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Новости за 22.04.2018

You're A Warmonger!


Besides the fact that the whole world hates you I'm sure the God hates you too. Well done America, well fu*king done! ZOG

The Worst Disaster In British Military History


And no, its NOT Dunkirk. I know its a little long but its got some great footage and good information. One of the best WW2 documentaries in my opinion.

Trump urged to stick with Iran nuclear deal


The French President Emmanuel Macron and the Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif have urged the U.S President to continue with the Iran nuclear deal. The arrangement which has been in place since 2015 saw the reduction of Iran's nuclear programme. Donald Trump has been highly critical of the deal and wants it to be renegotiated. In a television interview Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran was ready to restart its nuclear programme if the U.S pulled out of the deal. Emmanuel Macron said... Читать дальше...

Alabama cops called out for pulling clothes off black Waffle House customer during early morning arrest


In the Facebook post, the woman, who was arrested, said she objected to the extra fee customers have to pay for plastic tableware, stating the last time she went to this restaurant, her plastic tableware was given to her with no extra charge. After seeing the video, Prichard City Councilman Lorenzo Martin went to the police for answers on Sunday morning, only to be turned away. In response Saraland Police Public Information Officer Collette Little released a statement, reading: "The Saraland Police... Читать дальше...

Nashville Police Search Waffle House Shooting Suspect's Apartment


Nashville police searched an Antioch, Tennessee, apartment for Travis Reinking, the 29-year-old man suspected of opening fire at a nearby Waffle House early Sunday morning, April 22, killing four people.SWAT members and the bomb unit were on hand at the Discovery at Mountain View apartment complex, but Reinking was not found.This video shows police surrounding the apartment and at the end, SWAT members reboarding an armored personnel carrier to leave. Credit: BTSE 365 Podcast @Biggz_House via Storyful

Extreme caving: flood conditions in the cave -- double feature!


United Kingdom: We are going deep into the underground again with our british caver friends, taking a closer look at conditions in caves when the rain is on and streams of water make caving a tad more exciting than it is already under normal conditions. Watch both clips if you like caves and water, or skip all of it if you don't care about this shit at all :D

Market owners says they will defend their products against looters.


Translation : >Good morning my nicaraguans brother. Here we have the merchants of Mayoreo Market. >We're not thieves. We re not in favour of any political party. >we're protecting our business. We're protecting the loans we got from banks that we have to pay. >Here, if any thief enters with the intetions of looting will go out dead because we're armed to the teeth >and we're all bonded togethers. >gunshots to the air. >We're going until we die. If anyone wants to come to Mayoreo he's going to die. Читать дальше...

Breaking CNN: Waffle House Shooter, Travis Reinking, Found Dead


Breaking : Waffle House Shooter, Travis Reinking, Found Dead in an ally behind a Taco Bell! When questioned, the Police Spokesman stated: "It appears the Shooter was headed South of the Border." More details to follow!



Jay Feely, former kicker is attacked on twitter for a pic of his daughter, her date, and him in age old internet theme of the father holding a gun as a joke. He was promptly attacked from idiots with responses like this : "How is this responsible gun owenership ? When did guns become a vehicle for twisted humor ? What the hell is wrong with this guy ? " These idiots are making everyone afraid to do anything that might offend. Feely was compelled to apologize for somethat's been fine for years. I included a few examples.

Музыкальные новости

Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске

Персональные новости

Тема дня: «Известия»: число работающих граждан в РФ вырастет на 1,4 млн за три года

People break a stolen TV to stop looter from taking


Translation : >You know it is going to work because its broken ? >ah? >its broken. Not gonna work >What do you mean ? What are you talking about ? >you should be ashamed. >you should be ashamed. >you're profitting from this. dude then takes tv from the looter and smash it against the sidewalk. bam bam. >Take it now you . >take your shit now. Take it >go away. looter.

Turkey using Greek soldiers as "bargaining chips"


Greece says it won't allow two of its soldiers, who are currently being detained in Turkey, to be used as "bargaining chips" in an ongoing row between the two countries. Turkish President Recep Tayipp Erdogan said he would consider releasing the soldiers if eight Turkish servicemen, who sought assylum in Greece following the failed 2016 coup attempt, were sent home first. "Blackmail" Athens has described this as "blackmail", with the Defence Ministry describing the soldiers as "hostages",... Читать дальше...

Radovan Karadzic appeals 40 year jail sentence


Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic is to launch his appeal this week against a 40 year prison sentence for genocide and war crimes during the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. Karadzic, a former psychiatrist, is the highest-ranking official sentenced by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, set up in 1993 to prosecute those behind the Balkans bloodshed. Two years ago Karadzic, now aged 72, was convicted of crimes committed during the break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s... Читать дальше...

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Large Dog- from 7 weeks onwards or over 18 lb, 8 Month Protection


Veterinarian-recommended flea and tick prevention for dogs Just one flea collar for dogs offers 8 continuous months of protection Avoid the hassle of monthly treatments No mess, non-greasy and odorless Kills fleas and ticks through contact. No biting required. Easy-to-apply collar can be worn with leash collars Continuous release, low concentration Brought to you by Bayer https://amzn.to/2JgvFrW

Islamists/Rebels training kids for fake chemical attack


A lot of Christians support Assad in Syria because he guaranteed freedom of faith all the time, that is why islamists/Rebells (which are supported from western countries) hate this government so much. Should these "Rebels" (Al-Nusra Front & Co...) win at the end, Christians, atheists and other ones have to flee or to die, when they decide to remain Non-Muslims till the end. Will the Islamists/Rebells will be successfull with their Fakenews and acting childs to get more support from western countries... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Кыргызстанцы завоевали медали на международном турнире по танцам в Москве


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Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Александр Розенбаум

Розенбаум высказался о пластических операциях


«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

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