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Chicago Sun-Times
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Новости за 17.07.2020

Feds cast wide net on Berrios, get records on gov’s Gold Coast mansion, 118 other properties

Chicago Sun-Times 

Joseph Berrios on federal investigators’ interest in property tax appeals by law firms that contributed to his campaign funds: “It’s news to me.” | Max Herman/Sun-Times file photo

Prosecutors in Chicago obtained records on a wide range of property tax appeals to then-Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios. Among the clout-heavy law firms involved are ones headed by House Speaker Michael J. Madigan and Ald. Edward M. Burke.

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105 degree heat index possible Saturday, forecasters warn

Chicago Sun-Times 

A heat advisory is in effect Saturday, July 18, 2020. This file photo shows a woman sunbathing in 90 degree temperatures near the Lakefront Trail near West Belmont Avenue on the North Side, Monday afternoon, July 6, 2020. | Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Sun-Times

A heat advisory is in effect from noon Saturday to 10 p.m. that night, according to the National Weather Service.

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Strike averted at Loretto Hospital

Chicago Sun-Times 

A tentative contract agreement averted a strike by about 200 employees at Loretto Hospital. | Sun-Times file

About 200 crisis workers, clerks and people who work in food service planned to strike Monday if an agreement wasn’t reached.

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Man charged with arson to Chicago police vehicle during George Floyd protests

Chicago Sun-Times 

A man has been charged with setting a Chicago police SUV on fire in the first block of East Kinzie Street during protests May 30, 2020, in the wake of the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd. In this May 30 file photo, a CPD SUV burns near State and Lake streets. | Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Sun-Times file photo

Jacob Fagundo was seen setting the CPD vehicle on fire May 30 in the first block of East Kinzie Street, police said.

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Horoscope for Friday, July 17, 2020

Chicago Sun-Times 

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or making important decisions after 4 p.m. Chicago time. The moon is in Gemini.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are eager to talk to others, which is a good thing because you will be charming. Nevertheless, if you’re on the left coast, be careful of the moon alert that begins around 2 p.m. Pacific time. Agree to nothing anything important.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The moon is in your money house, which encourages money-making ideas and spending on beautiful things. Читать дальше...

Boy, 14, shot in Lawndale

Chicago Sun-Times 

A teenage boy was shot July 16, 2020, in the 1500 block of South Lawndale Avenue. | Adobe File Photo

The teen was struck in the arm and taken to Stroger Hospital in good condition, police said.

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Illinois woman who killed 5-year-old son begs judge for mercy

Chicago Sun-Times 

JoAnn Cunningham closes her eyes as a video recording is played during her sentencing hearing Thursday, July 16, 2020, in Woodstock, Ill. Cunningham pleaded guilty in December to killing her 5-year-old son Andrew “A.J.” Freund in April 2019 in her Crystal Lake home. | (John Starks/Daily Herald via AP, Pool)

JoAnn Cunningham pleaded guilty in December to killing AJ Freund, eight months after his body was found wrapped in plastic in a shallow grave near the family’s Crystal Lake home. A judge... Читать дальше...

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Валерий Гергиев

Оркестр Мариинского театра под управлением Валерия Гергиева выступил в Нижнем Новгороде


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