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Новости за 27.06.2015

Hundreds injured in Taiwan fire


Fire breaks out at Taiwan water park, injuring more than 200, many seriously burned. Sean Carberry reports.

Hundreds injured in Taiwan fire


Fire breaks out at Taiwan water park, injuring more than 200, many seriously burned. Sean Carberry reports.

Hundreds injured in Taiwan fire


Fire breaks out at Taiwan water park, injuring more than 200, many seriously burned. Sean Carberry reports.

Hundreds injured in Taiwan fire


Fire breaks out at Taiwan water park, injuring more than 200, many seriously burned. Sean Carberry reports.

Kuwait's Shi'ites mourn blast victims and lament sectarianism


KUWAIT (Reuters) - As a body passed, shrouded in Kuwait's flag, dozens of hands were raised from the crowd to support the bier and help carry it towards the Shi'ite Muslim cemetery where most victims of Friday's Islamic State mosque attack were buried on Saturday.

Kuwait's Shi'ites mourn blast victims and lament sectarianism


KUWAIT (Reuters) - As a body passed, shrouded in Kuwait's flag, dozens of hands were raised from the crowd to support the bier and help carry it towards the Shi'ite Muslim cemetery where most victims of Friday's Islamic State mosque attack were buried on Saturday.

Disputes linger as Iran, powers push for nuclear deal - France


VIENNA (Reuters) - An accord to curb Iran's nuclear programme remains elusive due to disagreements on fundamental issues, France's foreign minister said on Saturday in Vienna, just days before the June 30 deadline for a deal.

Disputes linger as Iran, powers push for nuclear deal - France


VIENNA (Reuters) - An accord to curb Iran's nuclear programme remains elusive due to disagreements on fundamental issues, France's foreign minister said on Saturday in Vienna, just days before the June 30 deadline for a deal.

Kuwaitis bury dead from mosque bombing


Security officials make arrests as mourners bury victims of a mosque bombing that killed 27 in Kuwait. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Kuwaitis bury dead from mosque bombing


Security officials make arrests as mourners bury victims of a mosque bombing that killed 27 in Kuwait. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Kuwaitis bury dead from mosque bombing


Security officials make arrests as mourners bury victims of a mosque bombing that killed 27 in Kuwait. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Kuwaitis bury dead from mosque bombing


Security officials make arrests as mourners bury victims of a mosque bombing that killed 27 in Kuwait. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Suicide bombers kill at least three in northeast Nigeria


MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Two suicide bombers killed at least three people and injured 16 in the capital of the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno on Saturday, the latest in a string of deadly attacks by suspected Islamist militants.

Suicide bombers kill at least three in northeast Nigeria


MAIDUGURI, Nigeria, June 27 (Reuters) - Two suicide bombers killed at least three people and injured 16 in the capital of the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno on Saturday, the latest in a string of deadly attacks by suspected Islamist militants.

Obama's newfound 'fearlessness'


Barack Obama has reached the stage of his presidency where if he wants to break out in song publicly, as he did with “Amazing Grace” in a eulogy on Friday, then he’s going to do it.

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Александр Шохин

Было бы сесть предложено // Александр Шохин с почестями принял на своем съезде Владимира Путина

Storm triggers widespread power outages in Indiana


Thousands of residents in the Fort Wayne area are without power following severe storms overnight that toppled trees onto cars, houses and power lines. Vanessa Johnston reports.

Storm triggers widespread power outages in Indiana


Thousands of residents in the Fort Wayne area are without power following severe storms overnight that toppled trees onto cars, houses and power lines. Vanessa Johnston reports.

EU searches for Plan B with Greece


The Greek Prime Minister risks default by calling for a referendum on debt deal, EU ministers debate "Plan B." Sean Carberry reports.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000


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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

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