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Новости за 16.07.2020

Eddie S. Glaude Jr. on James Baldwin, Colin Jost on Colin Jost and 7 more hot new books

Chicago Sun-Times 

Eddie S. Glaude Jr.’s “Begin Again” takes an “elegant and impassioned” look at how author James Baldwin’s words are still relevant more than 20 years after his death. | Princeton University

Others worth a read include: Emily Temple’s ‘The Lightness,’ David Mitchell’s ‘Utopia Avenue,’ Daniel Silva’s ‘The Order,’ James Nestor’s ‘Breath’ and Elin Hilderbrand’s ‘28 Summers.’

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Marquee Sports Network will make Wrigley Field co-star of broadcasts, even without fans

Chicago Sun-Times 

Cubs play-by-play voice Len Kasper and analyst Jim Deshaies have ample space between them in the Wrigley Field booth. | Marquee Sports Network

Said MSN general manager Mike McCarthy: “There are so many things we can do in the fanless environment to bring perspectives to Wrigley that people haven’t seen before. I think it’s going to be remarkable.”

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We asked parents and teachers if they’re OK with in-class instruction returning. Here’s what they said.

Chicago Sun-Times 

With schools gearing up to welcome back students in Chicago and the rest of Illinois, here’s what parents and teachers had to say about whether they’d be comfortable with in-class instruction this fall. | Ashlee Rezin Garcia / Sun-Times

Some say students shouldn’t return until there’s a vaccine. Others say e-learning wasn’t working for their kids, and it’s time to go back.

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Horoscope for Thursday, July 16, 2020

Chicago Sun-Times 

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Gemini.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your communication skills are excellent, which is why this is a fantastic day for those in sales, marketing writing, teaching or acting. Whatever you say will be convincing and energetic, and yet, you will also be diplomatic and charming. Killer combo!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a good money day! Trust your money-making ideas. You will be skilled in financial negotiations. Читать дальше...

CTU says classes should be held remotely in the fall

Chicago Sun-Times 

As President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos pressure schools to reopen in the fall, the Chicago Teachers Union on Wednesday called for schools to open remotely in the fall. | Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Sun-Times

With schools facing immense challenges in protecting students, teachers and staff members during the coronavirus pandemic, the Chicago Teachers Union is urging schools to open in the fall with remote learning.

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President Trump puts off plans to save lives in Chicago so he can have an ‘exciting’ news conference next week

Chicago Sun-Times 

President Donald Trump said he will have an “exciting” news conference next week to talk about crime in Chicago and other cities. He spoke as Attorney General William Barr updated him on the fight against the MS-13 gang. | Anna Moneymaker/Pool/Getty Images

President Trump, if you have suggestions to save lives in Chicago, what are you waiting for?

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Kanye West qualifies to appear on Oklahoma presidential ballot

Chicago Sun-Times 

Kanye West will be on the Oklahoma presidential election ballot, as Oklahoma Board of Elections spokeswoman Misha Mohr says a West representative filed the necessary paperwork and paid the $35,000 filing Wednesday, July 15, 2020, to go on the state’s Nov. 3 presidential ballot. | Michael Wyke/AP

Rap superstar has filed for Oklahoma’s presidential ballot, the first state where he met the requirements before the filing deadline.

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Kerner Report should be revisited

Chicago Sun-Times 

Chicago police officers walk past a garbage can that was set on fire on Lake Street in the Loop as thousands of protesters in Chicago joined national outrage over the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, Saturday afternoon, May 30, 2020. | Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Sun-Times file photo

Political leaders have an opportunity to get it right this time around.

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Madigan: Republican calls to ‘drain the swamp’ should start with Trump, Roger Stone and other GOP allies

Chicago Sun-Times 

House Speaker Mike Madigan, left, talks to reporters in Springfield on Wednesday; President Donald Trump, right, speaks in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday. | Neal Earley/Chicago Sun-Times; Patrick Semansky/AP

The Southwest Side Democrat weighed in on the presidential election and Biden’s potential pick for vice president. But the state House speaker would not say whether he would call for a return to session to work on ethics reforms or legislation to address racial inequities.

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Спорт в России и мире

Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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Карен Хачанов

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде


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Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Путин в России и мире

Педагогов Калмыкии приглашают принять участие в Форуме классных руководителей

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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Что Золотухин рассказывал про некрасивые тайны Таганки и почему Высоцкий его не простил


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