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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 12.03.2024

Afghan athlete, Farzad Mansouri wins Bronze at Paris Olympics

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Farzad Mansouri, a former Afghan taekwondo athlete, secured a bronze medal in the Tokyo 2024 Olympic Games quota competition with three wins and one loss. The World Taekwondo Federation announced that Mansouri secured the Paris Olympics quota by defeating opponents from Serbia, Austria, and Bosnia, with a loss to a Danish rival. Competing in the […]

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Gaza conflict: Prominent Palestinian footballer killed

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

As Israel continues its attacks on Palestinian territory, international media have reported the death of a well-known Palestinian footballer and national team representative due to these attacks on Gaza. Recently, Al Jazeera reported that Mohammed Barkat, a player for the Palestinian national team, was killed on Tuesday, March 12th. He lost his life when Israeli […]

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Former Afghan official faces rape charges in Virginia, US

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

An Afghan man was apprehended in Prince William County, Virginia, after authorities investigated a sexual assault complaint, as per police statements. Media reports state that Mohammad Haroon Hakimi, aged 33, is charged with rape following an accusation from a 27-year-old woman. She alleges that Hakimi, whom she had recently met and visited at his Woodbridge […]

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Afghan NGO launches education TV channel to support schoolgirls in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

On March 8, 2024, the Begum Organization for Women (BOW) announced the official launch of Begum TV, an educational television channel aimed at providing learning opportunities to Afghan schoolgirls and students who have been deprived of education under the Taliban regime. The launch coincides with Women’s International Day and underscores BOW’s commitment to empowering women […]

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Afghan CSO launches education TV channel to support schoolgirls in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

On March 8, 2024, the Begum Organization for Women (BOW) announced the official launch of Begum TV, an educational television channel aimed at providing learning opportunities to Afghan schoolgirls and students who have been deprived of education under the Taliban regime. The launch coincides with Women’s International Day and underscores BOW’s commitment to empowering women […]

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UN announces job opportunities for over 16,000 women in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Written By: Tabasum Nasiry The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has announced that it has created short-term job opportunities for more than 16,000 women in Afghanistan who are heads of their households. The organization stated on Monday, March 11, through a message on its social media platform X that single women in Afghanistan face serious […]

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Switzerland donates $1.7 million to Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has recently announced that Switzerland has contributed an additional $1.7 million to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund. On Tuesday, March 12, OCHA posted on its social media platform X that Switzerland has donated $19.7 million to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund since 2016. OCHA has not […]

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US-UK coalition airstrikes in Yemen kill 11, injure 14 amid rising tensions

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The spokesperson for the Yemeni government announced that following the aerial attacks by the military coalition of the United States and the United Kingdom on Houthi positions, ports, and towns in the west of the country, at least 11 people were killed and 14 others were injured. The television network Al Masirah, which is operated […]

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Pakistan’s New Cabinet: Muslim League secures nearly all seats

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Following controversial elections in Pakistan and after Shahbaz Sharif was appointed as Prime Minister and Asif Ali Zardari as President, the new cabinet of the country has been announced. Almost all selected ministers are members of the Muslim League party, with only one woman’s name standing out in the 19-member list of Pakistan’s new cabinet. […]

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Forced deportation of 200 Afghan migrants from Pakistan amid humanitarian crisis

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Ministry of Migrants and Repatriates of Afghanistan has announced the forced deportation of 200 Afghan migrants from Pakistan.  The ministry stated on Monday, March 11, on its social media platform X that these migrants returned to the country via the Torkham border crossing. Additionally, the ministry mentioned that another two thousand migrants returned to […]

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US provides over 27,000 food parcels to Northern Gaza residents

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Central Command of the US Army (CENTCOM) has announced that in another humanitarian flight, more than 27,000 food parcels have been airdropped to northern Gaza. This aid, according to CENTCOM on Monday, March 11, includes 27,600 food rations and 25,900 bottles of water. The food packages were dropped around 2:17 PM yesterday via a […]

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Ishaq Dar, former finance chief, appointed Pakistan’s foreign minister

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Pakistan has appointed its former finance minister, Ishaq Dar, as the new foreign minister amidst growing economic and security challenges. At 73, Dar, a seasoned politician and chartered accountant, is expected to bring his extensive experience to guide the nation’s foreign policy during these turbulent times. Ishaq Dar is a prominent member of the Pakistan […]

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Rashid Khan returns for Afghanistan’s T20I series against Ireland

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Afghanistan’s cricket star, Rashid Khan, is back from an injury and ready to play in the T20I series against Ireland this Friday in Sharjah. Rashid last played in November 2023 during the ODI World Cup against South Africa, where he injured his back. Rashid shared his excitement about playing again, “I’m looking forward to representing […]

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5,000 foreign tourists visited the country in the past two years: Ministry

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Ministry of Information and Culture of the de facto administration has announced that over the past two years, nearly 5,000 tourists from various countries have visited the country’s ancient sites. Muhajir Farahi, the professional deputy of the Ministry of Information and Culture of the Taliban administration, has emphasized the importance of ensuring the security […]

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