mountains of its SpaceShipTwo passenger rocket ship on Thursday, the company said, three years after a fatal accident on an earlier version of the ship. The aircraft was a SpaceShipTwo passenger rocket ship named Unity. After being released from a carrier plane at a height of 14,000 metres, a rocket motor kicked in, pushing the speed to over 2200km per hour and a height of 25,000 metres. This time the jet landed safely... Читать дальше...

King Sugar's walls tumble as UK gets tough on soft drinks


Not so free and easy with the fizzy stuff from Friday in the UK as the sweetest of sugary drinks get hit by a whopping 24 pence per litre tax, while lower-sugar drinks will cost 18 pence more. The UK joins an exclusive club of nations on target to number just 32 by the end of the year that have decided to impose sugar taxes on sugary drinks for health reasons. The tax was a headline feature of former finance minister George Osborne 's final budget in May 2016. It is also forecast to raise more than 600 million euros for the government.

Sergei Skripal no longer in a critical condition, says Salisbury hospital


Russian former double-agent Sergei Skripal is said to be "responding well to treatment", and is out of a critical condition following last month's nerve agent attack in Salisbury, England. Salisbury District Hospital released a statement on Friday, following a statement by Skripal's daughter Yulia the previous day saying her "strength is growing daily". In an unverified recording between her and a woman alleging to be her cousin, she is heard saying that she would discharge herself from the hospital soon. Читать дальше...

Welcome to Brussels - one of Europe's most polluted cities


It's the de-facto capital of Europe, but also one of the most polluted cities in Europe. Brussels' unenviable pollution record is down, in part, to a high percentage of diesel cars on its roads. People who live in the city are trying to help themselves. Armed with an app and detection device, one group is taking to the streets to measure the quality of the city's air. "People who live here in Brussels near the main roads, when they have children between two and five years-old will experience more bronchiolitis... Читать дальше...

Adorable Coati Gets Up Close and Personal With Camera


Biologist Natalia Cara shared footage of adorable coatis getting up close and personal with her camera in Peru'ibe, Brazil.Cara, who recorded the video at Peru'ibe';s Institute of Marine Biology and Environment, said the coatis were kept as pets until their owner realized what a bad idea that was and donated them to a place that can take properly care for them.That means that they were already very used to being around people, and therefore, are not scared and will do whatever they want, like investigate the camera in front of them; added Cara.

Artist Paints Incredibly Realistic Painting of Fish in Glass


South Korea-based artist Young-sung Kim creates life-like watercolor paintings of animals, mammals, and insects in his studio in Goyang City.Timelapse footage shared by Young-sung Kim shows him painting a fish in a small fish bowl on the walls of his studio.Speaking to Storyful, Kim said his childhood memories mainly center around animals and drawing. Credit: Young-sung Kim via Storyful

Buffalo Herd Stands Firm During Attack by Lion Pride


A herd of more than 500 buffalo successfully defended themselves when they came face-to-face with a ravenous lion pride in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park.A clip shared to YouTube by Shenton Safaris shows the Mwamba-Kaingo Pride challenging the herd. According to the uploader, both sides were determined to win, but the buffalo stood together and the lions couldn’t get through their defense. Credit: Shenton Safaris via Storyful

Extraordinary Border Collie Walks Entire South African Coastline


An extraordinary border collie named Zeta walked 3400km along the entire South African coastline with her owner Erlo Brown.Like most border collies, Zeta was an extremely loyal dog; however, she was also one-of-a-kind. At only seven months old, she embarked on a costal adventure that would take her and Erlo ten months to complete.On the journey, she protected him from rhinos, helped another fellow dog, and was the ultimate companion to Erlo. Sadly, Zeta has since passed away and this video is a tribute... Читать дальше...

Zionist Terrorism: The Lavon Affair


The Lavon Affair was a failed Israeli false flag operation called Operation Susannah which was conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. Israel's plan was to bomb US and UK targets and blame it on the Muslim extremists.



Uh.... beacause. Derp! Apparently the guy was eating rocks also. :D

«Telegram — предмет национальной гордости»: член СПЧ Илья Шаблинский о противоречии Конституции в действиях ФСБ

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Роскомнадзор подал иск в суд об ограничении доступа к мессенджеру Telegram. Как сказано в сообщении пресс-службы, исковое заявление подано в Таганский суд с требованием ограничить доступ на территории России к информационным ресурсам организатора распространения информации в сети Интернет Telegram Messenger Limited Liability Partnership. Стало известно, что глава Роскомнадзора Александр Жаров добавлен в санкционные списки США. Илья Шаблинский, член Совета при президенте России по развитию гражданского общества и правам человека... Читать дальше...

Cheeky monkey attacks tourist after stealing her hat


This is the hilarious moment an "angry" attacks a tourist after she tried to retrieve her hat from the animal. The footage, captured near Cancun, Mexico, shows the woman interacting with a which seems to really like her hat. The can be seen grabbing the woman's hat. ''Don't steal my hat'', the woman says as she retrieves it from the . All of a sudden the grabs the woman's hair in an attempt to get the hat back. Luckily the woman manages to escape with no injuries. The woman later wrote online... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогера Ивлееву оштрафовали на 50 тыс рублей за дискредитацию российской армии

Персональные новости

Минское «Динамо» победило «Днепр» в чемпионате Беларуси

Санкции против ближайшего окружения Путина: как пострадают 24 российских бизнесмена и чиновника, попавшие в список

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Вашингтон внес в список санкций 7 российских бизнесменов и 17 чиновников, а также 14 компаний, связанных с российским бизнесом. В новый список вошли миллиардер Олег Дерипаска, бизнесмен Сулейман Керимов, глава МВД Владимир Колокольцев, глава «ВТБ» Андрей Костин, глава «Газпрома» Алексей Миллер, бизнесмен Кирилл Шамалов, владелец «Реновы» Виктор Вексельберг, глава Росгвардии Виктор Золотов и бизнесмен Игорь Ротенберг. Список оказался гораздо больше, чем ожидалось. Никита Исаев, директор Института актуальной экономики... Читать дальше...

It has BEGUN !!



«Великая империя»: Востриков о том, как хочет менять Россию с помощью общественного движения

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Игорь Востриков, у которого во время пожара в торговом центре «Зимняя вишня» погибли трое детей, жена и сестра, объявил о создании общественного движения под названием «Великая империя». Об этом он написал на своей странице «ВКонтакте». В сообществе сказано, что движение объединяет самых разных людей, которые готовы пожертвовать своими политическими взглядами и симпатиями ради объективности. В эфире Дождя он рассказал о том, какие направления деятельности будут у нового общественного движения.

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Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Экология в России и мире

Труп мужчины найден в лесопарковой зоне в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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