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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 04.03.2024

TTP may return to negotiation table: Pakistani media

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Pakistani media reports amidst unprecedented tensions and insecurity in the country have indicated efforts to resume negotiations with the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have begun. Express Tribune, in a report released yesterday, revealed that the de facto authorities of Afghanistan have once again shown a green light for de-escalation and revival of talks between the Pakistani […]

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Measles cases surge in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported an increase in measles cases over the past two months. The organization stated on Sunday, March 4 that children under five years old constitute 80% of the suspected measles cases. According to the World Health Organization’s report, more than seven thousand suspected cases of measles were registered in […]

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Afghan refugees struggle with poverty and unemployment: UNHCR

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says that Afghan migrants are facing difficult conditions, poverty, and unemployment, with drought and other natural disasters threatening their lives. Hyung Jun Hwang, the head of the Asia and Pacific section of the UNHCR, raised this issue during a meeting with Abdul Kabir, the Deputy Political Chief […]

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Death toll rises to 39 due to recent heavy rains in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The recent heavy snowfall in the country has led to the loss of 39 lives in different provinces, while 30 more people have been injured. The recent heavy snowfall has blocked several communication routes in provinces and districts, leading to the tragic loss of 39 lives. Janan Sayeq, spokesman for the Ministry of Disaster Management, […]

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Employment opportunities for 170 Afghan women in Northern Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Written By: Tabasum Nasiry Sangi Mah, a fifty-year-old woman in Jawzjan province, has created a wool weaving workshop, providing job opportunities for 170 other women in the province. On Monday, the Bakhtar News Agency, controlled by the interim government, shared on its social media platform X that a woman has established a wool weaving workshop […]

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Darya startup support program kicks off to fuel SME growth in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

On February 29, 2024, the Darya program marked a significant milestone in Afghanistan’s economic development by launching its inaugural cohort of 35 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Aimed at accelerating business growth across various sectors, including education, agriculture, energy, food, healthcare, handicrafts, technology, jewelry, livestock, carpets, and manufacturing, this initiative represents a comprehensive effort to […]

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UN will hold meeting in Kabul to support Afghan farmers

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The former Chief of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) announced the organization of an international conference aimed at attracting financial support for alternative livelihoods for Afghan farmers in Kabul. The Deputy Economic Advisor to the Acting Prime Minister’s Office, in a newsletter on Monday, March 4, revealed that Pino Arlacchi, the […]

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Nikki Haley defeats Trump in Republican primary Elections in US Capital

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Nikki Haley, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, achieved a significant victory in the preliminary elections of the Republican Party in Washington D.C., defeating her rival Donald Trump. On Sunday, March 3, Republicans in the capital city of the United States participated in their party’s primary elections. Ultimately, Nikki Haley secured victory in Washington […]

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40 Afghan citizens released from Pakistan’s Karachi prison

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The consulate of the caretaker government in Karachi, Pakistan, has announced the release of 40 Afghan citizens, including one woman, from the city’s prison. The press release, published on Monday, March 4, does not mention the reasons for the detention and the duration of imprisonment of these individuals. According to the press release, the released […]

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Nearly 4,000 prisoners escape from Jail in Haiti’s Capital

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Foreign media outlets have reported that nearly 4,000 prisoners escaped from a prison in the capital city of the country on Sunday night. Voice of America has reported that during the pursuit and escape, several individuals were killed, and out of approximately 4,000 prisoners who were incarcerated in the National Penitentiary of Port-au-Prince, the capital […]

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Chinese traders show interest in investing in Afghanistan’s Marble Mining Sector

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum of Afghanistan has announced the interest of Chinese traders in the Afghan marble mining sector. Late on Sunday, March 3rd, the ministry released a statement saying that Chinese traders are interested in investing in the country’s mines, especially marble mines. According to the statement, several Chinese investors made this […]

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Pakistan’s ANP leader’s home raided by Security Forces

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The National Awami Party of Pakistan has confirmed reports about the country’s security forces raiding the home of Mahmood Khan Achakzai, the leader of this party, stating that following this action, the security forces also took one person with them. Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, the secretary of the National Awami Party of Pakistan led by Mahmood […]

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