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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 27.03.2024

Gaza war death toll reaches 32,490: Ministry of Health

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the number of Palestinian casualties in Israeli attacks has reached 32,490. Since October 7th, at least 74,889 Palestinians have been injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza, according to ministry statistics. On Wednesday, March 27th, the French news agency reported that in the past 24 hours alone, at least 76 […]

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Pakistan’s defense minister: Source of terrorist incidents in Pakistan is Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Khawaja Asif, the Defense Minister of Pakistan, has said that considering the increase in terrorist incidents in the country, there is a need for fundamental changes in the situation along the western borders of Pakistan with Afghanistan. Mr. Asif, on Wednesday, March 27th, said on his social media platform X: “The source of terrorist incidents […]

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UN supports 40 Afghan women and girls in sewing

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Written By: Hakim Bigzaad The United Nations Children’s Fund in Afghanistan (UNICEF) says that with the financial support of the European Union, they have created job opportunities and sewing vocational training for 40 young women and girls. On Monday, March 25, UNICEF tweeted that these women and girls can contribute to their families’ expenses through […]

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Israeli negotiators exit Qatar as Gaza ceasefire talks stall

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

International media have reported that talks between Hamas and Israel regarding a ceasefire in Gaza have reached a deadlock, and the Israeli negotiating team has left Qatar. Reuters reported on Tuesday, March 26, citing an Israeli official, that ceasefire negotiations in Gaza have stalled due to Hamas’ demands. According to reports, an Israeli official, Yahya […]

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Biden’s Afghanistan approach worsened ISIS threat: Mike Pompeo

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The former US Secretary of State says that the “horrific” ISIS attack on a concert hall in Moscow is a reminder that the threat of this group persists. Mike Pompeo, the former US secretary of state, said that the Biden administration’s approach towards Afghanistan has worsened the threat of ISIS. Following the recent deadly attack […]

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British whistleblower given 10-day deadline in Afghanistan war crimes case

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Johnny Mercer, the former Minister for Veterans Affairs in the UK government, who had previously acknowledged war crimes committed by soldiers of this country in Afghanistan, has been given a ten-day deadline to substantiate this claim. He will face imprisonment if he fails to provide the necessary names and information to the investigation team within […]

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UN: Over 63,000 killed or missing on migration routes in past decade

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) has emphasized that one-third of asylum seekers who lose their lives on migration routes are from war-torn countries. It has been stressed that over 63,000 individuals have perished or gone missing in migration routes in the past decade. The organization expressed concerns on Tuesday, March 26th, by […]

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Bridge collapse in US; several vehicles plunge into river

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Police in Maryland have recently announced that following a ship’s collision with a bridge in Francis Scott Key in the city of Baltimore, several vehicles plunged into the river, and at least six people are missing as a result of this incident. Authorities in the United States said on Wednesday, March 27th, that the incident […]

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First international water conference coming soon in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Abdul Rashid Iqbal, the president of Kabul Polytechnic University, says that the first international water conference by this university is scheduled to be held by the end of September this year. Mr. Iqbal expressed these remarks on Monday during the tree-planting campaign program organized by the Polytechnic University. He added, “We are planning to hold […]

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Spain contributes one million euros, Russia donates one million dollars to Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Following humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, Spain has recently announced a contribution of one million euros, and Russia has pledged one million dollars in cash assistance to the Afghan Humanitarian Fund. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on its social media platform X that Spain has contributed one million euros to […]

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