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Новости за 23.07.2020

Black Lives Matter lawsuit asks federal court to rein in federal law officers Trump is sending to Chicago

Chicago Sun-Times 

Aislinn Pulley, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago, speaks during a news conference Thursday in Federal Plaza. | Pat Nabong/Sun-Times

The president says the additional federal officers will assist Chicago police in fighting crime, but Black Lives Matter leaders want concrete, court-ordered assurances the federal officers won’t harass protesters.

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Illinois sees 1,624 new COVID-19 infections, biggest daily caseload since Memorial Day

Chicago Sun-Times 

A Norwood Park Fire Department firefighter gets his blood drawn for a coronavirus antibody test by a phlebotomist at a drive-thru testing site in Harwood Heights this spring. | Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Sun-Times file

In June, Illinois’ daily caseloads measured in four digits only twice, but it’s already happened 10 times with over a week left in July. The state is averaging about 1,032 new cases daily so far this month. 

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This week in history: John Dillinger’s death dominates the front page

Chicago Sun-Times 

FILE - In this undated file photo, John Dillinger is seen. Before becoming Public Enemy No. 1, gangster John Dillinger pulled off his first bank robbery in a sleepy Ohio town. Police captured him months later when they swarmed his girlfriend’s apartment, but within weeks he brazenly strolled out of jail after his gang killed a rural sheriff. (AP Photo/Dayton Daily News, file) | AP

The Chicago Daily News splashed John Dillinger’s murder in front of the Biograph Theater on July 22, 1934 across the front page. Читать дальше...

Challenging times require all hands on deck

Chicago Sun-Times 

The work that we set our hands to must “break down” the racial barriers of our past to “build up” a new inclusive city for our children and grandchildren. To do that, all voices must be heard. | Pat Nabong/Sun-Times file photo

I have agreed to return to the newsroom to add my voice to the many voices addressing the issues of our day.

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Red Stars advance to Challenge Cup final with 3-2 victory against Sky Blue

Chicago Sun-Times 

Bianca St. Georges #29 of Chicago Red Stars celebrates with her teammates Rachel Hill #5, Savannah McCaskill #9 and Katie Johnson #33 after scoring a goal in the eighth minute against the Sky Blue FC during the first half in the semifinal match of the NWSL Challenge Cup at Rio Tinto Stadium on July 22, 2020 in Sandy, Utah. (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)    | Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Team will play the Houston Dash in the final at 11:30 a.m. Sunday

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Lightfoot defends calling FOP president a ‘clown,’ ‘cartoon character’ and ‘total fraud’

Chicago Sun-Times 

Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday defended sending a series of insulting text messages to Chicago Fraternal Order of Police president John Catanzara, saying she doesn’t “take back one word that I said.” | Tyler LaRiviere/Sun-Times

Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday defended sending several insulting text messages to Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara, saying she doesn’t “take back one word that I said.”

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Kim Kardashian West speaks out about Kanye’s mental health issues

Chicago Sun-Times 

Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West arrive at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, California, in February. | AP

Reflecting on the “incredibly complicated and painful” nature of living with or loving someone who lives with mental illness, Kim Kardashian reminded followers that the family of an adult is “powerless” to help unless the person willingly engages “in the process of getting help no matter how hard family and friends try.”

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Концерт ко дню адыгского флага привлек молодежь Черкесска

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Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

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