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Новости за 13.10.2015

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council resolution but does not represent a violation of Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council resolution but does not represent a violation of Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council resolution but does not represent a violation of Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council resolution but does not represent a violation of Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council resolution but does not represent a violation of Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Islamic State urges jihad against Russians, Americans - audio


BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State called on Muslims to launch a "holy war" against Russians and Americans over what it called their "crusaders' war" in the Middle East, an audio message distributed by supporters of the ultra hardline group said on Tuesday.

Islamic State urges jihad against Russians, Americans - audio


BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State called on Muslims to launch a "holy war" against Russians and Americans over what it called their "crusaders' war" in the Middle East, an audio message distributed by supporters of the ultra hardline group said on Tuesday.

Netherlands fail to qualify for Euro 2016


AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Netherlands failed to reach the European Championship finals for the first time since 1984 when they lost 3-2 at home to the Czech Republic to miss out on next year's tournament in France.

Intel profits beat forecasts


Intel reported lower profits, but beat forecasts. Concerns about weak profits and renewed fears of slowing growth in China weighed on stocks. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Intel profits beat forecasts


Intel reported lower profits, but beat forecasts. Concerns about weak profits and renewed fears of slowing growth in China weighed on stocks. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Intel profits beat forecasts


Intel reported lower profits, but beat forecasts. Concerns about weak profits and renewed fears of slowing growth in China weighed on stocks. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Intel profits beat forecasts


Intel reported lower profits, but beat forecasts. Concerns about weak profits and renewed fears of slowing growth in China weighed on stocks. Bobbi Rebell reports.

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Ireland flanker O'Brien banned for Argentina game


CARDIFF (Reuters) - Ireland flanker Sean O'Brien has been suspended for the Rugby World Cup quarter-final against Argentina after being found guilty of punching an opponent, World Cup organisers said on Tuesday.

Erdogan orders state probe into twin suicide bomb attacks


Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan commissions the state supervisory council to carry out a comprehensive probe over the suicide bombing that killed 97 people in the capital Ankara. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Erdogan orders state probe into twin suicide bomb attacks


Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan commissions the state supervisory council to carry out a comprehensive probe over the suicide bombing that killed 97 people in the capital Ankara. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Erdogan orders state probe into twin suicide bomb attacks


Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan commissions the state supervisory council to carry out a comprehensive probe over the suicide bombing that killed 97 people in the capital Ankara. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

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