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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 18.03.2024

Pakistan accuses Taliban of using TTP, urges Afghan solidarity

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has accused the Taliban government of using the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan as a tool against Pakistan. The ministry added that the TTP is consistently utilized for “terrorist” attacks within Pakistan. The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially confirmed on Monday that they had conducted intelligence-based counter-terrorism operations in border […]

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Taliban retaliates: Targets Pakistani military posts

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Ministry of Defense states that in response to Pakistan’s airstrike on some regions of Afghanistan territory, military posts along the Durand Line have been targeted with heavy weapons. The ministry, in a press release, stated: “In response to this aggression, the border forces of Taliban targeted Pakistani military centers along the fabricated border line […]

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Shazia trains over 3,000 Afghan women in Agriculture: UN

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The United Nations Coordination Office for Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan has recounted the story of a woman who works as an agricultural trainer in the country, having trained over 3,000 other women in farm sectors so far. According to the UNOCHA report, Shazia started as an agricultural trainer five years ago, teaching women various aspects […]

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Iranian border guard killed near Afghanistan border

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Sistan and Baluchistan Border Guard Information Center has announced that an Iranian border guard has been killed in the Hirmand region of this province. According to IRNA, the incident occurred on Sunday, March 17th, in the Hirmand region near the Afghanistan border by “unidentified individuals.” The Sistan and Baluchistan Border Guard Information Center stated […]

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Turkish Interior Minister: Crackdown on smugglers of illegal migrants

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Turkish Interior Minister announced that he would not allow smugglers of illegal migrants to misuse the soil of the country as an unlawful transit route. Ali Yerlıkaya, the Minister of Interior for Turkey, stated that security forces inspected 35 hotels in the city of Izmir and detained 40 illegal migrants. According to the statistics […]

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Pakistan Govt initiates second phase of Afghan migrants expulsion

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Ministry of Interior of Pakistan has instructed the Punjab provincial government to initiate the second phase of the expulsion of Afghan citizens starting from April 15th. According to reports from Pakistan’s international media, in this phase, holders of “Afghan Citizenship Cards” will be deported from the country. Sources mentioned that the federal government will […]

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Attack on Afghan soil will have dire consequences for Pakistan: Kabul warning Islamabad

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Taliban spokesperson announced that in airstrikes in Khost and Paktia, six individuals, including three women and three children, were killed. The Taliban, denying the presence of Abdullah Shah Masood, the Pakistani Taliban commander, on Afghan soil, stated that the continuation of these attacks has significant consequences beyond Pakistan’s control. Earlier, some media outlets reported […]

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Kharlachi crossing in Afghanistan closed after Pakistani airstrike

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Local sources in Paktia province confirm that shortly after Pakistan’s airstrikes on various areas of Paktika and Khost provinces, the Kharlachi crossing point was closed for traffic. A source speaking to Khaama Press stated that armed tensions erupted between the border forces of the Afghan government and Pakistan at the Kharlachi crossing point following the […]

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Pakistan air strikes target various locations inside Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Reports confirm Pakistan’s new government under Shehbaz Sharif has carried out airstrikes inside Afghanistan using fighter jets. According to available reports, at least two Pakistani fighter jets took flight in the early hours of Monday, March 18th, targeting various areas in the Bermel district of Paktika province. Pakistani media have reported that “presumably” in these […]

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Pakistan’s President and Army Chief attend funeral prayers of two slain officers

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Asif Ali Zardari, the President of Pakistan, and Asim Munir, the Chief of Staff of the country’s army, participated in the funeral ceremony of two Pakistani military officers. These two officers were killed on Saturday in clashes with militants affiliated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan in North Waziristan. Their funeral ceremony occurred on Sunday, March 17th, […]

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Afghanistan National Cricket Team beats Ireland

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Afghanistan national cricket team secured victory in the second match of the 20-over format, defeating the Irish national team by a margin of 10 runs. The match, held on Sunday night, March 17th, in the United Arab Emirates, saw the Afghan national players manage to defeat the Irish national team by a margin of […]

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Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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