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Новости за 22.07.2020

Could college football — or lack of college football — affect the November election?

Chicago Sun-Times 

It’s not clear if a disruption of the college football season would impact the November election. | Tony Ding/AP

There’s a strong chance college football stadiums will be empty, an open question of whether the games will be played at all. And that could underscore the seriousness of the grip the coronavirus has on America as voters head to the polls Nov. 3. 

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‘Yield Chicago’ to help developers of color tackle South, West Side revitalization projects

Chicago Sun-Times 

Mayor Lori Lightfoot joined LISC Chicago and the Urban Land Institute on Tuesday to unveil “Yield Chicago,” a new initiative aiming to help developers of color build capacity to be city partners in revitalizing the South and West Sides. (From Top ) Hugh Williams, MK Asset Management; Tracy McKenzie, CBRE; Kim Adams, JPMorgan Chase; Lightfoot; Teri Frankiewicz, Crown Community Development; Meghan Harte, LISC; Cindy McSherry, ULI. | Via Zoom

“Yield Chicago,” an initiative unveiled Tuesday by LISC Chicago and Urban Land Institute Chicago... Читать дальше...

23 shot, 4 fatally, Tuesday in Chicago

Chicago Sun-Times 

Chicago police investigate the scene where multiple people were shot July 21, 2020, outside of a funeral home in the 1000 block of West 79th Street. | Tyler LaRiviere/Sun-Times

15 people were injured in a shooting outside a funeral home in the 1000 block of West 79th Street in Gresham.

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14 shot outside Gresham funeral home

Chicago Sun-Times 

Chicago police investigate the scene where multiple people were shot July 21, 2020, in the 1000 block of West 79th Street. | Tyler LaRiviere/Sun-Times

The shooting happened in the 1000 block of West 79th Street, outside of a funeral home, police say; 1 person of interest is being questioned.

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Zoning Committee approves revised security gate ordinance

Chicago Sun-Times 

Downtown Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) said in an email to the Sun-Times on Tuesday, “Unfortunately in recent months, downtown businesses have been specifically targeted by violent rioters, looters and professional mobile theft rings. As a result, many business owners are currently working to install stronger security measures, including securing their windows and doors.” | Rich Hein/Sun-Times file photo

Security doors and gates installed to protect Loop storefronts would have to be “clear and non-reflective... Читать дальше...

Auburn Gresham residents frustrated by weeks of missing mail delivery

Chicago Sun-Times 

Lashann Walker, 49, outside the Auburn Park Post Office, 8345 S. Ashland Ave. in Auburn Gresham on Tuesday. She was retrieving mail; she said no mail has been delivered to her home for three weeks. | Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times

“We were getting our mail every day — and sometimes early — all through the pandemic so that’s why I don’t understand why it is happening now,” resident Lashann Walker said.

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Walmart will keep stores closed this Thanksgiving

Chicago Sun-Times 

Walmart U.S. president and CEO John Furner announced that stores will break from tradition and close on Thanksgiving Day, which usually is the start of the holiday shopping season and Black Friday weekend.  | Google Maps

Walmart stores and Sam’s Club locations will operate with normal hours, the day before Thanksgiving, Nov. 25. Store and club hours for Friday, Nov. 27, which is Black Friday, will be shared at a later date.

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Шествие трубачей и уроки танцев: что ждет посетителей парков Москвы в майские праздники


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Свёнтек: я чувствую, что с каждым годом получаю всё большую поддержку


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Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

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Игорь Бутман

Квинтет Игоря Бутмана и певица Фантине впервые выступят на джазовом фестивале в Бахрейне


Пассажиры «Мострансавто» более 2 млн раз проехались до аэропортов с начала года

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