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Новости за 22.10.2015

Ex-U.N. diplomat, others plead not guilty in U.S. bribery case


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former U.N. General Assembly president, a billionaire Macau real estate developer and three others accused by U.S. authorities of engaging in a wide-ranging bribery scheme pleaded not guilty on Thursday.

Ex-U.N. diplomat, others plead not guilty in U.S. bribery case


NEW YORK, Oct 22 (Reuters) - A former U.N. General Assembly president, a billionaire Macau real estate developer and three others accused by U.S. authorities of engaging in a wide-ranging bribery scheme pleaded not guilty on Thursday.

S. Africa's Zuma to meet students after week of protests


South African President Jacob Zuma is to meet with student leaders and university officials after a week of sometimes violent student protests over planned tuition hikes that have all but shut down most universities. Mana Rabiee reports.

S. Africa's Zuma to meet students after week of protests


South African President Jacob Zuma is to meet with student leaders and university officials after a week of sometimes violent student protests over planned tuition hikes that have all but shut down most universities. Mana Rabiee reports.

S. Africa's Zuma to meet students after week of protests


South African President Jacob Zuma is to meet with student leaders and university officials after a week of sometimes violent student protests over planned tuition hikes that have all but shut down most universities. Mana Rabiee reports.

S. Africa's Zuma to meet students after week of protests


South African President Jacob Zuma is to meet with student leaders and university officials after a week of sometimes violent student protests over planned tuition hikes that have all but shut down most universities. Mana Rabiee reports.

BoE to help smaller lenders compete better in mortgage market


LONDON (Reuters) - The Bank of England will help new lenders cut how much capital they have to set aside to cover defaulting mortgages so they can compete better with their bigger rivals, a top BoE official announced on Thursday.

Finance watchdogs need to end roller coaster rulemaking


LONDON, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Bank regulators need to break out of a loop where rules are tightened up after a crisis and relaxed too much when times are good, the boss of Britain's financial watchdog said on Thursday.

UPDATE 3-Puerto Rico faces skeptical senators for Treasury turnaround plan


NEW YORK/SAN JUAN, Oct 22 (Reuters) - U.S. Senators expressed skepticism about how much they could help debt-ridden Puerto Rico at a Senate hearing on Thursday, with Democrats urging the U.S. Treasury to do more on its own and Republicans quizzing the island's Governor on its fiscal disclosure.

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The Beatles

«Если прищуриться, мы похожи на The Beatles» // Евгений Цыганов о своей карьере музыканта

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Каршеринг BelkaCar и картографический сервис 2ГИС запустили серию совместных маршрутов

House hunting getting tougher


Finding a new home is getting tougher, because while home sales rose in September, inventories are tight and prices are rising. Bobbi Rebell reports.

House hunting getting tougher


Finding a new home is getting tougher, because while home sales rose in September, inventories are tight and prices are rising. Bobbi Rebell reports.

House hunting getting tougher


Finding a new home is getting tougher, because while home sales rose in September, inventories are tight and prices are rising. Bobbi Rebell reports.

OPEC nations plan to join UN climate drive


BONN, Germany Oct 22 (Reuters) - OPEC members Iran and Saudi Arabia, the top greenhouse gas emitters yet to submit national strategies for tackling climate change, say they will do so before a U.N. summit in December in a sign of widening participation even by oil producers.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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