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Новости за 21.05.2024

Bloggers Narek Samsonyan, Vazgen Saghatelyan released from arrest


ArmInfo.Bloggers Narek Samsonyan and Vazgen Saghatelyan have been released from arrest. This  decision was made by judge of the Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction Arman Hovhannisyan. "The court does not see any danger of arrest or obstruction on these  grounds," the judge said.  The court decided to replace the arrest of  the authors of the "Imnemimi" podcast with administrative control. Notably, both bloggers were arrested in March of this year because of  insults against the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol  Pashinyan. Читать дальше...

US is ready to continue active cooperation with Armenia and expand  agenda - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State 


ArmInfo.On May 21, RA Minister of Internal Affairs Vahe Ghazaryan received a delegation led by U.S.  Deputy Assistant Secretary of State  Brandon Yoder. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of  the Republic of Armenia, welcoming the guests, the minister highly  appreciated the close bilateral cooperation and thanked the US  Embassy for providing constant support since the beginning of the  ongoing reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.  Vahe Ghazaryan highlighted... Читать дальше...

Why is church not taxed; does not pay taxes? - Speaker threatens AAC


ArmInfo.An large network of agents has been formed In Armenia, albeit indirectly, the main goal  of which is the destruction of the republic as an independent state. NA Speaker Alen Simonyan stated  on May 21 from the rostrum of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. According to him, of course, there is also a group of misguided  citizens who sincerely believe that the policy of the country's  ruling "Civil Contract" party is on the wrong track. It is possible  and necessary to work with this group of misguided citizens... Читать дальше...

Tree Planting Results with My Forest Armenia: The Power of One Dram


ArmInfo.During March and April 2022, the whole amount gathered by "The Power of One Dram", AMD 10.757.867 was directed to the afforestation program of the "My Forest Armenia" NGO, 16.000 trees were planted, and the first of these trees were directly planted by the companies’ employees. Exactly two years later, representatives of IDBank and Idram visited Jrashen again to see the newly planted forest and to discuss the future activities. Let us remind you that the beneficiary of "The Power of One... Читать дальше...

ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает об отключениях


АрмИнфо.ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает, что в связи с проведением плановых ремонтных работы, 22 мая текущего года будет прекращено электроснабжение следующих адресов:

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Снять погоны с некомпетентного генерала, доложившего Пашиняну о ситуации с <Искандером>, предложил Самвел Бабаян


АрмИнфо.Бывший командующий Вооруженными силами Арцаха Самвел Бабаян предложил снять погоны с генерала, который в силу своей некомпетентности неправильно доложил премьеру о ситуации с <Искандером>, а последний, будучи не осведомленным в военной службе, сам неправильно выразился.

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День отставки нынешних руководителей Армении недалек - архиепископ


АрмИнфо.Реагировать на заявления представителей властей Армении просто бессмысленно. Об этом 21 мая журналистам заявил лидер оппозиционного движения <Тавуш во имя родины>, архиепископ Баграт Галстанян.

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There will be no war. There will be negotiations. If Meghri road is  so important for world, let`s build this road and give: Samvel  Babayan


ArmInfo.The process of delimiting the Armenian-Azerbaijani border leads to a dead end if the importance  of the Meghri road for Baku is not considered, said former commander of the Armed Forces of Artsakh Samvel Babayan. "The moment will come when Baku will say that it will not leave the  heights of Jermuk, will not leave these territories and will not do  this or that thing. because they want it that way . Everything leads  to conflict," he said on air at <A1+>. According to the former head of Artsakh Armed Forces... Читать дальше...

Вардан Осканян: Подписание мирного соглашения с Азербайджаном в таких условиях превратит Армению в авторитарное полицейское государство


АрмИнфо.В Тавуше происходит одновременно 2 тревожных события  - грубейшее нарушение территориальной целостности Армении и полный демократический коллапс. Об этом написал на своей странице в Фейсбук экс- министр иностранных дел Армении Вардан Осканян.

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Pashinyan receives US CIA Deputy Director


ArmInfo.Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan received the delegation led by the Deputy Director of  the US Central Intelligence Agency, David Cohen.  As the press service of the RA premier reports, Armenia-US bilateral, as well as international agenda issues were discussed. Notably, CIA Director William Burns visited Yerevan in July 2022.

Moscow is currently unable to open second front with Ankara and is  ready to leave Caucasus - Samvel Babayan


ArmInfo.Russian border guards remained at the borders of Iran and Turkiye at the request of the  Armenian side. Former commander of the Armed Forces of Artsakh Samvel Babayan made a similar statement on the air of "A1+". "Since 2012-13, they (Russia) have written 2-3 times that Russian  border guards do not want to guard (the border), if Armenians want  to, let them take and guard it (the Armenian-Turkish and  Armenian-Iranian border). I have stated this several times. We are  not able to do so... Читать дальше...

Pro-government MP: Robert Kocharyan is behind "Tavush for Motherland"  movement 


ArmInfo. Even if all opposition MPs resign, there will be no early parliamentary elections. Vahagn  Aleksanyan, a member of the National Assembly from the ruling Civil Contract faction, told reporters on May 21. According to him, the issue of holding early elections, which the  opposition insists on, is not even being discussed. Aleksanyan called  for waiting for the start of the impeachment process of the Prime  Minister in the country's parliament, as was said by  leader of the  Tavush for the Motherland movement... Читать дальше...

Former minister: I was informed about order of a high-ranking  serviceman to retreat from position near village of Kirants


ArmInfo. Nations that lose a battle are revived, while those that give in disappear. Former Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, the leader of the All-Armenian Front movement, Major General Arshak Karapetyan stated in his video message, commenting on the situation around the village of Kirants, Tavush region of Armenia. He noted that he was informed about the order of a high-ranking  serviceman to retreat from a position near the village.  "I would like to address our officer corps and... Читать дальше...

Prime Minister`s Chief of Staff: Yerevan is interested in developing  and expanding cooperation with Paris


ArmInfo.Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister of Armenia Arayik Harutyunyan received Ambassador of France  to Armenia Olivier Decottignies. According to the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers, the  interlocutors discussed a wide range of issues related to  Armenia-France multi-sectoral cooperation, including joint projects  in the fields of economy, infrastructure, defense and humanitarian  sphere. The parties emphasized the organization of bilateral high-level  mutual visits. Arayik Harutyunyan... Читать дальше...

Ongoing border delimitation laying basis for final establishment of  border - Alen Simonyan 


ArmInfo.The video about Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, distributed by  opposition deputies of the Armenian parliament, is an outright manipulation, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Alen Simonyan told reporters on May 21. He noted that the video made an attempt to take this or that  statement of the prime minister out of context.  "They presented  statements made by the head of government 5-6 years ago and compared  them with today's realities. Читать дальше...

Спикер НС РА: заявления Алиева о процессе делимитации границ с Арменией направлены на внутреннюю аудиторию


АрмИнфо.Заявления президента Азербайджана о процессе делимитации и демаркации границ с Арменией направлены на внутреннюю аудиторию. Об этом 21 мая журналистам заявил председатель Национального Собрания РА Ален Симонян.

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Спикер НС РА: нынешнее движение оппозиции является прямым продолжением аналогичных процессов, которые происходили в недалеком прошлом


АрмИнфо.Нынешнее движение "Во имя родины" является прямым продолжением аналогичных процессов, которые происходили в недалеком прошлом. Об этом 21 мая журналистам заявил председатель Национального Собрания РА Ален Симонян.

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Музыкальные новости
Авраам Руссо

Адвокат Алешкин: с похитителей Авраама Руссо потребуют 5 млн рублей

Персональные новости
Роберт Паттинсон

Мэтт Ривз закончил сценарий фильма «Бэтмен 2» с Робертом Паттинсоном

Armenia`s authorities restricting citizens` right to legal aid -  lawyers 


ArmInfo. The initiative of the Armenian authorities to review the turnover tax system and increase the tax burden of lawyers primarily affects ordinary citizens. This was stated on May 21 at a press conference by the Chairman of the Chamber of Lawyers of Armenia Simon Babayan, regarding the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Finance to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia. According to Simon Babayan, the legal community was not informed in  advance about the planned changes and got acquainted... Читать дальше...

Artsakh Human Rights Defender responds to police chief`s verbal  attack against journalist 


ArmInfo.Artsakh Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan responded to the attacks by the head of the  Tavush regional police department, Colonel Arthur Mkrtchyan, against the Artsakh journalist. Mkrtchyan, during protests in the village of Kirants, the territory  of which the authorities are unilaterally handing over to Azerbaijan  in violation of RA legislation, in response to the remark of an  Artsakh journalist that the same thing would happen to the residents  of this community as what happened to 120 thousand Armenians of  Artsakh... Читать дальше...

В Армении чиновники, имеющие бизнес, должны будут сдавать их в управление только профильным компаниям


АрмИнфо.В Армении чиновники, имеющие акции в частных компаниях, должны будут сдавать их в доверительное управление только профильным консалтинговым компаниям. Национальное Собрание РА на пленарном заседании 21 мая во втором и окончательном чтении обсуждает поправки в закон "Об общественной службе" и в пакет смежных законов.

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Казахстан и США продолжают конструктивный диалог по правам человека и демократическим реформам


АрмИнфоВ Астане состоялось третье заседание ежегодного Диалога высокого уровня по правам человека и демократическим реформам между РК и США под сопредседательством Помощника Президента РК по международным вопросам Ержана Казыхана и Заместителя государственного секретаря США по вопросам гражданской безопасности, демократии и прав человека Узры Зея.

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Members of Yerevan Council of Elders not to combine jobs  


ArmInfo. The ban on combining positions in the councils of elders of Armenian communities with  positions in the public service system will also be extended to members of the council of elders of Yerevan. At the plenary session on May 21, the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia introduced amendments to the law "On Public Service" and a package of related laws. As Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Karen  Karapetyan noted in his speech, currently this ban applies to members... Читать дальше...

New historical era in Armenian-Georgian relations - George  Sharvashidze


ArmInfo.Our two Committees on the parliamentary platform serve as a very good example with their  work: The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Sisak Gabrielyan said, welcoming the delegation led by the Chair of the Culture Committee of Parliament of Georgia Eliso Bolkvadze. The meeting took place on May 20, in which the Deputy Chair of the  Committee Taguhi Ghazaryan, the Committee members Hasmik Hakobyan,  Hakob Aslanyan and Narek Babayan... Читать дальше...

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Владимир Ефимов рассказал, каким будет комплекс «Олимпийский» после реконструкции


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