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Новости за 22.09.2015

Olympiakos win again to open five-point lead at the top


ATHENS (Reuters) - Olympiakos Piraeous continued their 100 percent start to the Super League season with a 3-1 win at Skoda Xanthi thanks to a Kostas Fortounis double on Tuesday to open a five-point lead over AEK Athens at the top.

EU backs refugee-sharing plan


The European Union approves a plan to share out 120,000 refugees across its 28 states, overriding vehement opposition from eastern nations. Vanessa Johnston reports.

EU backs refugee-sharing plan


The European Union approves a plan to share out 120,000 refugees across its 28 states, overriding vehement opposition from eastern nations. Vanessa Johnston reports.

EU backs refugee-sharing plan


The European Union approves a plan to share out 120,000 refugees across its 28 states, overriding vehement opposition from eastern nations. Vanessa Johnston reports.

EU backs refugee-sharing plan


The European Union approves a plan to share out 120,000 refugees across its 28 states, overriding vehement opposition from eastern nations. Vanessa Johnston reports.

Hammond sees schedule tight for Britain to vote on EU next year


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond said on Tuesday that Britain's EU referendum could only happen next year if negotiations that are unlikely to turn fully serious after December are concluded by May or June.

Hammond sees schedule tight for Britain to vote on EU next year


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond said on Tuesday that Britain's EU referendum could only happen next year if negotiations that are unlikely to turn fully serious after December are concluded by May or June.

Pope Francis arrives in the U.S.


Pope Francis, fresh off his trip to Cuba, arrived by airplane at a military base outside of Washington on Tuesday to begin his first visit to the United States. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Pope Francis arrives in the U.S.


Pope Francis, fresh off his trip to Cuba, arrived by airplane at a military base outside of Washington on Tuesday to begin his first visit to the United States. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Pope Francis arrives in the U.S.


Pope Francis, fresh off his trip to Cuba, arrived by airplane at a military base outside of Washington on Tuesday to begin his first visit to the United States. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Pope Francis arrives in the U.S.


Pope Francis, fresh off his trip to Cuba, arrived by airplane at a military base outside of Washington on Tuesday to begin his first visit to the United States. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Brian Williams returns to television news on MSNBC after suspension


NEW YORK (Reuters) - TV newsman Brian Williams, who was suspended for fabricating a story about being on a helicopter shot down in the Iraq war, returned to the air on Tuesday as a breaking news anchor on cable channel MSNBC to cover the pope's arrival in America.

Музыкальные новости

Концерт «Стихи войны и мира. Баллада о своих»

Персональные новости

В Екатеринбурге встретили Знамя Победы, которое едет через всю страну

Fallout from Volkswagen scandal


The Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal will likely result in more stringent regulations, says auto analyst Jack Nerad of Kelley Blue Book.

Fallout from Volkswagen scandal


The Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal will likely result in more stringent regulations, says auto analyst Jack Nerad of Kelley Blue Book.

Fallout from Volkswagen scandal


The Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal will likely result in more stringent regulations, says auto analyst Jack Nerad of Kelley Blue Book.

Rugby-South Africa captain De Villiers faces the axe


BIRMINGHAM, England, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Speculation over the possible axing of South African captain Jean de Villiers swirled around the team on the eve of their team announcement for the Rugby World Cup Pool B game against Samoa on Saturday.

Спорт в России и мире

Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Новости тенниса
Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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Экология в России и мире

В Москве прошел ливень «летней интенсивности»

Путин в России и мире

Париж решил показать, что такое ядерное сдерживание России по-французски

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

«Я не джентльмен»: Лепс вновь объяснился за инцидент с телефоном фанатки


Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

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