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Новости за 06.04.2018

Lake Erie Swell in high winds, but then again so does my,...


It has been a long ass winter even in Buffalo, NY where yesterday high winds pushed lake Erie ice and water over the protective Ice Boom and into the Niagara River. Not a unique event at all but the winds and waters were unusually high making for some gnarly ass bergs popping up and down and putting the breakwall underwater.

Watch man use amazing soccer moves to put groceries in cart


A man used amazing soccer moves to put groceries in a cart at a Fiesta Mart in Dallas on March 30, 2018. In the , DJ Diveny can be seen using soccer touches that you'd normally use with a ball on grocery items instead to place them in the shopping cart. For one of his tricks, a friend tossed up a bag of tortillas, and DJ Diveny juggled them with his feet then smoothly kicked it into the cart.

Anti-corruption protesters rally for a 'decent Slovakia'


Anti-government protests are due to take place across the whole of Slovakia. Protesters are demanding new elections, and an independent investigation into the death of a journalist. There are concerns that the level of corruption in the country is worse than previously thought. No-one has been charged with the murder of Jan Kuciak and his fianc'ee Martina Kusnirova, both 27, who were shot in the head at their home outside Bratislava in February. Kuciak had been investigating the alleged misuse... Читать дальше...

The Irish Should Be Ashamed


There's an arrest warrant for him - full disclosure I love him but but but, he bad boy here.

Palywood industry hits again - "Palestinians" fakes pictures on Gaza border


The palywood industry hits again Other than Palestinians promoting Hamas's agenda and exploiting women and children by sending them to the front, they also try to manipulate the international community to promote their terror agenda through lies. One can only wonder, if their cause is so just, why would they need to lie? * Please help this to be spread by pressing the up arrow here.

Conor McGregor ravages UFC event, injuring one


McGregor and his entourage approached a large vehicle full of fighters that was leaving Barclays Center in Brooklyn after the event, according to MMA Fighting's Ariel Helwani. "Chairs were thrown through the van window and one passenger on the van was injured.

Analysts predict Fidesz Party will retain government in Hungary


Hungarians are preparing to go to the polls this weekend, but political analysts say it is likely Viktor Orban's Fidesz Party will retain power. The most recent polls show 10 per cent of voters have not decided who they will choose, but more than half of those would like a change in government. "Hungarians got used to a much more easy voting situation," Zavecz Research Institute Executive Director Tibor Zavecz said. "Meanwhile the new system is strange for them too, so the majority of them cannot... Читать дальше...

On the road with Hungary's Two-tailed Dog Party


Its candidates sometimes dress up as chickens and gorillas - arguing that voters have lost trust in human politicians. Even so, Hungary's "Two-tailed Dog Party" is not predicted to dent the grip on power of Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz Party in next Sunday's election. But with a manifesto promising free beer and eternal life, it is brightening up the political landscape. Daniel Boszik went on the campaign trail as two of the party's candidates took their grassroots activism to the people. Читать дальше...

Pipe-Wielding Student Gets Shot By Cop At University Of Chicago


University of Chicago police have released body cam and dash cam of a shooting that injured a student who charged at an officer with a metal pipe. The University of Chicago student has been identified as 21-year-old Charles Thomas. Thomas is facing criminal charges in connection with the shooting, including felony aggravated assault of a peace officer and two counts of felony criminal damage to property, according to Chicago police. He is also facing two misdemeanor counts of criminal damage to property. Читать дальше...

Charlotte Police Shoot Man Holding Pregnant Woman Hostage


Body camera videos released Wednesday show Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers shooting an armed man while his pregnant hostage crawls to safety. Johnathan Autry, 28, survived the Sept. 25, 2017 shooting, and he is still in Mecklenburg County Jail. He's been charged with kidnapping and robbery with a dangerous weapon, among other offenses. The three officers who shot Autry were all placed on paid administrative leave after the shooting, but the Mecklenburg County District Attorney's Office found they acted lawfully, CMPD said. Читать дальше...

California's new wonder for president


Sounds like almost a death threat to me. So the Dems want this mixed breed pile of shit to be President? Kamela Harris is yet another up liberal cum queen who will use he race card and spread the idiotic values of Commiefornia around more? BULLSHIT. We are in a civil war already I think, but it is still civil, soon it will get bad. And this lesbo Ellen, what a useless rag eating . NOT funny, no talent stuttering .

Tourists struggle to walk on snow-covered Great Wall of China


A group of tourists struggled to walk on one of the most famous tourist attractions in Beijing, the Great Wall of China, in the snow. In the clip, which was shot on March 17, tourists in raincoats walk along both sides of the Great Wall and try to move forward on the slippery surface covered with snow. According to , this was the first snow in Beijing this year.

Timelapse Captures Lightning Over Shinmoedake Volcano in Nighttime Eruption


TImelapse captures lighting above Japan’s Shinmoedake volcano on April 5. The famous volcano has been active since early March.The latest eruption occurred at 3:31 a.m. local time, with ash hitting up to 5000 meters in the air, according to . Credit: David Hensley via Storyful

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Самсонова победила Осаку и вышла в третий круг турнира WTA 1000 в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

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Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкова оправдалась за слитые в сеть снимки: «Ничем никого не удивишь»


«Мечталлион» приносит удачу – бухгалтер из Подмосковья дважды стала обладательницей миллиона рублей

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