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Новости за 19.04.2016

Boston Marathon winner gives trophy to 1966 pioneer woman


BOSTON - Atsede Baysa learned a little about the Boston Marathon's history a few days before she ran in it, hearing how Bobbi Gibb was turned down for a spot in the 1966 event but ran anyway to show that women could handle the 26.2 miles.

Missing firefighter described as well-liked high-achiever


RICHMOND, Virginia - A paramedic-firefighter who disappeared last week always put others first, and authorities are asking the public to return the favor by calling police if they have any information that might help search crews scouring the rugged terrain of the Shenandoah National Park.

Families settle lawsuits in fatal crash involving executive


CONCORD, New Hampshire - The families of a Vermont couple killed when a former Fortune 500 executive crashed his pickup truck into their SUV on a New Hampshire highway have settled lawsuits related to the crash.

Judge allows release of Arizona freeway shooting suspect


PHOENIX - A judge on Tuesday allowed a man charged in freeway shootings that rattled Phoenix last year to be released from jail amid questions about evidence authorities say links him to the crimes.

Judge dismisses class-action lawsuit in Flint water crisis


FLINT, Michigan - A class-action lawsuit over Flint's contaminated water was dismissed Tuesday, with the judge saying constitutional claims by residents are barred by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

Bills safety Williams bracing for 1st hit after neck surgery


ORCHARD PARK, New York - Bills safety Aaron Williams tempers the enthusiasm he has of participating in offseason workouts with a hint of trepidation when outlining the next hurdle in his recovery from neck surgery.

FBI: Using third parties to break encryption not only answer


WASHINGTON - The FBI is facing an increasing struggle to access readable information and evidence from digital devices because of default encryption, a senior FBI official told members of Congress at a hearing on digital encryption Tuesday.

Former Cubs pitcher Milt Pappas dies at age 76


CHICAGO - Milt Pappas, who won 209 games during his 17-year career with the Baltimore Orioles, Cincinnati Reds, Atlanta Braves and Chicago Cubs, has died. He was 76.

No charges for prison guard who killed biker in Denver brawl


DENVER - A Colorado corrections officer who killed a man during a shootout between two biker clubs at a Denver motorcycle show won't face criminal charges because his self-defense claim makes it unlikely a jury would convict him, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Музыкальные новости

Джиган запретит дочери Ариеле встречаться с определенной категорией парней

Персональные новости

Режиссер мультфильма «Бременские музыканты» Ковалевская чуть не умерла в Москве

Priest who stole $300k to remain in jail after 1st parole


CONCORD, New Hampshire - A Roman Catholic priest who served as the face of the church in New Hampshire during the sex abuse scandal was granted parole Tuesday on two of his convictions for stealing $300,000 from a hospital, a bishop and a dead priest's estate. But he'll still serve at least two more years in jail to complete his full sentence.

Fidel Castro gives rare speech saying he will soon die


HAVANA - Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro delivered a valedictory speech Tuesday to the Communist Party that he put in power a half-century ago, telling party members he will soon die and exhorting them to help his ideas survive.

Judge says prosecutors can't show exploded pipeline at trial


SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge says prosecutors at an upcoming criminal trial for Pacific Gas & Electric Co. cannot show jurors a segment of a pipeline that exploded in a San Francisco Bay Area neighborhood or discuss how many people were killed or homes destroyed.

Left, right join forces against nationalists in German state


BERLIN - Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right party is joining forces with the environmentalist Greens and the center-left Social Democrats to freeze out a nationalist party in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt.

The Latest: Judge approves Ferguson, Justice settlement


ST. LOUIS - The Latest on a U.S. Department of Justice settlement calling for changes in Ferguson, the St. Louis suburb where 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police (all times Central Daylight Time):

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Певица Анна Семенович призналась, что ей пришлось прервать отдых из-за болезни


Домодедовские спортсменки завоевали золото и серебро Чемпионата Европы по бокс

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