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Новости за 12.04.2020

Fauci: Earlier coronavirus lockdown could have saved lives, but end in sight - New York Post

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Fauci: Earlier coronavirus lockdown could have saved lives, but end in sight  New York Post
  2. Fauci discusses how China's disinformation increased coronavirus spread  Fox News
  3. Trump reportedly asked Dr. Anthony Fauci whether it was possible to allow the coronavirus to 'wash over' the US  AOL
  4. Is Anthony Fauci helping or hurting?  Washington Examiner
  5. Fauci expresses 'cautious optimism' coronavirus outbreak is slowing, US could start reopening in May  CNBC
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Nursing Homes Deaths Linked To Coronavirus Soar Past 2600 In Alarming Surge - HuffPost

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Nursing Homes Deaths Linked To Coronavirus Soar Past 2600 In Alarming Surge  HuffPost
  2. State, families claim delays in COVID-19 numbers from Georgia's nursing homes  11Alive
  3. Death toll rises as coronavirus sweeps through Michigan nursing homes  Detroit Free Press
  4. More than 2200 have died of coronavirus inside nursing homes but feds aren't tracking the numbers: report  Fox News
  5. Nursing home deaths soar past 2,600 in alarming surge  The Associated Press
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Cuomo, de Blasio Continue Debate Over When (If) NY Schools Will Close For The Year – Update - Deadline

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Cuomo, de Blasio Continue Debate Over When (If) NY Schools Will Close For The Year – Update  Deadline
  2. Gov. Cuomo, NYC Mayor clash over NYC school closures  Reuters
  3. Cuomo and De Blasio Continue to Spar Over Closing Schools: Live Updates  The New York Times
  4. Learning their lesson: Mayor de Blasio and his chancellor necessarily cancel in-school learning for the year  New York Daily News
  5. Children, behave: De Blasio makes a call on the public schools, only to be... Читать дальше...

All the cruise ships that have had confirmed cases of COVID-19 onboard - Business Insider - Business Insider

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. All the cruise ships that have had confirmed cases of COVID-19 onboard - Business Insider  Business Insider
  2. Why Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and Norwegian Cruise Line Could All Plunge on Monday  The Motley Fool
  3. 12 Strange (But True) Cruise Ship Facts That Captains Keep To Themselves  TheTravel
  4. Cruise ship bookings for 2021 are already on the rise despite multiple COVID-19 outbreaks - Business Insider  Business Insider
  5. CDC Extends No Sail Order For Cruise Ships... Читать дальше...

New signs suggest coronavirus was in California far earlier than anyone knew - Napa Valley Register

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. New signs suggest coronavirus was in California far earlier than anyone knew  Napa Valley Register
  2. Coronavirus can spread a distance of 13 feet - DOUBLE the UK’s social distancing rules  Express.co.uk
  3. New study shows coronavirus can travel much further than you think  7NEWS.com.au
  4. Coronavirus found in air samples up to 4 metres from patients: Study  The Straits Times
  5. Coronavirus found in air samples up to 13 feet from patients: Study  The New Indian Express
  6. View... Читать дальше...

States across the South brace for severe weather - CBS Evening News

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. States across the South brace for severe weather  CBS Evening News
  2. Mississippi Storms Turn Deadly  The Weather Channel
  3. State of emergency declared in La. after storms sweep South on Easter  WAFB
  4. Gov. John Bel Edwards declares state of emergency in Louisiana after Easter tornadoes  The News Star
  5. Easter storms, tornado leave up to 300 homes damaged in Monroe, 1 killed in Mississippi  NOLA.com
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Nursing Home Residents, Families and Workers: How is the Coronavirus Crisis Affecting You? - The New York Times

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Nursing Home Residents, Families and Workers: How is the Coronavirus Crisis Affecting You?  The New York Times
  2. 'My heart is broken' -- Downriver nursing home under investigation after COVID-19 deaths  Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV
  3. Coronavirus in Colorado, April 11: A look at the latest updates on COVID-19  The Denver Post
  4. Nearly 2,000 Dead as Coronavirus Ravages Nursing Homes in N.Y. Region  The New York Times
  5. State, families claim delays in COVID-19 numbers... Читать дальше...

Coronavirus: US death toll overtakes Italy as world's highest - BBC News

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Coronavirus: US death toll overtakes Italy as world's highest  BBC News
  2. United States logs world's highest coronavirus death toll  Reuters
  3. US coronavirus: Reported death toll tops 20,000, more than any other country  CNN
  4. Coronavirus Live Updates: Total Number of Confirmed Deaths in U.S. Surpasses Italy  The New York Times
  5. Coronavirus latest: at a glance  The Guardian
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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