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Новости за 23.05.2024

Арарат Мирзоян встретился с Луи Боно


АрмИнфо. Министр иностранных дел Армении Арарат Мирзоян принял сегодня старшего советника США по переговорам на Кавказе, американского сопредседателя Минской группы ОБСЕ Луиса Боно. Как сообщает МИД РА, собеседники обсудили вопросы региональной безопасности.

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Armenia`s top security official receives Louis Bono


ArmInfo. Secretary of the Armenian Security Council Armen Grigoryan   received Louis Bono, the Senior Adviser for Caucasus Negotiations, the U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group. According to the Security Council, the interlocutors discussed the  process of normalization of Armenian- Azerbaijani relations, touched  upon the latest developments within the framework of the negotiation  process and the prospects for establishing long-term peace. Issues covering the bilateral agenda were also discussed at the  meeting.

EU Ambassador to Armenia was presented with results of work carried out at Margara checkpoint on Armenian-Turkish border


ArmInfo. At the Margara checkpoint on the Armenian-Turkish border, Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia Rustam Badasyan received  EU Ambassador to Armenia Vassilis Maragos.  According to the press  service of the State Revenue Committee, the head of the committee and  the ambassador took a tour of the checkpoint territory. The entire infrastructure of the checkpoint, the procedure for  submitting applications and the organization of procedures were  presented. It was... Читать дальше...

Minister of Health: process of introducing comprehensive health  insurance continues at high pace


ArmInfo. The process of introducing a comprehensive health insurance system continues at a high pace, both in terms of calculations, packages, and the  institutions being formed. Armenian Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan  told journalists during a briefing on May 23.  "Of course,  discussions on such a major reform may deviate from the deadlines.    And now our partners are carrying out additional specific  calculations," she noted. At the same time, the minister found it difficult to talk about... Читать дальше...

Director of Pentagon`s DTRA CTR Directorate visits Yerevan


ArmInfo. Dr. Robert Pope, Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's (DTRA) Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Directorate, visited Armenia on May 19-23,  the press service of the US Embassy in Armenia reports. According to the source, during his visit, he observed the  U.S.-Armenian joint Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction table-top  exercise held in Yerevan and met with Armenian government officials,  including the Office of the Security Council and the command of  border guard troops.

Davutoglu: Turkiye should quickly regulate its relations with Armenia


ArmInfo. Türkiye should quickly regulate its relations with Armenia.  Head of the "Happiness" party, former Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stated  during his speech at a meeting of his party with the united parliamentary  faction of the "Future" parties, in the context of the  Armenian-Turkish settlement process, as well as recent regional  developments. ""Borders and embassies should be mutually open, and the fire of the  Middle East should not spread in the Caucasus," he said, Region  Monitor reports. Читать дальше...

Azerbaijan, which destroys monuments, urges UNESCO to `save` Kond - Statement


ArmInfo. In line with its aggressive and expansionist anti-Armenian agenda, Azerbaijan continues to spread false information and propaganda. For years,  dedicating considerable effort and resources, Baku has sought to  portray the over 2800-year-old city of Yerevan as "Azerbaijani. "This is stated in a statement by the Geghard Scientific and Analytical  Foundation, published due to the fact that recently Azerbaijan, this  time on behalf of public organizations, again appealed to UNESCO  Director-General Audrey Azoulay 'to preserve' Kond. Читать дальше...

Moscow accuses West of trying to undermine peace in  South Caucasus


ArmInfo. Moscow accused the West of manipulation, intrigue and games that have led to numerous victims around the world in recent years. The corresponding accusations were made by official representative of  the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on May 23 during a  weekly briefing, in response to the question whether it was possible  that the May turbulence associated with the assassinations and deaths  of high-ranking representatives of a number of countries would lead  to a violation of the implementation of some regional agreements. Читать дальше...

Zatulin: Pashinyan is trying to put all responsibility for losing war  with Azerbaijan in NK on Russia


ArmInfo. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is trying to shift all responsibility for losing the war with Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh onto Russia. Thus, the first  deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian  Integration and Relations with Compatriots, Konstantin Zatulin,  commented on Pashinyan's accusations against two CSTO member  countries of providing assistance to Baku in 2020. "My position has long been known. Pashinyan is a 'liar' and a  'scoundrel' who is... Читать дальше...

Moscow: Baku -Tehran normalization will have positive impact on South  Caucasus 


ArmInfo. Moscow can only welcome the normalization of relations between Baku and Tehran. Spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova stated on May 23 during a weekly briefing, commenting on Azerbaijani-Iranian relations. "We are confident that this will have a positive overall impact on  the situation in the regions of the South Caucasus and the Caspian  Sea. And, of course, we see great potential in the development of  regional projects between the countries of the South Caucasus and  their neighbors. Читать дальше...

Anahit Avanesyan: It was Center`s management that considered it  expedient to terminate employment contract with Dr. Danielyan


ArmInfo. The termination of the employment contract with Dr. Samvel Danielyan was considered appropriate by the management of the Hematology Center after  Prof.R.H. Yeolyan, Armenian Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan stated  during a briefing to journalists on May 23.   "I can't say more," she  emphasized. When asked whether Danielyan's greeting of Bagrat Srbazan during the  rally stimulated this expediency, and whether the same fate awaits  other employees of the department, Avanesyan answered 'no'... Читать дальше...

"Милый мой, любимый мой, догадайся сам": Захарова словами из песни прокомментировала обвинения Пашиняна в адрес двух стран ОДКБ


АрмИнфо. Официальный представитель МИД России Мария Захарова словами из песни прокомментировала слова премьер-министра Армении Никола Пашиняна о том, что он знает как минимум две страны ОДКБ, которые участвовали в подготовке войны против Армении и создали имитацию того, что хотят помочь армянской стороне.

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Артур Ованнисян: Церковь имеет территории, которые могут быть использованы для разных нужд государства


АрмИнфо.Вопрос о выводе церкви из льготного режима обсуждался давно. Об этом заявил секретарь фракции <Гражданский договор> Артур Ованнисян в ходе брифинга 23 мая.

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Баграт Србазан: Все те угрозы, которые могут нанести вред армяно-иранским отношениям должны быть нейтрализованы


АрмИнфо.Сегодня мы соболезнуем дружественному Ирану и иранскому народу, выражаем солидарность и поддержку. Об этом 23 мая в беседе с журналистами у здания посольства Ирана заявил глава движения "Тавуш во имя Родины", предстоятель Тавушской епархии Армянской апостольской церкви, архиепископ Баграт (Србазан) Галстанян, в ответ ан просьбу дать оценку возможным угрозам и рискам региональной безопасности, в связи гибелью президента ИРИ Ибрахима Раиси.

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Сейран Оганян: Процесс выражения недоверия правительству Армении зависит от результатов движения <Тавуш во имя Родины>


АрмИнфо.Процесс выражения недоверия правительству Армении во главе с Николом Пашиняном находится в нашей повестке. Об этом в ходе брифинга 23 мая в Национальном Собрании заявил глава блока <Армения>, экс-министр обороны Армении Сейран Оганян.

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Ректором государственной художественной академии стал Вардан Азатян


АрмИнфо. Ректором государственной художественной академии стал Вардан Азатян со сроком исполнения полномочий в 5 лет.  Правительство РА на заседании 23 мая утвердило его кандидатуру.

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Гарник Даниелян: Люди в Киранце подвергаются террору со стороны властей


АрмИнфо.Люди в Киранце подвергаются террору со стороны властей, создавая ситуацию, в которой получение компенсации в результате делимитации и демаркации, видится самым правильным решением. Об этом в ходе брифинга 23 мая заявил в Национальном Собрании оппозиционный депутат от блока <Армения> Гарник Даниелян.

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Замглавы МИД: Иран напрямую защищает территориальную целостность Армении


АрмИнфо.Вне зависимости от наличия различных сил, правительство Армении придает важное значение развитию отношений с Ираном. Об этом в беседе с журналистами 23 мая заявил замглавы МИД Армении Ваан Костанян на просьбу прокомментировать слова верховного лидера Иран Али Хаменеи на встрече с армянским премьером о наличии сил, которые выступают против отношений между Ереваном и Тегераном.

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Сейран Оганян: Заявлениям Хачатура Сукиасяна будет дана правовая оценка


АрмИнфо.Заявлениям депутата от <Гражданского договора> Хачатура Сукиасяна будет дана правовая оценка и начнутся соответствующие процессы. Об этом в ходе брифинга 23 мая в Национальном Собрании заявил председатель блока <Армения>, бывший министр обороны РА Сейран Оганян.

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Музыкальные новости
Иоганн Себастьян Бах

Бах, Вивальди и Реджо

Персональные новости

Тысячи жителей Ингушетии встретили самолёт с телами погибших у офиса Wildberries

Charles Aznavour sang about our sorrows and dreams - Emmanuel Macron 


ArmInfo."Just yesterday, Charles Aznavour was with us, singing our sorrows and dreams," French  President Emmanuel Macron wrote on his Facebook account on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the great French chansonnier of Armenian origin, Charles Aznavour. Macron emphasized that Aznavour, born 100 years ago in the century of  tragedy and freedom, being a legend of France, Armenia and the whole  world, is now eternal. Yesterday, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth,... Читать дальше...

The President of Turkmenistan received the Secretary General of the CIS


ArmInfo.On May 22, 2024, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States Sergei Lebedev, who arrived in our country to participate in the upcoming regular meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS. Welcoming the guest to the hospitable Turkmen land on the eve of an important event - a meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, the head of state emphasized that our country, together with the CIS Executive Committee... Читать дальше...

U.S. considering Armenia`s requests for assistance 


ArmInfo.The United States is reviewing a series of requests from Armenia to determine what steps  Washington can take to shore up support for Yerevan. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke about this at a hearing in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives. However, he did not specify what requests he was talking about.  Further, the US Secretary of State recalled that in early April his  joint meeting with the head of the European Commission Ursula von der  Leyen and... Читать дальше...

Charles Aznavour square opened in Paris 


ArmInfo.In the VIII arrondissement of the French capital, located in the historical center of the city on the Champs Elysees, a square named after Charles Aznavour was opened, reported the French TV channel BFMTV. The choice of this square has a symbolic meaning, since the Esplanade  of Armenia is located not far from it. The decision to name the square after Aznavour was made by the Paris  City Council in December 2023.  Thus, the city council decided to pay  tribute to Aznavour, in whose songs Paris occupied a special place. Читать дальше...

Tavush for Motherland determined to put end to "endless humiliation  of Armenia" 


ArmInfo. Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia from the ruling "Civil Contract"  faction Khachatur Sukiasyan uses the platform to threaten the people and the "Tavush for the Motherland" movement, reads a statement of the movement posted on the Telegram channel. As noted in the statement, the deputy is threatening those people  whose thousands of children died at the border as a result of  incompetent leadership on the part of the same authorities. He also  threatens residents of Artsakh... Читать дальше...

Expert comments on Armenian premier`s statement 


ArmInfo. Fighting ignorance. This is how political scientist Stepan Danielyan commented on  yesterday's statements by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Parliament. The expert stated that from the rostrum of parliament, addressing the  church, he stated "that they were anointed in Caesarea, returned to  Armenia and became agents of influence." In this vein, Danielyan stated that such statements can only be made  by people completely far from history.  In this vein, the political  scientist... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

«Дуэль испанских тренеров». Сегодня ФК «Оренбург» в гостях сыграет с ФК «Химки» (Московская область)


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