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Новости за 11.04.2020

Kansas Supreme Court hears arguments via Zoom amid coronavirus - New York Post

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Kansas Supreme Court hears arguments via Zoom amid coronavirus  New York Post
  2. Mississippi city's coronavirus shutdown bans drive-in church services ahead of Easter  Fox News
  3. States are restricting Easter gatherings amid COVID-19. Churches and lawmakers are pushing back.  USA TODAY
  4. Kansas court weighing whether to allow in-person Easter church services despite statewide ban on gatherings  Washington Post
  5. Kansas' High Court Weighs Virus Limits on Religious Services... Читать дальше...

Stormy Daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti Released From Prison, Will Move To California - Deadline

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Stormy Daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti Released From Prison, Will Move To California  Deadline
  2. Michael Avenatti released from jail temporarily over coronavirus concerns  CNN
  3. Michael Avenatti may be temporarily freed amid coronavirus, judge says  Fox News
  4. Michael Avenatti is temporarily released from prison on $1m bond due to coronavirus  Daily Mail
  5. Michael Avenatti released from New York jail over coronavirus concerns  NBC News
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On-Again, Off-Again Abortion Access in Texas Spills Contested Emergency Powers Into Federal Court - Newsweek

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  1. On-Again, Off-Again Abortion Access in Texas Spills Contested Emergency Powers Into Federal Court  Newsweek
  2. Reproductive rights groups ask Supreme Court to ease Texas abortion restrictions amid pandemic | TheHill  The Hill
  3. Texas can keep abortion ban through coronavirus crisis, court rules  New York Post
  4. Abortion providers ask Supreme Court to intervene after Texas bans procedures citing coronavirus  The Washington Post
  5. Texas abortion: Planned Parenthood, Center for Reproductive Rights... Читать дальше...

Here's where to buy face masks and cloth coverings online - CNET

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Here's where to buy face masks and cloth coverings online  CNET
  2. Why Americans Are So Resistant to Masks  Slate
  3. Where to buy cloth face masks sold out on Amazon: Etsy, REI - Business Insider  Business Insider
  4. Melania Trump Implores Others to Wear Face Masks One Week After Donald Trump Said He Won't  PEOPLE
  5. How to make a face-mask step-by-step - The four simple techniques you can try at home  Express
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Chinese study of air samples discovers new coronavirus can travel up to 4 meters - The Japan Times

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Chinese study of air samples discovers new coronavirus can travel up to 4 meters  The Japan Times
  2. How Californians May Have Developed COVID-19 Herd Immunity  Inside Edition
  3. Letter to the editor: Misconceptions about herd immunity  Summit Daily News
  4. Stanford Researchers Say Californians May Have Herd Immunity to COVID-19  Yahoo Entertainment
  5. Questions remain over whether COVID-19 recovery will guarantee immunity: Is reinfection still possible?  ABC News
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President Trump is wrong in so many ways about hydroxychloroquine studies. Here are the facts - CNN International

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  1. President Trump is wrong in so many ways about hydroxychloroquine studies. Here are the facts  CNN International
  2. Ron Johnson sends doctors' note to Trump urging action on hydroxychloroquine  Politico
  3. Scientists search for effective COVID-19 treatments  Al Jazeera English
  4. Trump's big gamble on an unproven pandemic drug | TheHill  The Hill
  5. Shortage of critical drug labelled coronavirus 'game changer' hits auto-immune patients | ABC News  ABC News (Australia)
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Appeals court lifts part of order blocking Texas abortion ban - NBC News

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  1. Appeals court lifts part of order blocking Texas abortion ban  NBC News
  2. The 115-year-old Supreme Court opinion that could determine rights during a pandemic  CNN
  3. Appeals court effectively reinstates ban on most abortions in Texas | TheHill  The Hill
  4. Antiabortion politicians are exploiting this major public health crisis  Washington Post
  5. Legal Fight Heats Up In Texas Over Ban On Abortions Amid Coronavirus  NPR
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Harvey Weinstein faces another sexual assault charge in Los Angeles - CNN International

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Harvey Weinstein faces another sexual assault charge in Los Angeles  CNN International
  2. Harvey Weinstein faces new sexual assault charge in Los Angeles  The Guardian
  3. New Sexual Assault Charged Filed Against Harvey Weinstein  CBS Los Angeles
  4. Harvey Weinstein Faces an Additional Sex Assault Charge in LA County  NBC Southern California
  5. Los Angeles adds new sexual battery count against Weinstein  AOL
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COVID-19 cases surge to 665 in San Antonio area; two more succumb, pushing death toll to 24 - San Antonio Express-News

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. COVID-19 cases surge to 665 in San Antonio area; two more succumb, pushing death toll to 24  San Antonio Express-News
  2. ‘Extremely upsetting’: Family shocked to hear 7 residents at Metro Detroit nursing home have died from COVID-19  WDIV ClickOnDetroit
  3. Colorado confirms 274 coronavirus-related deaths as outbreaks at nursing homes increase  The Denver Post
  4. 7 Riverview nursing home residents die, dozens test positive for COVID-19  WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
  5. Elder... Читать дальше...

Lifelines in the Lockdown - CBS News

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Lifelines in the Lockdown  CBS News
  2. Essential workers provide a lifeline in the coronavirus lockdown. Will America reward their sacrifice?  CBS News
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Joe Exotic Producer Rick Kirkham on What Tiger King Didn't Show - E! Online

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Joe Exotic Producer Rick Kirkham on What Tiger King Didn't Show  E! Online
  2. Netflix is bringing 'Tiger King' back for one more episode  CNN
  3. ‘Tiger King’ Doesn’t Deserve Our Undivided Attention (Column)  Variety
  4. 'Tiger King': There's a Good Chance All These New Shows About Joe Exotic Will Fail Miserably  Showbiz Cheat Sheet
  5. Tiger King's Carole Baskin says drones are swarming over her Florida home  Daily Mail
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Coronavirus In Minnesota: State Health Officials Pull Curtain Back On COVID-19 Modeling - WCCO | CBS Minnesota

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Coronavirus In Minnesota: State Health Officials Pull Curtain Back On COVID-19 Modeling  WCCO | CBS Minnesota
  2. What the state’s model tells us about Minnesota’s COVID-19 response  Minnesota Public Radio News
  3. Minnesota Department of Health releases some COVID-19 modeling  KARE11.com
  4. Minnesota reports 94 more COVID-19 cases, 7 more deaths  KTTC
  5. Minnesota hospitals project COVID-19 hit of $2.9 billion  Minneapolis Star Tribune
  6. View Full Coverage on Google... Читать дальше...

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