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Новости за 07.04.2018

Several killed and injured as van driven into crowd in Muenster, Germany


At least four people are dead and 20 injured after a van was driven into a crowd outside a popular restaurant in Muenster, western Germany. The Interior Ministry said four people had died, one of whom is believed to be the suspect. Six people remain in a critical condition. German news media cited police saying the suspect shot himself dead at the scene. Reuters quoted German police saying they are not looking for further suspects in the incident. Police cordoned off large parts of the city... Читать дальше...

Keepin it real


Swae-Lee's girlfriend jumps side chick and steals purse he gifted her.

Proof you got it right on day one......


Anyone that remembers the Hamlet TV commercials will appreciate this , this is them all. Along with Heineken "refreshes the parts" and the Cadburys Smash " and then they boil them for 10 of their earth minutes hah hah hah hah" and a few others these ads were classics. Check out 7:55 A nice subtle way to get 'bollocks' onto pretty much every tv screen in the country for multiple times throughout the day......lol. These ads were simple, to the point, cheapish to make,and funny but the key was they... Читать дальше...

Facebook Donated to 46 of 55 Members on Committee that Will Question Zuckerberg


WASHINGTON - Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees. {{file|t=CPsdO_1523130702}} The congressional panel that got the most Facebook contributions is the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which announced Wednesday morning it would question Zuckerberg on April 11. Читать дальше...

B1-B BONE o Deployed To CENTCOM AOR (April 2018)


Published on Apr 5, 2018 A new rotation of B1-B Lancer bomber air-crews deploy from Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD headed for the CENTCOM Area Of Responsibility (AOR). CENTCOM AOR includes countries in the Middle East, parts of northern Africa, Central Asia and including Afghanistan and Iraq. Filmed on April 2, 2018. {{embed|t=sHX7E_1523130580}}

African Americans are'nt Africans


I'll let this post speak for itself. "Streamed live on Apr 2, 2018 A brief account and summary on "The North American Journals of prince Maximilian " Volume I and a brief account of Blackbeard . The Indigenous food we eat grow and who profits." On a side note, liveleak is blocking "risky commentators." This is a LL technical problem. I'm not doing this. See example picture I attached.

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Tamashiwari: the art of breaking things


Lumberton, North Carolina: Everybody loves breaking things, and in this clip Sensei Green breaks a few things for us using superior Karate techniques. Sensei Green makes it look easy, but do not try this at home unless you are a trained martial arts fighter yourself!

Homosexuals should be prevented from adopting children


Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated May 21st, 2016 ADNAN OKTAR: "Have we solved all the problems within the world of Islam that they mind supporting the homosexuals in London?" says Nurullah Durukan. He is right. This is a disgrace. If people are particularly concerned about and strive for the abhorrent activities of homosexuals while the Islamic world struggles desperately among all the bloodshed, terror and violence, this is an absolute disgrace. It is horrifying regardless of who perpetrates it. Читать дальше...

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Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ


На рынок недвижимости вышла компания «БН Групп»

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