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Rugby League Supporters Association Online

Новости за 07.04.2018

Re: It's No Joke - RLFANS.COM General Knowledge Quiz

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

deanos rhinos wrote:

Great idea, and some difficult questions, but how the hell does anybody get 100%.

Well done..

There is enough time for a quick GOOGLE, not me though. Think I have only 6 right out of 30 questions !!!

Statistics: Posted by Budgiezilla — Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:35 pm

Hull KR • Re: Joint 8th

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

craig hkr wrote:

Certainly looks healthier after today's results.Wakey and Hull are not solid and could be dragged into the bunfight? Few teams struggling with injuries.We seem to get a few back and lose a few more each game.We aren't doing that bad really?

Another concussion for Hefs a worry, hopefully VaiVai gets up to speed quick

Statistics: Posted by REDEOD — Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:20 pm

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Catalan away

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

MR FRISK wrote:

One of the top 5 comebacks O loughlin is a machine

The day will sadly come when Lockers is no longer the best player in SL, but that day is not today! Yet another great performance from a Wigan legend... Amazing stuff.

Statistics: Posted by Deano G — Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:06 pm

Hull KR • Joint 8th

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

After tonight’s comfortable victory we are now joint 8th. A much rosier picture and a realistic chance to pick up two more points next week. McGuire’s ability to steer a team round a park is significantly better than anything Wire have to offer so I expect us to approach this one with confidence.

Statistics: Posted by Zook Ema's Hose — Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:10 pm — Replies 2 — Views 91

The Virtual Terrace • This Catalans team.

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 


Decisive win by the Catalans Dragons.

Catalans are now only two points outside the top 8.

Keep your chin up Jean, they still are!

Statistics: Posted by The Devil's Advocate — Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:02 pm — Replies 246 — Views 14835

The Virtual Terrace • Re: This Catalans team.

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 


Decisive win by the Catalans Dragons.

Catalans are now only two points outside the top 8.

Keep your chin up Jean, they still are!

Statistics: Posted by The Devil's Advocate — Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:02 pm

It's No Joke - RLFANS.COM General Knowledge Quiz

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 


The text of the question was;

What US land mark event occurred on the 18th December 1865?

Statistics: Posted by SouthStander.com — Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:44 pm — Replies 4 — Views 1926

Hull KR • Widnes H

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

REDEOD wrote:

I can’t make it today but surely this is a wind up

Unfortunately I'm at work, so am only getting bits and pieces.

But no, Lee is starting at SH, Atkin is on the bench. Dagger also starting.

Statistics: Posted by luke ShipleyRed — Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:05 pm — Replies 9 — Views 712

Hull KR • Re: Widnes H

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

REDEOD wrote:

I can’t make it today but surely this is a wind up

Unfortunately I'm at work, so am only getting bits and pieces.

But no, Lee is starting at SH, Atkin is on the bench. Dagger also starting.

Statistics: Posted by luke ShipleyRed — Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:05 pm

Wakefield Trinity • Re: new staduim

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

JINJER wrote:

I'm sure PB will give you all the details but as I understand it someone wants planning permission to build houses on Thornes park, quite how we're involved I can't imagine.

Well I've kinda worked out what the sketch is over recent years, we're having a lot of trouble staging events in Thornes Park, Wakefield Council are extremely disinterested in engaging support for anything that is of benefit to the community.
I suspect they don't actually want any... Читать дальше...

The Virtual Terrace • GAME ON : Catalan Dragons v Wigan Warriors - 17:15:00

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Channel Islander wrote:

I'm sure the ref penalised Tomkins for an extra ten metres and then took Catalans ten metres back to their own line again!

The original call was a knock on, you can’t take an extra 10m for dissent, it just becomes a penalty where there offense is.

Statistics: Posted by Wigg'n — Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:55 pm — Replies 4 — Views 87

Warrington Wolves • Re: Patton

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Alan Cargill wrote:

Is he out of contract? heard amongst 'agent talk' that Hudds are wanting him and are looking for a loan deal then permanent.
Any go in that?

His contract ends Nov 2018, so maybe a loan for the balance of the season ahead of signing him.

Statistics: Posted by Wires71 — Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:16 pm

Warrington Wolves • Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

After a shaky start to the season, winning just two from their first six games, a superb run of form with four consecutive victories has seen them elevated to third spot in a competitive top half of the table. In contrast it was been poor opening nine rounds for the Salford Red Devils who find themselves in ninth spot with three wins from nine games, but two wins in the last four outings.
Nial Evalds was out for Salford with Mark Flanagan... Читать дальше...

Salford Red Devils • Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

After a shaky start to the season, winning just two from their first six games, a superb run of form with four consecutive victories has seen them elevated to third spot in a competitive top half of the table. In contrast it was been poor opening nine rounds for the Salford Red Devils who find themselves in ninth spot with three wins from nine games, but two wins in the last four outings.
Nial Evalds was out for Salford with Mark Flanagan... Читать дальше...

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Main News • Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

After a shaky start to the season, winning just two from their first six games, a superb run of form with four consecutive victories has seen them elevated to third spot in a competitive top half of the table. In contrast it was been poor opening nine rounds for the Salford Red Devils who find themselves in ninth spot with three wins from nine games, but two wins in the last four outings.
Nial Evalds was out for Salford with Mark Flanagan... Читать дальше...

The Virtual Terrace • Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wolves Into Second Downing the Red Devils

After a shaky start to the season, winning just two from their first six games, a superb run of form with four consecutive victories has seen them elevated to third spot in a competitive top half of the table. In contrast it was been poor opening nine rounds for the Salford Red Devils who find themselves in ninth spot with three wins from nine games, but two wins in the last four outings.
Nial Evalds was out for Salford with Mark Flanagan... Читать дальше...

The Virtual Terrace • GAME ON : Salford Reds Devils v Warrington Wolves - 15:15:00

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington started pretty well giving the ball some air down the left hand side, then as you say the game went scrappy. Not entirely sure what the point of starting with King at centre then bringing him off for Atkins was, bizarre to see that.

Statistics: Posted by TheUnassumingBadger — Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:00 pm — Replies 2 — Views 46

Bradford Bulls - RedAmberandBlack.net • Live streaming Workington

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

My decision not to go to Workington since the first season hasn't been based on them being greedy, it's been based on my first visit and discovering that it's a total sh*thole.

Statistics: Posted by HamsterChops — Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:24 pm — Replies 24 — Views 1170

Bradford Bulls - RedAmberandBlack.net • Re: Live streaming Workington

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

My decision not to go to Workington since the first season hasn't been based on them being greedy, it's been based on my first visit and discovering that it's a total sh*thole.

Statistics: Posted by HamsterChops — Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:24 pm

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