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Новости за 24.07.2015

NASA spacecraft shows Pluto wrapped in haze, ice flows


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - A stunning silhouette of Pluto taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft after it shot past the icy orb last week show an extensive layer of atmospheric haze, while close-up pictures of the ground reveal flows of nitrogen ice, scientists said on Friday.

NASA spacecraft shows Pluto wrapped in haze, ice flows


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - A stunning silhouette of Pluto taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft after it shot past the icy orb last week show an extensive layer of atmospheric haze, while close-up pictures of the ground reveal flows of nitrogen ice, scientists said on Friday.

Saudi plane delivers 12 tons of aid to embattled Aden


Saudi air strikes pounded neighboring Yemen this summer to defeat Houthi rebels but Saudi air force cargo planes are now delivering aid to help relieve acute food and medicine shortages. Mana Rabiee reports.

Saudi plane delivers 12 tons of aid to embattled Aden


Saudi air strikes pounded neighboring Yemen this summer to defeat Houthi rebels but Saudi air force cargo planes are now delivering aid to help relieve acute food and medicine shortages. Mana Rabiee reports.

Saudi plane delivers 12 tons of aid to embattled Aden


Saudi air strikes pounded neighboring Yemen this summer to defeat Houthi rebels but Saudi air force cargo planes are now delivering aid to help relieve acute food and medicine shortages. Mana Rabiee reports.

Blatter is a victim and a brave person - Russian chief


ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) - FIFA's embattled president Sepp Blatter is "a victim" and "a very brave person", the chief executive of the 2018 Russian World Cup organising committee said on Friday.

Recovery takes hold at Britain's Vodafone


LONDON (Reuters) - Vodafone said an acceleration in quarterly sales growth should continue through the year, showing its recovery is moving on to a stronger footing and boosting its shares on Friday.

TIMELINE-Key moments in Brazil's Petrobras corruption probe


July 24 (Reuters) - Prosecutors and federal police in Brazil unearthed the country's largest-ever corruption scandal by tying a ring of black-market money changers to a price-fixing and political kickback scheme at state-run oil firm Petrobras .

Nikkei and the FT - a meeting of minds or culture clash?


TOKYO/LONDON (Reuters) - For all the assurances by Nikkei executives on Friday that the Financial Times would retain editorial independence under their ownership, some staff at the business daily were fretting about everything from journalistic standards to holiday allowance.

Focus turns to The Economist after FT sale


LONDON (Reuters) - The Economist Group could become the latest British media business to undergo a change of ownership this year as its co-owner Pearson focusses on education, bankers and industry sources said.

Focus turns to The Economist after FT sale


LONDON (Reuters) - The Economist Group could become the latest British media business to undergo a change of ownership this year as its co-owner Pearson focusses on education, bankers and industry sources said.

AT&T, DirecTV complete merger to form biggest pay-TV company


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 U.S. wireless carrier AT&T Inc and the biggest satellite-TV provider DirecTV became the country's largest pay-TV company on Friday, completing their $48.5 billion merger after receiving final regulatory approval.

Focus turns to The Economist after FT sale


LONDON, July 24 (Reuters) - The Economist Group could become the latest British media business to undergo a change of ownership this year as its co-owner Pearson focuses on education, bankers and industry sources said.

Winklevoss twins file paperwork to operate Gemini bitcoin exchange


NEW YORK, July 24 (Reuters) - Investors Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss earlier this week filed paperwork to operate a bitcoin exchange called Gemini for both individual and institutional investors in New York state, a spokeswoman said on Friday.

Apple removes Nest Labs thermostats from U.S. stores


(Reuters) - Apple Inc said it had removed Nest Labs' Internet-connected thermostats from its U.S. online and retail stores, a year after the home automation maker was bought by Google Inc for $3.3 billion.

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Canada's top court finally ends decades-old contamination case


MONTREAL (Reuters) - An industrial contamination lawsuit brought a quarter century ago has been dismissed by the Supreme Court of Canada, bringing an end to a case dating as far back as 1924 that involved black tar so sticky that horses caught in its grip had to be shot.

UPDATE 5-Clinton proposes tax, buyback changes to encourage long-term growth


NEW YORK, July 24 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed U.S. corporate tax reforms on Friday including a sliding scale for capital gains taxes, greater transparency for stock buybacks and changes in executive compensation to encourage long-term economic growth.

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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