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Helping Repairmen to Respond More Quickly to Callouts

Smart City Lab, a unit of Moscow’s Department of Information Technology that performs analysis and selection of the best technologies for Moscow and piloting these technologies to identify if they will be successful at the city level, has launched a mobile app for repairmen employed by housing and utilities maintenance organizations in pilot mode in a district of Moscow.

It will improve the processing speed and quality of callout requests from residents in need of an electrician or a plumber.   Known as the “Mobile Automated Provider Workplace” (MAPW), the app is synchronized with the Moscow State Services app and the city’s unified dispatch centre for housing and utility services.  “Thanks to the mobile app, repairmen will respond more promptly to callouts from residents. Where required, citizens will be able to pay for the services by card using a terminal that will be carried by the employee of the management organisation. Residents will immediately receive a report on the work performed in the Moscow State Services app, where they will be able to leave a comment. All this will cut waiting times for repairmen and make things more convenient for Muscovites, dispatchers and repairmen alike,” said the press office of Moscow’s Department of Information Technology.  Тhanks to the new service, the dispatcher will not have to wait for a repairmen before passing on a new order and finding out the status of the previous callout. Information on work progress is received online from the repairman by the dispatch centre and is then available to the resident via the Moscow State Services app.  Feedback on the work performed and comments from citizens are stored in the apps. The comments will then be reviewed by the quality control department to improve the standard of service.  There are plans to extend the app to another district in the east of Moscow in early December.   How the new service works   Citizens can request a callout by using the Moscow State Services app to phone the unified dispatch centre on +7 (495) 539-53-53 or by contacting GBU Zhilischnik - the organisation responsible for providing housing and utility services. The dispatchers process the callout requests and pass them on via the MAPW app to any free repairman, who then fulfills the request. 

If the service is chargeable, it must be paid for in advance using the terminal carried by the management organisation employee. A receipt is then sent by email or SMS.   If the customer is satisfied with job done, he or she signs a certificate of work completion. The repairman then creates a report in the mobile app, which is attached to the callout request.   In the future, citizens will be able to see the cost of services, payment status and a list of jobs performed in the mobile app, and also pay for the callout via the app. The repairman calculates the cost of the job using an electronic price list. Free services are also processed using the MAPW system.  

For reference:

The Department of Information Technologies of Moscow (DIT) has been rapidly developing and actively growing for the past 5 years. During these years we have created over a thousand systems and services and we are pursuing the target of launching around 300 new projects annually. Today, we are proud of having digitalized over 166 state services, this is obviously more than any other region of Russia. Moreover, within the last years we have created an outstanding number of 178 portals, including the official Mayor and Government of Moscow web-site "mos.ru". Our systems cover over 60 industries and penetrate into each aspect of

Moscow citizens' everyday lives, our products and services include:

•          Electronic queue for Civil registry office;

•          Arrangement of remote medical appointments;

•          Personal electronic medical records;

•          Children assignment to kindergardens/schools/extracurricular activities;

•          Providing schools with cutting edge technological equipment;

•          Obtaining references, enquiries and services remotely;

•          Numerous projects in housing and public amenities, starting from telemetrics and

•          Energetics to the possibility of submitting water usage information.

Current structure of the Department distinguishes up to 30 unique products and programs, including medical and education systems informatization, creation of crowdsourcing platforms, development of various resources and portals for Moscow and its citizens. We are aimed at continuing the process of effective informatization of the city with an emphasis on innovation development and advanced technologies application.


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