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Новости за 05.04.2020

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Claims 4,159 COVID-19 Deaths, But Indicates That It Could Be “A Plateau” - Deadline

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Claims 4,159 COVID-19 Deaths, But Indicates That It Could Be “A Plateau”  Deadline
  2. Cuomo says China and Oregon will be sending ventilators to New York  CBS News
  3. Cuomo evokes Trump in war with Schumer over coronavirus funding  POLITICO
  4. Coronavirus in N.Y.: Live Updates  The New York Times
  5. Sean Hannity: Gov. Cuomo, stop denying New Yorkers hydroxychloroquine  Fox News
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Woman tested positive for COVID-19 in China, survives after 60 days treatment - WION

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Woman tested positive for COVID-19 in China, survives after 60 days treatment  WION
  2. Singer Pink says she had Covid-19, pledges US$1m to relief efforts  Malay Mail
  3. Pink reveals she and son, 3, tested positive for coronavirus: 'This illness is serious and real'  Fox News
  4. Singer Pink says she had COVID-19, gives $1M to relief funds  fox4kc.com
  5. Pink is donating $1 million to fight pandemic after revealing she tested positive for coronavirus  WIVB.com - News 4
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Momentum grows to change medical supply chain from China | TheHill - The Hill

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Momentum grows to change medical supply chain from China | TheHill  The Hill
  2. Virus News: Wuhan Cautiously Emerges From Lockdown  Bloomberg
  3. China sees rise in asymptomatic coronavirus cases  Reuters
  4. Blame the Chinese Communist Party for the coronavirus crisis  USA TODAY
  5. American media keep repeating China's coronavirus talking points  Washington Examiner
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Etsy reminds sellers making cloth face masks: Don’t suggest they stop COVID 19 - The Verge

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Etsy reminds sellers making cloth face masks: Don’t suggest they stop COVID 19  The Verge
  2. What’s the Best Material for a Mask for Coronavirus?  The New York Times
  3. Why I don’t feel safe wearing a face mask  The Boston Globe
  4. Make your own fabric mask at home with this sewing pattern from a designer  The Washington Post
  5. Covering Your Face While Grocery Shopping Could Reduce Your Risk of Contracting COVID-19  Yahoo Singapore News
  6. View Full Coverage on Google... Читать дальше...

The US enters crucial weeks after a grim milestone of most deaths reported in one day - CNN

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. The US enters crucial weeks after a grim milestone of most deaths reported in one day  CNN
  2. Coronavirus Task Force Briefing Live Stream Saturday: How to Watch White House's Latest COVID-19 Announcements  Newsweek
  3. Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Warns of ‘a Lot of Death’ While Also Revisiting Easter Sunday Services  The New York Times
  4. Trump puzzles allies by hedging on China criticism amid coronavirus outbreak  Washington Examiner
  5. How Trump’s attempts to win... Читать дальше...

Virus-stricken aircraft carrier erupts in applause and cheers as ousted Navy captain departs - The Washington Post

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Virus-stricken aircraft carrier erupts in applause and cheers as ousted Navy captain departs  The Washington Post
  2. Sailors cheer Navy captain removed for coronavirus warning  CNN
  3. Lawmakers call for investigation into aircraft carrier captain's firing | TheHill  The Hill
  4. Captain Crozier Saved His Crew From Coronavirus. He Is a Hero.  The New York Times
  5. Navy Captain Fired After Asking for Help amid Coronavirus Outbreak On Board Leaves to Cheers  PEOPLE
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Governors warn of dire ventilator shortages as virus pandemic rages. Trump says some are playing 'politics' - USA TODAY

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Governors warn of dire ventilator shortages as virus pandemic rages. Trump says some are playing 'politics'  USA TODAY
  2. Trump warns of rough week ahead: 'There will be death'  Fox News
  3. Sources - President Donald Trump says NFL season should start on time  ESPN
  4. Lennon: President's message doesn't seem realistic  Newsday
  5. Trump offers competing coronavirus messaging, warning of death but lamenting lockdown  Yahoo Parenting
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Trump says shortage of ventilators is possible - CNN

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Trump says shortage of ventilators is possible  CNN
  2. Coronavirus drug and treatment update from Trump, FDA Commissioner  Los Angeles Times
  3. Trump says he may take drug to treat coronavirus, questions states' ventilator needs  Reuters
  4. Trump Makes Claim About Lupus And Coronavirus—But ‘Maybe It’s False’  Forbes
  5. Trump organization has laid off over 1000 employees due to pandemic: report | TheHill  The Hill
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Trump says Navy captain letter asking for help on coronavirus-stricken ship 'was terrible' - CNBC

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Trump says Navy captain letter asking for help on coronavirus-stricken ship 'was terrible'  CNBC
  2. Ousted captain of USS Roosevelt faces further discipline, despite support of crew and petition for reinstat...  Fox News
  3. Inside the ouster of Capt. Brett Crozier  The Washington Post
  4. Mr. President, take care of your people  New York Daily News
  5. 155 sailors on USS Theodore Roosevelt test positive for coronavirus, 42 percent of all Navy infections  Fox News
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