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Stay protected and enter to win big with Norton 360 for Gamers

 Stay protected and enter to win big with Norton 360 for Gamers

Protecting you while you game, online and offline

While slaying the latest raid boss, the last thing you need to worry about is a cybercriminal. You put precious time, energy, and money into your virtual worlds. 

Why leave it to chance?

Norton 360 for Gamers is a suite of features optimized to provide the protection that you need, including security for your PC that blocks cyberthreats, a VPN to secure your IP address, dark web monitoring for your gamertags, and more–all with fewer notifications so you can play on.

We’ve collected some of the most frequently asked questions gamers have about NortonLifeLock’s software…

Enter to win

NortonLifeLock is giving away a one-year subscription of its award-winning software to ten individuals, and one lucky winner will not only receive the one-year subscription but also an ACER Nitro 15 laptop, Secretlab Omega chair, and a Steelseries Arctis Pro + GameDAC headset!

Why use security software?

We’ve seen a surge in cybercriminals targeting gamers, with hundreds of thousands of gaming accounts hacked in the past year alone. The last thing you need to worry about is someone hacking into your gaming account – let’s be real… you’ve spent a lot more time and money on it than you’d like to admit… But as a gamer, you need more than just antivirus – that’s where Norton 360 for Gamers comes in. 

How does it help me when I game?

Whether you’re a casual or hardcore PC gamer, Norton 360 offers multi-layered protection for your devices, game accounts, and digital assets. Its antivirus can help protect your device from targeted attacks, while the Secure VPN feature hides your IP, so you can browse anonymously and securely to help protect against DDOS attacks, doxxing, SWATing. It even helps to prevent webcam takeovers on your PC.

Note: No one can prevent all cybercrime or identity theft.

What about the dark web?

Norton 360 offers Dark Web monitoring for gamer tags. It’s not something many people consider, but cybercriminals frequent the Dark Web to illegally purchase stolen passwords and personal information – hijacking your account to steal digital currency and goods. Dark Web Monitoring Powered by LifeLock patrols the Dark Web for your gamer tags, email address, and personal information – notifying you if they find anything, so you can secure your accounts and lock hackers out!

Will I get a bunch of alerts popping up while I game?

NortonLifeLock understands the frustration of being interrupted by unwanted notifications while gaming. They’ve optimized notifications for Norton 360 for Gamers so you’re only alerted if your device is under attack or at risk, or if you’re not using a feature you’re entitled to, and they even give you control to silence notifications permanently.  

And if that all doesn’t sound good enough, it comes with 50GB of PC cloud backup to save your game clips – and there’s a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee for annual purchases. 

During this holiday shopping season, NortonLifeLock is giving away a one-year subscription of its award-winning software to ten individuals (retail value $100), and one lucky winner will not only receive the one-year subscription but also an ACER Nitro 15 laptop, Secretlab Omega chair, and a Steelseries Arctis Pro + GameDAC headset! (Retail value $1,300+)

With today’s cyberthreats only getting worse, ignoring the warning signs will get you burnt. Lockdown your digital life today so the only thing you’re worrying about is ‘getting good’.


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