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Новости за 03.07.2015

Suspected Boko Haram insurgents step up attacks in Nigeria


MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram insurgents attacked the outskirts of a state capital in northeastern Nigeria on Friday, escalating their attacks after a week of bloodletting in which more than 150 people were killed, military sources said.

Rockets land in Israel, Egypt's IS affiliate claims responsibility


JERUSALEM/CAIRO (Reuters) - Militants in Egypt's Sinai peninsula fired rockets into southern Israel on Friday in an incident that caused no casualties but appeared to be linked to fighting between Islamist insurgents and Egyptian security forces.

Rockets land in Israel, Egypt's IS affiliate claims responsibility


JERUSALEM/CAIRO (Reuters) - Militants in Egypt's Sinai peninsula fired rockets into southern Israel on Friday in an incident that caused no casualties but appeared to be linked to fighting between Islamist insurgents and Egyptian security forces.

Greek banks preparing possible "bail-in" of depositors - FT


ATHENS, July 3 (Reuters) - Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible "haircut" on deposits amid fears of financial collapse, the Financial Times reported on Friday, ahead of a referendum that may decide the country's future in the euro zone.

Solar-powered plane lands in Hawaii, pilot sets nonstop record


(Reuters) - A Swiss man attempting to circumnavigate the globe with an aircraft powered only by the sun's energy landed in Hawaii on Friday, after a record-breaking five-day nonstop solo flight across the Pacific Ocean from Japan.

Solar-powered plane lands in Hawaii, pilot sets nonstop record


(Reuters) - A Swiss man attempting to circumnavigate the globe with an aircraft powered only by the sun's energy landed in Hawaii on Friday, after a record-breaking five-day nonstop solo flight across the Pacific Ocean from Japan.

Union slams FIFA and demands player involvement in reforms


VANCOUVER (Reuters) - The general secretary of the world players' union FIFPro has blasted FIFA, saying the sport is ruled by "people who aren't interested in the game" and that footballers must be involved in a reformed organisation. Announcing a series of initiatives around union representation for women, Theo van Seggelen said on Friday that change at soccer's ruling body FIFA, which has been rocked by a series of corruption scandals, had to include the players.

Serena survives, Djokovic, Sharapova ease through


LONDON (Reuters) - The needle on the Wimbledon Richter scale sat poised and ready but Serena Williams dug deep into her battle-hardened playbook to ensure there was no earth-shuddering shock at the hands of scurrying Briton Heather Watson on Friday.

Civilian killed at Cairo protest on anniversary of Mursi ousting


CAIRO (Reuters) - A civilian was killed on Friday during a protest rally in Cairo in support of Egypt's former president Mohamed Mursi, security sources said, on the second anniversary of the army's overthrow of the Islamist leader.

Civilian killed at Cairo protest on anniversary of Mursi ousting


CAIRO (Reuters) - A civilian was killed on Friday during a protest rally in Cairo in support of Egypt's former president Mohamed Mursi, security sources said, on the second anniversary of the army's overthrow of the Islamist leader.

People, animals seek heat relief across Europe


Parts of Europe are under scorching hot temperatures, just as an international team of scientists releases data saying climate change is likely to blame. Mana Rabiee reports.

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People, animals seek heat relief across Europe


Parts of Europe are under scorching hot temperatures, just as an international team of scientists releases data saying climate change is likely to blame. Mana Rabiee reports.

People, animals seek heat relief across Europe


Parts of Europe are under scorching hot temperatures, just as an international team of scientists releases data saying climate change is likely to blame. Mana Rabiee reports.

People, animals seek heat relief across Europe


Parts of Europe are under scorching hot temperatures, just as an international team of scientists releases data saying climate change is likely to blame. Mana Rabiee reports.

People and animals seek heat relief across Europe


Parts of Europe are under scorching hot temperatures, just as an international team of scientists releases data saying climate change is likely to blame. Mana Rabiee reports.

People and animals seek heat relief across Europe


Parts of Europe are under scorching hot temperatures, just as an international team of scientists releases data saying climate change is likely to blame. Mana Rabiee reports.

Shunning celebrity, judge in Petrobras probe downplays his power


SAO PAULO, July 3 (Reuters) - The judge presiding over Brazil's largest-ever corruption investigation defended his impartiality on Friday, in a case centered on state-run oil firm Petrobras that has swept up some of the country's most powerful executives.

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