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Новости за 06.04.2018

BobCat vs Rattllesnake


Bobcat is hungry, He wants snake for dinner. Annoying people film and comment

Executed for allegedly snitching on narco


A man gets executed in monterrey mexico for allegedly snitching on narco operations, he is allegedly involved with one or several organized crime groups such as "beltran leyva" and "los rudos". He received 17 impacts and later died in the hospital.

Что смотреть на выходных: эстонский ужастик с оборотнями, групповая тюремная терапия и французская собачья мелодрама

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Денис Катаев – о том, что можно успеть посмотреть в ближайший уикенд. Эстонский хоррор, документальный хит «Внутренняя работа» и история современной хореографии.

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EU is cashing in on Trump Trade War


The European Union wants to enhance trade with China, in view of the U.S. trade protectionism, say officials and analysts in Europe. Eu felt China is more reliable, stable and mature as trading partner and wanted more business.

Wild elephant uses hoe to scratch back


A wild elephant was captured using a hoe to scratch its back in southwestern China's Yunnan Province. The funny video, captured on March 30, shows the elephant holding a hoe with its trunk and rubbing it against its back to relieve an itch.

Women dance in cemetery for Tomb-Sweeping Day


Four women in shorts danced to the music in a cemetery for Chinese Tomb-Sweeping Day. The clip was shot on April 4 in Shanwei city in southern China's Guangdong Province. Tomb-Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival in which people gather together to remember the lives of the departed and visit their tombstones to perform Confucian filial piety by tombsweeping.

Parents DisneyWorld trip surprise goes wrong as son throws tantrum


A mother was expecting to capture the magical moment her children found out they were going on a trip to Disneyland but things backfired when her son threw a massive tantrum. Seana Meehan had planned the trip to Disney eight months in advance and waited until the morning of the trip first day to share the big news with her children. Her son's reaction was not the one the family had hoped for crying 'he didn't want to go!' Seana Meehan later wrote online: ''We woke up big sister to Disney music... Читать дальше...

The long road to getting a passport in Venezuela


Up to forty thousand people from Venezuela cross every day into Cucuta, the main Colombian border. They are in search of food, security, medicine and jobs, all of which have been in short supply since the country's economic crisis. For those that make the decision to leave their country, whether temporarily or more permanently, migrating can be a difficult task. Trying to do so without a passport can be nearly impossible, yet Venezuelans face multiple difficulties when trying to obtain this vital document. Читать дальше...



Let the comments begin... :D

Что известно о расследовании Мюллера о вмешательстве в американские выборы. И при чем тут новый санкционный список?

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Вашингтон внес в список санкций 38 российских бизнесменов, официальных лиц и компаний, сообщил Минфин США. Параллельно свое расследование о вмешательстве России в американские выборы проводит спецпрокурор Роберт Мюллер. По информации CNN, по этому делу были допрошены в том числе и два российских бизнесмена — их имена не раскрываются. Ольга Гладышева вспомнила, кто обвиняется во вмешательстве в российские выборы.

China stand firm on US trade war


China have rejected any concession demanded by Donald Trump. Despite White House desperate attempt to save face by pretending this is not a Trade War but a Trade Deal, China said you cannot have free trade when USA kept threatening to impose tariff and protectionism beyond what is allowed under international rules and orders. Beside, the world and WTO is supporting China in this fight for free trade. Attempts by various US officials to start a negotiation is rejected by the Chinese. No deal.

Death toll rises in Israel-Gaza border unrest: reports


Thousands of Palestinian protesters have gathered at Gaza's border with Israel for the second consecutive Friday of mass protests, with from Gaza's health ministry that at least three Palestinians had been killed and around 250 more injured by Israeli army gunfire. Mounds of tyres were set alight to launch the second week of demonstrations. At least 22 Palestinians have died since protests near the Gaza border fence began on March 30, according to the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza. Tens... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Виктор Цой

У могил Горшка и Виктора Цоя на Богословском кладбище появилась защита от вандалов

Персональные новости


French Politician Given Suspended 5,000 Euro Fine for Mentioning 'Migrant Invasion'


http://bit.ly/2H0Cj8u | French conservative politician Nicholas Dupont-Aignan, who gave his support to anti-mass migration presidential candidate Marine Le Pen last year, has been given a suspended fine of 5,000 euros for speaking about a "migrant invasion". Mr. Dupont-Aignan made the comments on January 17, 2017, during his own run for the French presidency before he was knocked out after the first round vote. He had said: "In 2016, the Socialists compensate for the decline in birth rate by the migratory invasion. Читать дальше...

Moment bin lorry sideswipes parked Mercedes causing thousands in damages


This is the moment a rubbish truck sideswipes a pair of parked luxury Mercedes, causing thousands of pounds of damage. CCTV footage shows the bin lorry picking up rubbish outside offices in Peterborough, UK. After the bin men complete their rounds and their vehicle pulls away, the tail end of the massive truck crunches into a black Mercedes CLA AMG Sport and a Mercedes GLC next to it. The alarmed owners of the vehicles are seen walking out to observe the destruction. The owner of the luxury vehicle said the damage to the cars... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Кто отец Дианы Джокович?


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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Педагогов Калмыкии приглашают принять участие в Форуме классных руководителей

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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