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Новости за 21.09.2015

GLOBAL MARKETS-Equities, dollar and oil gain as gold slips


NEW YORK, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Wall Street and European stocks rebounded more than 1 percent on Monday in rallies that, along with robust gains in the dollar and global oil markets, showed investors were tilting toward riskier assets.

Rugby-World Cup organisers keen to reduce TMO delays


LONDON, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Rugby World Cup organisers are committed to reducing delays caused by Television Match Official (TMO) decisions following a series of controversial incidents in the first eight Rugby World Cup matches.

Pittsburgh hospital looks for mold source after three deaths


PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - A Pittsburgh hospital is working to find and eradicate the source of a rare mold that may have contributed to the deaths of three transplant patients and left a fourth person in "guarded condition," a hospital spokeswoman said on Monday.

Pittsburgh hospital looks for mold source after three deaths


PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - A Pittsburgh hospital is working to find and eradicate the source of a rare mold that may have contributed to the deaths of three transplant patients and left a fourth person in "guarded condition," a hospital spokeswoman said on Monday.

Texan pleads guilty to running bitcoin Ponzi scheme


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Texas man accused of operating a Ponzi scheme involving bitcoins pleaded guilty on Monday in what prosecutors say was the first U.S. criminal securities fraud case related to the digital currency.

McDonald's, Google and others join hunger campaign


The U.N. World Food Program is teaming up with prominent brands, like McDonald's and Google, in a new campaign to raise money to help feed the largest flood of refugees in recorded history. Bobbi Rebell reports.

McDonald's, Google and others join hunger campaign


The U.N. World Food Program is teaming up with prominent brands, like McDonald's and Google, in a new campaign to raise money to help feed the largest flood of refugees in recorded history. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Washington, D.C. makes final preps for papal visit


Washington, D.C. is getting ready for Pope Francis' two day visit this week by prepping for the crowds, additional security and massive street closures. Jennifer Davis reports.

Washington, D.C. makes final preps for papal visit


Washington, D.C. is getting ready for Pope Francis' two day visit this week by prepping for the crowds, additional security and massive street closures. Jennifer Davis reports.

Red Hat revenue rises 13 percent


(Reuters) - Red Hat Inc , the world's largest commercial distributor of the Linux operating system, reported a 13 percent rise in quarterly revenue, helped by higher demand for open-source software and cloud offerings.

Emmy awards show draws record low TV audience


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Emmy Awards show, television's biggest night, drew the smallest TV audience on record, despite big wins for HBO's popular medieval fantasy series "Game of Thrones."

Man allegedly tries to drown daughters


A North Carolina father allegedly tried to drown his three children, ages 3, 5 and 7, in a local lake, to keep social workers from taking them away. Diane Hodges reports.

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Man allegedly tries to drown daughters


A North Carolina father allegedly tried to drown his three children, ages 3, 5 and 7, in a local lake, to keep social workers from taking them away. Diane Hodges reports.

Judge curbs Boston band founder's lawsuit vs ex-guitarist


(Reuters) - A federal judge on Monday dismissed most of a lawsuit in which Tom Scholz, the founder of the rock band Boston, accused former bandmate and guitarist Barry Goudreau of trademark infringement over the use of the band's name.

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