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Новости за 15.05.2024

This is dishonor to all of us -  archbishop about his compatriots  held in Azerbaijan


ArmInfo.On May 15, the leader of the "Tavush for the Motherland" movement, Archbishop Bagrat  Galstanyan, in a conversation with journalists, touched upon the illegal detention of the military-political leadership of Artsakh in a Baku prison. "This is a dishonor to all of us. What does it mean that Armenians  are in Baku prisons today? We're all there. Those who are there are  all of us, this is our collective presence in the Baku prison, this  is dishonor, this is a shame on all of us," Srbazan emphasized. Читать дальше...

Prime Minister of Armenia: Armenia-Azerbaijan borders delimitation  and demarcation process  should become one of the tools for Armenia  and Azerbaijan to learn to live peacefully


ArmInfo. Armenia and Azerbaijan need tools to learn to live peacefully.  On May 15, speaking at the  Annual Meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said. According to him, it is impossible to live peacefully without  studying, because some countries in the region, for example, Armenia  and Azerbaijan, do not have the experience and knowledge of peaceful  coexistence. "We have been in conflict since the first days of  independence... Читать дальше...

Police chief: it was necessary to ensure safety of 2 thousand guests  who arrived at EBRD event


ArmInfo.The concentration of police forces near the opera house is due to the need to ensure the  safety of about 2 thousand guests who arrived at the event of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Chief of the RA Police, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RA Aram Hovhannisyan told reporters on May 15. "Let the protesters carry out their action, who is stopping them? The  police stand calmly, do not touch anyone, despite the insults  addressed to them. Pay attention to this," the police chief said... Читать дальше...

Bagrat Srbazan announces number of meetings


ArmInfo.Very soon we will sit at the same table with all the political forces of Armenia, regardless of their position and ideology. This was stated by Primate of the Tavush diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the leader of  the "Tavush for the Motherland" movement Bagrat Srbazan during a protest on May 15. In a few days, according to him, there will be a meeting with  Armenian medical workers. In this regard, he expressed support for  Samvel Danielyan, Director of the Center of Haematology named after  prof. Читать дальше...

Галстанян: в Ереване происходит что-то необыкновенное: полиция вместо протестующих перекрывает улицы


АрмИнфо.В Ереване происходит что-то необыкновенное: полиция вместо участников протестного движения сама перекрывает улицы. Об этом на митинге движения <Тавуш во имя мира> заявил лидер движения, предводитель Тавушской епархии Армянской Апостольской церкви, архиепископ Баграт Галстанян.

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Заявление ЕГУ: Университет - это аполитичное учебное заведение, которое продолжает выполнять свою миссию


АрмИнфо.Ереванский государственный опровергнул распространенное в телеграмм- каналах  и ряде оппозиционных СМИ  заявление с требованием отставки премьер-министра Никола Пашиняна, подписанное свыше 50 преподавателями ЕГУ.

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Экс-министр обороны: Режим, уничтоживший Арцах и доведший до бедствия Армению в ужасе от движения, возглавляемого Багратом Србазаном


АрмИнфо.Режим, уничтоживший Республику Арцах и доведший до бедствия Республику Армения в ужасе от движения, возглавляемого Багратом Србазаном Галстаняном, поскольку оно основано на истории, системе ценностей и вере. Движение национальное, а они антинациональные. Об этом заявил экс-министр обороны Армении Виген Саркисян.

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Совет САР принял резолюцию с выражением безоговорочной поддержки движению "Тавуш во имя Родины"


АрмИнфо. Участники расширенного заседания Совета Союза армян России (САР) единогласно приняли итоговую резолюцию, в которой выразили безоговорочную поддержку движению "Тавуш во имя Родины".

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Thousands of police officers were deployed near National Opera and  Ballet Theater


ArmInfo.Heavy police forces have been deployed near the National Opera and Ballet Theater, where  the international forum of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was held on May 15. Based on the concentration of law enforcement agencies, it can be concluded that almost all law enforcement forces, including those from the areas adjacent to Yerevan, are involved in maintaining public order in the area of  Freedom Square. Thousands of police representatives with special equipment, shields  and batons are already on Freedom Square... Читать дальше...

Poll: Over 50% of respondents do not see anyone as head of  transitional government in Armenia


ArmInfo. In Armenia, 30.6% of respondents considered Nikol Pashinyan's resignation from the post of  prime minister of the country the only way to remove him from power, according to the results of the "Leadership" survey of MPG consulting company. To clarify how they see the method to get Nikol Pashinyan to leave,  30.6% noted his resignation, 9.3% - a vote of no confidence by the  parliament members, 8.4% - the application of sanctions by the  Prosecutor General's Office, his arrest. 19.1% still think that  Pashinyan should not leave... Читать дальше...

Посол Казахстана: Приоритеты развития Евразийской интеграции, предложенные Арменией позволят активизировать взаимовыгодное сотрудничество в рамках ЕАЭС


АрмИнфо. За прошедшие десять лет Евразийский экономический союз (ЕАЭС) трансформировался в важное и перспективное интеграционное объединение на международном пространстве. Об этом на десятом юбилейном ежегодном заседании Евразийского экспертного клуба под названием "Армения в ЕАЭС: реалии и перспективы Евразийской экономической интеграции" заявил посол Казахстана в Армении Болат Иманбаев.

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Poll: More than half of respondents in Armenia positively assess  "Tavush for Motherland" movement


ArmInfo. More than half of the respondents in Armenia positively assess the "Tavush for the Motherland" movement, initiated by  Primate of the Tavush Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, according to the results of the "Leadership" survey of MPG consulting company. When asked to asses the movement, 35.1% of respondents considered it  entirely positive, another 17.8% - rather positive (overall 52.9%),  another 10% rather negative, 23.5% - negative (overall 33.5%)... Читать дальше...

Делегация Минобороны Армении приняла участие в оборонной выставке IDEB-2024 в Братиславе


АрмИнфо. Делегация Министерства обороны Армении во главе с замминистра обороны Кареном Брутяном 14-15 мая по приглашению Минобороны Словакии приняла участие в оборонной выставке IDEB-2024 в Братиславе.

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Осквернение памятников ВОВ недопустимо, где бы они не находились - Захарова об уничтожении памятников в оккупированном Арцахе


АрмИнфо. Осквернение памятников Великой Отечественной Войны недопустимо, где бы они не находились. Об этом 15 мая в ходе еженедельного брифинга заявила официальный представитель МИД России Мария Захарова на просьбу прокомментировать сообщения об уничтожении на днях Азербайджаном очередного памятника ВОВ в оккупированном Арцахе.

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Tavush for Motherland determined to hold protest in front of Opera  House 


ArmInfo. After our yesterday's announcement about holding a protest rally near the Opera House,  where a major event of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will take place, the current authorities are in a panic, reads a message of the movement "Tavush in the name of the  Motherland". This conclusion is due to the fact that today the Police issued a  statement stating that the movement of citizens and vehicles on the  streets adjacent to the Opera House building is restricted. Читать дальше...

Russia never offered Armenia complete withdrawal of frontier guards-  Maria Zakharova 


ArmInfo.Moscow sees a lot of speculation regarding the meeting of the leaders of Armenia and  Russia in Moscow on May 8. This was stated on May 15 during a weekly briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in response to clarification as to whether it could be assumed that Moscow offered Pashinyan to completely withdraw Russian troops from the Republic of Armenia. "The reports that the Russian side allegedly proposed to completely  withdraw its border... Читать дальше...

Samvel Minasyan appointed commander of territorial defense forces 


ArmInfo.By decree of Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan, Samvel Minasyan was appointed  commander of the territorial defense forces. This is reported on the website of the President of the Republic. By another presidential decree, Minasyan was relieved of his post as  commander of territorial defense and reserve forces.

Russian foreign ministry rep on warming of Armenian-Russian relations 


ArmInfo. Regarding temperature measurement, please go there (Armenia - ed.). This is how official  representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova commented on the prospects for warming Armenian-Russian political relations after the Putin-Pashinyan meeting in Moscow on May 8. "Russia has always been committed to and proceeded from the allied  level of relations with Armenia. This was historical. But, of course,  this is a two-way street. On our side there were no zigzags on this  street. Читать дальше...

Директор Центра гематологии им.Р. Еоляна освобожден от занимаемой должности


АрмИнфо.Директор Центра гематологии им.Р.  Еоляна Самвел Даниелян освобожден от занимаемой должности. Об этом на своей странице в Фейсбук написал врач Центра Геворг Тамамян, который следом представил заявление об уходе.

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Музыкальные новости

Стали известны подробности о разделе имущества Нюши после развода с Сивовым

Персональные новости

Eurasianet: Азербайджан публично и цинично уничтожает армянское культурное и историческое наследие в Нагорном Карабахе

Police to block roads during EBRD forum in Yerevan 


ArmInfo. Based on the received application from the Ministry of Finance in order to ensure public  order and security in connection with the event organized within the framework of the International Forum of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which will be held at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. A. Spendiaryan, The police will close the streets adjacent to the opera  building to traffic. In particular, from 15:00 to 20:00 the following will be closed... Читать дальше...

Azatazen organization issues statement on illegal detention of  co-founder, his comrades


ArmInfo.The Azatazen organization issued a statement in connection with the illegal detention of one of the co-founders of the organization, Ishkhan Gevorgyan, and four of his comrades. "On the night of May 14-15, the police of the Ministry of Internal  Affairs of the Republic of Armenia arrested for 72 hours the  co-founder, member of the board of the public organization "Azatazen"  Ishkhan Gevorgyan and 4 more associates: Hrachya Tovmasyan, Harry  Avagyan, Andranik Yeghyan and Hayk Mesropyan.... Читать дальше...

Slovakia supports Armenia-Azerbaijan normalization 


ArmInfo.On May 14, the delegation led by the RA NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan met with  the Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Slovakia Mari n Kery. The RA NA deputies Hasmik Hakobyan and Taguhi Ghazaryan are in the delegation. The member of the Committee for Education, Science, Youth and Sport  of the National Council of Slovakia Dusan Galis also attended the  meeting. At the meeting Hakob Arshakyan underscored that Slovakia is one of  the important partners of Armenia in Europe... Читать дальше...

Last year`s September events did not happen out of nowhere: Armenian  authorities recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan - Russian Deputy  FM


ArmInfo. Russian peacekeepers did the main thing that should not be forgotten: they brought peace  and stability to the conflict region, Russian Deputy FM Mikhail Galuzin said this in an interview with NEWS.ru regarding the role of the RMK in Artsakh. Galuzin recalled that the Russian peacekeeping contingent (RMC) was  introduced immediately after the ceasefire and hostilities on the  basis of a trilateral statement by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan  and Armenia dated November 9, 2020. "Thanks... Читать дальше...

Inclusive dialogue within "3+3" platform and countering of  extra-regional forces` geopolitical dictatorship key to the  prosperity of South Caucasus - Mikhail Galuzin


ArmInfo. We welcome the holding of negotiations between the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and  Armenia on a peace treaty on May 10 and 11 in Almaty. Another step has been taken towards achieving reliable and long-term peace and stability in the South Caucasus, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galuzin stated in an interview with NEWS.ru in response to a request to assess the prospects of Astana  becoming a new negotiating platform for the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement. Читать дальше...

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