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Новости за 07.04.2020

Prague, Risk, Eyes, Mantel, Me

The Browser 

The Advantages Of Disadvantages Tomas Sedlacek | Hedgehog Review | 6th April 2020 On the pleasures of Prague without tourists; and of living life in general more slowly and more sparsely. “The world will have a Sabbath. Cities will calm down. People will pause and return a little bit into their own bag of skin, into their own human dimensions. You will be…

On This Day in Football History – 7 April: Man Utd’s Derby Comeback, Arjen Robben’s Volley & More

FC Barcelona News 

?You’re ready for a trip down memory lane. We’re ready too. So what else are we waiting for? Let’s hop in the DeLorean and see what history has in store from 7 April over the years. 1974 – Johan Cruyff Wins His First La Liga Trophy For Barcelona to go 14 years without a league title seems unimaginable … Continue reading On This Day in Football History – 7 April: Man Utd’s Derby Comeback, Arjen Robben’s Volley & More

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Donates $1 Billion to Coronavirus Relief Efforts

«Just Jared» 

Jack Dorsey is donating $1 billion to COVID-19 relief efforts. The 43-year-old co-founder and CEO of Twitter, and the founder and CEO of Square, is donating in the form of his equity in Square. Jack, who has a net worth of around $3.3 billion according to Forbes, made the announcement on Tuesday (April 7) on [...]

Acting Navy secretary resigns over handling of virus-stricken aircraft carrier - POLITICO

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

  1. Acting Navy secretary resigns over handling of virus-stricken aircraft carrier  POLITICO
  2. Capt. Crozier, Navy leadership and a coronavirus controversy, explained  Washington Post
  3. Trump hints that he may get involved in Navy episode as Modly issues apology  Fox News
  4. Navy Secretary Modly's aircraft carrier speech misfires badly | TheHill  The Hill
  5. Navy captain fired over coronavirus memo is a calm, honorable leader. He's also my friend.  USA TODAY
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Hedgies look to capitalize on coronavirus pain à la Warren Buffett

New York Post 

Hedge fund billionaires like Nelson Peltz are looking to mimic Warren Buffett’s strategy of investing in distressed companies through preferred shares as the coronavirus wreaks havoc on the economy, The Post has learned. Large hedge funds like Peltz’s Trian Partners and Howard Marks’ Oaktree Capital Management have been scouring the globe for opportunities to plow...

Libertarian Leaders - a Recipe for Lethal Government Incompetence and Criminality


Early on, Trump called Covid-19 a "hoax" by the Democratic Party..Just as Trump engaged in personal insults directed against the Democratic governors of Michigan, Washington, and other states, Bolsonaro began attacking Governors Jo--o Doria of S--o Paulo and Wilson Witzel of Rio de Janeiro for instituting curfews and quarantine measures.

COVID-19 Could Permanently Make Abortions Harder to Access Nationwide


Kathy Kleinfeld already had patients in her waiting room at Houston Women’s Reproductive Services on the morning of March 24 when she received an update from her lawyers: Stop what you’re doing, they warned. The Texas attorney general had announced the evening before that abortions were considered non-essential medical procedures and that doctors were barred…

Музыкальные новости
Елена Волкова

В Светлогорске впервые пройдет культурный проект «Классика: история и современность»

Персональные новости
Владимир Путин

Money: в Италии заподозрили неладное, Путин начал отбирать российские земли у Запада

New White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has a history of downplaying coronavirus threat

Raw Story 

Kayleigh McEnany, who was the national press secretary for President Trump’s reelection campaign, has been chosen by Trump to replace Stephanie Grisham as White House press secretary. According to POLITICO, McEnany played a significant role in downplaying the threat of coronavirus, as evidenced in a clip from Fox News that resurfaced this week. “This president will […]

Paparazzi kingpins ask $15.9 million for Westside L.A. mansion


Filed under: Finance, Home, Real Estate

Fortune often comes as a byproduct of fame, although some have taken to cashing in by simply piggybacking on others’ notoriety. Case in point: French entrepreneur François Navarre and his American business partner wife Brandy, who became enormously wealthy by profiting off the world’s obsession with celebrity.


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Iran FM demands US stop blocking it from selling oil

Turkish Press 

ANKARA Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif demanded Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump stop halting the sale of Iranian oil as it faces difficulties in supporting its citizens in the midst of the novel coronavirus. “What we want is for him to STOP preventing Iran from selling oil & other products, buying its needs & […]

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ЦСКА обыграл «Балтику» и вышел в финал Пути РПЛ Кубка России


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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об улучшении экологической обстановке в Севастополе 

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Чешов объяснил, почему Путин поддерживает Андрея Бочарова

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск: Дан старт очередному совместному космическому проекту

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В Киеве обвинили Зеленского в неспособности добиться нового пакета помощи от США

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Певец Сергей Шнуров раскритиковал Шевчука за желание учить других артистов


В отношении популярной блогерши Анастасии Ивлеевой возбуждено административное дело о дискредитации российской армии

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