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Новости за 13.04.2020

Treasury says first coronavirus stimulus checks have gone out and many will get payments by April 15 - USA TODAY

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Treasury says first coronavirus stimulus checks have gone out and many will get payments by April 15  USA TODAY
  2. The first coronavirus stimulus checks were deposited this week—here's when you can expect yours  CNBC
  3. Social Security Beneficiaries: You Might Need to Act Now to Get Your Stimulus Check  Motley Fool
  4. 80 million stimulus check direct deposits have been processed. When will they arrive?  Fortune
  5. Got a tax payment planned for April 15? You have just hours... Читать дальше...

Boris Johnson praises immigrant nurses who saved his life, as Britain’s NHS becomes a rallying cry - Washington Post

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Boris Johnson praises immigrant nurses who saved his life, as Britain’s NHS becomes a rallying cry  Washington Post
  2. U.K. has Boris Johnson back — but Britain's coronavirus crisis is set to get worse  NBCNews.com
  3. Boris Johnson is getting better, but the nation he leads is not  CNN International
  4. Lockdown review date UK: How much longer will lockdown last? When is lockdown review?  Express.co.uk
  5. Trump can learn something from Boris Johnson about leadership  Washington... Читать дальше...

Florida chief on leave for alleged remarks on gay cop's coronavirus death - NBCNews.com

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Florida chief on leave for alleged remarks on gay cop's coronavirus death  NBCNews.com
  2. Davie Police Chief Dale Engle put on leave, accused of linking deputy's coronavirus death to "homosexual sexual events"  CBS News
  3. Florida Police Chief Accused of Linking Deputy’s Coronavirus Death to ‘Homosexual Events’  The New York Times
  4. Davie police chief said BSO deputy died of COVID-19 because he was gay, complaint says  Miami Herald
  5. A Florida police chief is on leave... Читать дальше...

Wanda Miller: 5 Things To Know About Kenny Rogers’ Gorgeous Wife In His ‘Biography’ Special - Hollywood Life

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Wanda Miller: 5 Things To Know About Kenny Rogers’ Gorgeous Wife In His ‘Biography’ Special  Hollywood Life
  2. The Real Reason Dolly Parton Kept Her Marriage to Her Husband Carl Dean a Secret  GoodHousekeeping.com
  3. Dolly Parton shares virtual Easter message while practicing social distancing  WATE 6 On Your Side
  4. Kenny Rogers’ sister shares memories of late country singer in doc: ‘I don’t want anybody to forget him’  Fox News
  5. Kenny Rogers Reflects On Poor Upbringing... Читать дальше...

Coronavirus In Minnesota: No New COVID-19 Deaths Reported For First Time In More Than 2 Weeks - WCCO | CBS Minnesota

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Coronavirus In Minnesota: No New COVID-19 Deaths Reported For First Time In More Than 2 Weeks  WCCO | CBS Minnesota
  2. COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes surge  Newsy
  3. Nursing home deaths soar past 3,600 in alarming surge  msnNOW
  4. State agencies report more than 2,300 long-term care facilities have been hit by coronavirus: report | TheHill  The Hill
  5. Coronavirus outbreak sparks complaints from employees at Chatham County nursing home  WRAL.com
  6. View Full Coverage... Читать дальше...

After slow Sunday, Tarrant County coronavirus cases rise again with 70 reported Monday - Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. After slow Sunday, Tarrant County coronavirus cases rise again with 70 reported Monday  Fort Worth Star-Telegram
  2. The Silent Spreaders Of COVID-19: Asymptomatic, Presymptomatic, Mildly Symptomatic Cases : Goats and Soda  NPR
  3. Airborne COVID-19 virus can travel 13 feet, one study suggests SF Gate  msnNOW
  4. CDC: Coronavirus might travel up to 13 feet in the air  BGR
  5. Smith County has 101 coronavirus cases  Tyler Morning Telegraph
  6. View Full Coverage on Google... Читать дальше...

Christ the Redeemer statue lit up as a doctor to honor medical workers during coronavirus - CBS News

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Christ the Redeemer statue lit up as a doctor to honor medical workers during coronavirus  CBS News
  2. Hospital Heroes Illuminate 'Christ The Redeemer' As Part Of Coronavirus Tribute  NPR
  3. Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue lit up as a doctor, in tribute to healthcare workers fighting coronavirus  CNN
  4. Christ the Redeemer statue lit up as doctor to honor frontline medical workers during coronavirus pandemic  CBS News
  5. Christ The Redeemer Statue Lit Up in Tribute To... Читать дальше...

How 'Oumuamua, first interstellar visitor to our solar system, may have formed - CNN

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. How 'Oumuamua, first interstellar visitor to our solar system, may have formed  CNN
  2. Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua believed to be ‘active asteroid’  The Guardian
  3. New Theory Explains How Interstellar Object ‘Oumuamua Got Its Freaky Shape  Gizmodo
  4. Oumuamua more likely an interstellar space shard than an alien spaceship  CNET
  5. 'Oumuamua origin story: How our mysterious interstellar visitor may have been born  Space.com
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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ДВЗЯИ: Россия по-прежнему привержена мораторию на проведение ядерных испытаний

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