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Новости за 30.04.2020

NFL Draft: Were the Ads as Successful as the Event?


Current COVID-19 circumstances influenced ingenuity for the first-ever virtual NFL Draft. The league partnered with Amazon Web Services, Verizon, Bose and Microsoft (Teams) to coordinate production for the three-day televised event, which relied on 600 camera feeds from homes across the country. The NFL Draft scored big, pulling in more viewers than ever before with […]

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Doctor dad-of-three dies of coronavirus after telling colleagues ‘not to be afraid and to treat patients whole-heatedly’


A FEARLESS NHS doctor died of coronavirus after telling colleagues “not to be afraid and to treat patients wholeheartedly”. Dr Nasir Khan, 46, an Acute Medical Unit Consultant who worked at Dewsbury and District Hospital in West Yorkshire, died this week after falling ill about a month ago. ⚠️ Read our coronavirus live blog for […]

Kansas Department of Health and Environment updates travel quarantine list


TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment updated its travel quarantine list on Thursday. KDHE added Massachusetts and Rhode Island and removed California, Florida and Washington. This is effective for people returning Thursday, April 30 and moving forward. The health department said people in Kansas need to quarantine for 14 days […]

Shakira Donates Thousands of N95 Masks to Colombia Amid Pandemic

«Just Jared» 

Shakira just did something fantastic amid the global health crisis. The 43-year-old “Whenever, Wherever” entertainer donated thousands of N95 masks to health care workers in Barranquilla, Colombia, as well as ventilators to save lives amid the pandemic. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Shakira The Mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo, expressed his gratitude in [...]

Dow Jones Today: A Rough Day to End A Strong Month


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Saddled by another round of bleak economic data delivered on a Thursday and tepid earnings reports, stocks faltered in the final trading day of April, though the major equity benchmarks posted strong monthly performances.

The post Dow Jones Today: A Rough Day to End A Strong Month appeared first on InvestorPlace.

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Cloud banking platform Mambu will help business banking platform Tide expand its services, including innovations in releasing larger overdrafts, credit cards and invoice financing, according to a press release from Mambu. According to the release, Tide also wants to allow members to lend to other members using some new integrated technologies. Tide especially wants to […]

HOLD Navajo Nation COVID-19 outbreak predicted to peak in May

United Press International (UPI.com) 

Cases of COVID-19 in the hard-hit Navajo Nation are predicted to peak in May, a medical spokeswoman said Wednesday, adding that an outbreak among residents of a detox center caused numbers to spike in New Mexico.

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